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2024-07-13 04:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

新疆的英文:Xinjiang (Uygur Autonomous Region)

参考例句:Authentic Xinjiang mutton keBabs (kaboBs) win universal praise and their fragrance spreads all around.正宗新疆羊肉串,脍炙人口,香溢四方。The Turpan Basin in Xinjiang is the world's lowest-lying basin.中国新疆的吐鲁番盆地是世界最低的盆地。Dispatching and training first-class professional and technical personnel for Xinjiang为新疆输送和培养优秀专业技术人才。The Kizit Thousand Buddha grottoes in Baicheng county are next only to the famous Mogao grottoes in scale.新疆拜城县克孜尔千佛洞是规模仅决于著名莫高窟的石窟。Around the first century B.C., Buddhism, born in India, was introduced into Xinjiang through kashmir公元前一世纪前后,产生于印度的佛教经克什米尔传入新疆。With fragrance and tender taste, the Xinjiang pear in season is suitable for both the o{d and the young.刚上市的新疆香梨,香嫩可口,老少皆宜。Employing her professional knowledge, she brought various kinds of folk dances scattered throughout Xinjiang onto stage.她运用学得的专业知识,率先将新疆地区,各民族的舞蹈,提高为舞台艺术Around the fifth century, taoism was introduced into Xinjiang from inland China by Han migrants公元五世纪左右,中国内地盛行的道教随着汉人的不断到来传入新疆。Around the sixth century, Manichaeism reached Xinjiang from persia through Central Asia公元六世纪前后,摩尼教由波斯经中亚传入新疆。Due to her lovely but dignified dance, Kangba Erhan was reputed as "Mei Lanfang of Xinjiang".康巴尔汗妩媚中见凝重的舞风更使观者为之倾倒,被誉为"新疆的梅兰芳"。uygur是什么意思:n. 维吾尔族Uygur taboo pig, do not eat pork.维吾尔民族忌讳养猪,不吃猪肉。The Kezir Grottoes of the ancient Qiuci Grottoes in Xinjiang Uygur autonomous Region are the biggest in scale and most intact in preservation.新疆古龟兹石窟群中规模最大、保存较好的克孜尔石窟Sign up now to sample specialities such as their famous roast lamb, the赶快注册参加我们的美食活动,一尝闻名的新疆美食之王、族最爱,特色烤羊肉串吧! autonomous是什么意思:adj. 自治的,有自主权的;自发的Theoretically the corporative bodies should be autonomous理论上这些法人团体应该是独立自主的。This is a matter that comes within the jurisdiction of the autonomous region. 这件事是属于自治区权限以内的事务。 They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.他们自豪地宣布成为新自治省的一部分。






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