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2024-07-10 08:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

爱国统一战线 patriotic united front

建立和完善广泛的统一战线,是建立、巩固和发展人民民主专政制度的重要保障。 为维护国家安全作出重要贡献。爱国统一战线的内容概括为十六字方针——“长期共存,互相监督,肝胆相照,荣辱与共”,它是中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度的基本方针,也是中国共产党和各民主党派以及无党派人士团结合作的指导方针。党的领导问题是统一战线中的核心问题。


壮大爱国统一战线,团结一切可以团结的力量。 Expand the patriotic united front and unite with all forces that can be united.


必须坚持中国特色社会主义政治发展道路,坚持和完善人民代表大会制度、中国共产党领导的多党合作和政治协商制度、民族区域自治制度、基层群众自治制度,巩固和发展最广泛的爱国统一战线,发展社会主义协商民主,健全民主制度,丰富民主形式,拓宽民主渠道,保证人民当家作主落实到国家政治生活和社会生活之中。 We must keep to the path of socialist political advancement with Chinese characteristics; uphold and improve the system of people’s congresses, the system of Party-led multiparty cooperation and political consultation, the system of regional ethnic autonomy, and the system of community-level self-governance; and consolidate and develop the broadest possible patriotic united front. We should develop socialist consultative democracy, improve our democratic institutions, diversify our forms of democracy, and establish more democratic channels. We must see to it that the principle of the people running the country is put into practice in China’s political and social activities. ——党的十九大报告(双语全文)


民主党派成员 members of democratic parties 无党派人士 personages without party affiliation 海外华侨 overseas Chinese 宗教人士 religious leaders 优秀知识分子和民营企业家 outstanding intellectuals and private entrepreneurs 中国国民党革命委员会 Revolutionary Committee Of The Chinese Kuomintang 中国民主同盟 China Democratic League 中国民主建国会 China National Democratic Construction Association 中国民主促进会 China Association for Promoting Democracy 中国农工民主党 Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party 中国致公党 China Zhi Gong Party / China Public Interest Party 九三学社 Jiu San Society 台湾民主自治同盟 Taiwan Democratic Self-Government League




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