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2023-10-10 18:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

姓名:王国庆  最高学位:博士 出生年月:1979年9月  

导师资质:博导 职称: 教授  邮箱:[email protected]





2008.9~2011.3 在南开大学组合数学中心做博士后科研工作;







抽象代数(研究生)、数论(研)、组合设计(研)、图论(研)、组合数学、 信息论与编码、密码论、点集拓扑、凸分析等



1.  国家自然科学面上项目,半群上的零和问题,2020/01-2023/12,主持;

1. 国家自然科学青年基金项目,有限阿贝尔群上的零和问题研究,2014/01-2016/12,主持。



1. Erdos-Burgess constant of commutative semigroups, Communications in Algebra,2022;

2. Disproof of a conjecture by Erdos and Guy on the crossing number of hypercubes,Journal of Graph Theory,  2022(with Y. Yang, H. Wang,  Y. Zhou );

3. Erdos-Burgess constant in commutative rings, Archiv der Mathematik,2021;

4. Structure of long idempotent sum free sequences in  finite cyclic semigroups, International Journal of number theory,  2020;

5. Lower bound for the Erdos-Burgess constant in finite commutative rings,AIMS Mathematics, 2020;

6. A generalization of Kruyswijk Olson theorem on Davenport constant in  commutative semigroups, AIMS Mathematics, 2020;

7. Structure of the largest idempotent-product free sequences in semigroups, Journal of Number Theory,2019;

8. A unifying look at zero sum invariants, International Journal of number theory,  2018 (with W. Gao, Y. Li,  J. Peng);

9. Additively irreducible sequences in commutative semigroups, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A,2017;

10.  Davenport constant for semigroups II,Journal of Number Theory,2015;

11.  Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv theorem for finite commutative semigroups,Semigroup Forum,2014 (with S. Adihikari and W. Gao);

12. The Erdos-Ginzburg-Ziv invariant and zero-sum Ramsey number for intersecting families, International Journal of number theory, 2014, (with H. Zhang );

13. An upper bound for the crossing-number of augmented cubes,International Journal of Computer Mathematics, 2013 (with H. Wang, Y. Yang, X. Yang, W. Zheng);

14. On short zero-sum subsequences of zero-sum sequences, The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,2012 (With Y. Fan,W. Gao, Q. Zhong, J. Zhuang)

15.  Behaving sequences, Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A, 2011(with W. Gao and J. Peng);

16. On the index of sequenes over cyclic groups, Acta Arithmetica, 2011 (with W. Gao, Y. Li, C.Plyley and J. Peng);

17. On the number of subsequences with a given sum in a finite abelian groups,The Electronic Journal of Combinatorics,2011(With J. Chang and S. Chen,Y. Qu and H. Zhang);

18. On the Distance Paired Domination of Circulant Graphs, Bulletin of the Malaysian Mathematical Sciences Society,2011 (with H. Wang, X. Xu, Y. Yang and K. Lv)

19. Radio number of ladder graphs, International Journal of Computer Mathematics,2011 (with H. Wang, Y. Yang et. al);

20.  Distinct lengths modular zero-sum subsequences: a proof of Graham’s conjecture, Journal of Number Theory, 2010(With W. Gao and Y. Hamidoune );

21.  Davenport constant for semigroups, Semigroup Forum, 2008, with (W. Gao) ;

22. On restricted sumsets in abelian groups of odd order, Integers, 2008.



1. 天津市数学会首届青年学术奖一等奖,2015年;

2. 天津市自然科学奖二等奖(第2获奖人),2011年。


1. 《德国数学文摘》数学评论员;

2. 《美国数学评论》数学评论员。




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