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#第十届艾特奖办公空间设计获奖作品| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

办公空间设计 提名奖

获奖者:李怡明 时超非


p本项目为腾盛博药在北京的全球研发中心。李怡明先生以"上善若水"作为设计基调,发散空间"美"和"好"两个维度。设计借助"健康"视角,展开建筑语言向当代医疗水平提升的一条途径。灯光与自然光的碰撞,迸发出理性的明亮和感性的惬意; 纤维织物空气分布系统为主的空调系统调节空间于环境肌理之中,创造出健康的空气环境;茶水区采用直饮水机、抗菌铜制内芯的管线等确保水质 全员可升降的办公家具、健身房,无限延展的空间让办公室综合症迎刃而解; 开放式办公场所和私密空间为外在语言,服务患者为内在属性传达企业关怀,细腻精致的美和健康质朴的好二者相融让腾盛博药项目成为一个有品质有温度的设计。以办公为概念元素,健康为核心立意,实现探索办公反哺健康的另一种可能。/p pThis project is Brii BiosciencesGlobal R D Center in Beijing. Mr. Li Yiming uses Upper Goodness as Water as the design tone, diverging the two dimensions of beauty and good. With the help of the health perspective, the design unfolds a way for the architectural language to improve to the contemporary medical level. The collision of light and natural light emanates a rational bright and sensual pleasure the air conditioning system based on the fiber fabric air distribution system adjusts the space in the environmental texture to create a healthy air environment the tea area uses a direct drinking fountain and antibacterial copper Water quality is ensured by making inner core pipelines. The office furniture, gym, and extension space for all staff members allow office syndrome to be solved. Open offices and private spaces are external languages, serving patients to convey corporate care for internal attributes. The combination of delicate and exquisite beauty and healthy and simple makes Tengshengbo Medicine Project a design with quality and temperature. Taking office as a concept element and health as the core idea, to realize another possibility of exploring office to feed back health./p

办公空间设计 提名奖



p常规办公空间的性质通常被隔间式工位的环境所扭曲,一味追求成本面积而忽略了品牌展示价值本身。对于在缺乏人性化的办公场所试图寻求高效工作效益以及舒适氛围,在众舍设计看来本身就是矛盾的。为探索生态性的办公空间,团队一直试图寻找暗藏其中的设计逻辑,我们的设计希望解决甲方的实际问题,帮助他们体现品牌商业价值的同时提升空间使用率,避免追求浮夸的极端形式,为了设计而设计。/p p藉由这个项目,团队想要在一种更简约的秩序中,寻找多样的层次,使物质与感官彼此呼应产生共鸣。通过不同材料的组合,衔接、塑造整体空间,运用材料质感与构建工艺描述物质与意识之间的张力平衡。/p p在设计过程中通过划分功能台面两端最适宜的尺度来平衡办公区与休憩区所产生的过大的距离感和有效的亲和力。家具的尺度变化在宽度与高度上均依照符合亚洲人的人体工学尺度,让使用者在介入过程中因为细节的舒适度而感受到空间为品牌带来的认同感。/p p天花造型在装饰作用以外必须承载各类功能性建筑构件,将天花以体块的方式去整合所有设备,满足功能需求的同时提高空间整体通透度。通过实验,设计师自行优化吸音棉饰面材料,并加工成曲线型作为构件的表皮,内部支撑构件为工厂预制异形钢架,大大缩短的装配的周期,并且在形式上化的满足设计需求的"柔韧"空间。以横竖线条为主要构成的简约空间中略带一丝"俏皮"气质,这种简约是对&lsquo功能&rsquo的基本诉求。而"流动"色彩的加入则构成了POLY VOLY品牌想要传达的年轻、活力气质。/p p针对趋于年轻、个性员工的性别与年龄分析,对色调的控制也必须倾向于轻成熟的中灰度。基于办公空间需要的多形态及场景组合,独处与讨论,安静与喧闹,坚硬与柔软,设计师希望在矛盾中寻求统一。整体空间在材料使用上较为克制,每一种材料背后都希望指向一种独特的空间关系和与之对应的美学构筑。/p

办公空间设计 提名奖

获奖者:KTX archiLAB

获奖作品:The PolyCuboid : TIA bldg

The PolyCuboid is the new headquarter building for TIA, a company that provides insurance services. The first floor was shaped by the limits of the site and the ø700mm water pipe that is crossing the site underground limiting foundation space. The metallic structure dissolves into the diverse blocs of the composition. The pillars and beams vanish from the space syntax, projecting the impression of an object, while also eliminating that of a building. The volumetric design is inspired by TIA’s Logo turning the building itself into an icon representing the company.

办公空间设计 提名奖

获奖者:Kimmel Eshkolot Arch

获奖作品: Startup Nation Central

Start-up Nation Central (SNC) in downtown Tel Aviv is a center for a foundation dedicated to the Israeli tech scene, occupying a freestanding six-storey building that was converted to create coworking spaces, offices, meeting spaces and exhibition areas. The design of the work spaces oscillates between formal environments to a more laid-back and comfortable areas for ongoing work. As an architecture of the tech and computational world, the design language aspires for precision and practicality. Transparencies within the work spaces allow for views to the listed buildings from the early 20th century which surround the project. The middle section of the building (levels 2 and 3) is where the offices for the ongoing work of the foundation are located. The upper part of the building (levels 4 and 5) is the start-up nation home, which projects the work carried out inside the building to the world. This area is designated to host delegations and create a bridge between the Israeli tech scene and the global scene. The lower two levels, as well as the lower ground floor, cater to the local tech ecosystem, in which start-up companies can book meeting spaces and attend lectures. In the ground floor there is also a restaurant employing new promising chefs, which are intended to rotate regularly. On the fourth floor - the start-up nation home - we designed a glass ‘pixel’ wall which is in part screens for ongoing information and in part designated for presentations of occasional meetings. It is attached to a large rooftop terrace with a unique canopy that frames the view of the sea. This space also includes several digital and physical exhibition areas, which continue through a staircase to the fifth floor where the central meeting room of the building is located.




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