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2024-02-27 07:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

第14页:心灵与智慧(News Flash)


心灵与智慧(News Flash)




  基诺:……这些惊天的丑闻……   Keno :...these shocking revelations...

  迈克·利博缔:……反蒙斯克的武装浪潮汹涌而至……   Michael Liberty :...of anti-Mengsk sentiment...

  唐尼·沃米里安:……元首在今天早些时候召开了发布会。   Donny Vermillion :... the Emperor held a news conference earlier today:

  记者:元首——面对这些利用外星虫子的指控,您作何回应——   Reporter :Emperor - how do you respond to these allegations of genocide! Of using aliens to-

  阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:我向你们保证,这些企图颠覆统治的言论绝对是恶意中伤!   Arcturus Mengsk :I assure you, these slanderous attacks against the throne are baseless and irresponsible!

  凯特·洛克维尔:长官,您仍然坚持对人民的无私奉献是治国之根本的原则吗?   Kate Lockwell :Sir, do you still stand by the sentiment that selfless devotion to the people is the basis of your rule?

  阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:哦,那当然!我肩负着维护全人类最高利益的职责!我从不追逐个人权力!   Arcturus Mengsk :Well, of course! I was called upon to serve the greater interest of humanity!Personal power was never my goal!

  凯特·洛克维尔:那您如何来表达您的决心?   Kate Lockwell :Then how would you characterize this statement?

  阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克(录音):……没人能阻止我。联邦不能,星灵不能,任何人都不能!我会统治这片星区,或是看它化为一片焦土……   Arcturus Mengsk : ...I will not bestopped. Not by you or the Confederate or the protoss or anyone! I will rule this sector or see it burnt to ashes around me...

  阿克图尔斯·蒙斯克:我……我受不了了!你们这群豺狼以为能来随便质疑我吗?!采访结束了!   Arcturus Mengsk : I... I won't STAND for this! You jackals think you can come in here and question ME?! This interviewis OVER!

  吉姆·雷诺:我就爱看他抓狂的样子,但帝国会照旧把这事敷衍过去。   Jim Raynor :You know I love seeing him squirm, but the Dominion's just going to spin this like they do everything else.

  马特·霍纳:这次不会了。蒙斯克多年来把媒体当作武器,但现在却反遭攻击。1次广播能让我们取得比100次战斗更大的胜利。   Matt Horner :Not this time. Mengsk used the media as a weapon for years, now we've turned it against him. One broadcast and it won us a bigger victory than a hundred battles.

  吉姆·雷诺:我想你是对的,这其实是这场革命的最初目的……虽然前路漫漫,但今天会是一个里程碑。   Jim Raynor :I guess you're right, well it's what we started this revolution for in the first place... We've got a long way to go, but maybe we started something here.

  马特·霍纳:就像你常说的,民心至上。   Matt Horner :Hearts and minds man, just like you always said.

  吉姆·雷诺:马特,也许有一天要由你来带领这群乌合之众。   Jim Raynor : You know Matt, some day you're going to wind up leading this bunch of misfits.

  马特·霍纳:哦,不……这就是我拥戴您的原因……长官。   Matt Horner : Oh, no... that's what I keep you around for... sir.




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已解决0 未解决0 文章内容导航 第1页:交易(The Deal)第2页:公敌(Public Enemies)第3页:往日时光(Old Times)第4页:逃离玛·萨拉(Escape from Mar Sara)第5页:刀锋女王(Queen of Blades)第6页:泽拉图的警告(Zeratul's Warning)第7页:大预言(The Prophecy)第8页:背叛(The Betrayal)第9页:……路是人走的(Who We Choose To Be)第10页:好人(Good Man)第11页:被感染(Infested)第12页:明天更美好(A Better Tomorrow)第13页:诺娃(Nova)第14页:心灵与智慧(News Flash) 第15页:继承人(Heir Apparent)第16页:酒吧殴斗(Bar Fight)第17页:死亡游戏(Dangerous Game)第18页:有备而来(Card To Play)第19页:火与怒(Fire and Fury)第20页:摊牌(The Showdown)




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