Module 6 Unit1 What do you do on Sundays?教案(含反思)

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Module 6 Unit1 What do you do on Sundays?教案(含反思)

2024-06-05 20:24| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


外研版小学英语(三年级起点)三年级下册Module6 Unit1 What do you do on Sundays?教学设计一、教材分析本节课是新标准小学英语三起第二册第六模块第一单元的内容。这一单元的情境是星期日下午,Sam 在去踢足球的路上遇到了大明的堂兄大林,两人一边走一边谈论各自在星期日的活动安排。二、学情分析对于三年级的学生,周末活动安排及学校生活是他们再熟悉不过的,尤其是自己的周末怎么过。现在的孩子业余生活也很丰富,正是玩心重的时候,所以这节课我通过准备一些游戏、活动,调动他们学习英语的积极性。同时引导学生热爱学习、热爱生活、多做一些对社会有意义的事情。三、教学目标(一)知识目标1. 全体学生能在图片的帮助下,理解运用词汇:do, on Sundays, go swimming, play football, sleep, watch TV, ride my bike.2. 全体学生能初步运用“What do you do on Sundays I...”来谈论周末的活动安排。3. 部分学生能初步运用“What do you do in the morning / in the afternoon ”来谈论上午和下午的活动安排。4. 全体学生能够感知含有实意动词的一般现在时特殊疑问句语音语调。(二)能力目标1.全体学生能初步运用“What do you do on Sundays I...”来谈论周末的活动安排。部分学生能运用“What do you do in the morning / in the afternoon 来谈论上午和下午的活动安排。2. 能够运用所学语句,简单地与他人沟通交流,询问他人的周末活动。(三)情感目标合理安排自己的周末,多做一些对自己、对家人、对社会有意义的事情。四、教学重难点教学重点:能运用句型“What do you do on Sundays I...”来谈论周末活动安排。教学难点:ride a bike 中 i 的发音,in the afternoon 中 the 的读音。教具准备: 课本、单词卡、PPT 等五、教学过程Step1 Greetings and have a revision1. GreetingsT: Hello, boys and girls. Nice to meet you. I’m MS Yang. Today let’s have the class together, OK Ss: Ok.T: Let me show you some photos. Look, who is she Ss:...T: Yes, this is me. You can call me MS Yang. Good morning boy and girls!Ss: Good morning, MS Yang.T: Ok, boys and girls. You’re 2 groups. GA and GB. Let’s have a PK, the winner will get the present. Try your best to get it, OK Ss: OK.T:Now let’s sing a song. All of you stand up, please.2. Free talk and have a revisionT: Wow, so many sports in the song. What sports do you like S: I like...(让学生利用 I like...句型复习所学运动,如 I like football / basketball/ swimming/ skipping/ table tennis.)T: I also like basketball. And I play basketball on Sundays.Look, it’s Sunday. It’s Sunday. It’s Sunday. They’re Sundays. ( 点 读 学 习Sunday 和 Sundays)T: On Sundays, I play with my son., I ride my bike, I read books, and I do my homework. What do you do on Sundays Ss:I...on Sundays.(引导学生用所学动词短语介绍自己的周末。)Step 2 Presentation1. 整体感知课文并回答问题:What does Sam do on Sundays T:We can do all kinds of things on Sundays. What about Sam and Dalin Dalin is Sam’s cousin, he’s a driver. Today let’s learn Module 6 Unit1 What do you do on Sundays. And we’ll know about Sam and Dalin’s Sundays. Ok, boys and girls. Let’s watch the video and answer:What does Sam do on Sundays Go swimming Play football or ride a bike Now let’s watch the video.(设计意图播放完整动画,学生整体感知课文。)S1: Go swimming.S2: Play football.T: Let’s listen and check the answer.2. 再次观看视频感知文本并回答问题:Does Sam play football in the morning We know Sam goes swimming and play football on Sundays. Does Sam play football in the morning (观看部分视频,回答问题。)S3: No. He plays football in the afternoon.T:What does Sam do in the morning. Let’s listen.学习:I sleep in the morning.重点学习单词 sleep利用自然拼读感知 ee 的发音:bee, see, tree, sleep3. 第三次视听感知文本,了解 Dalin 的周末活动(1)学生自由朗读图 5 图 6 并回答问题:What does Sam say T: Read by yourselves and answer:What does Sam say 引导学生找出重点句型“What do you do in the morning What do you do in the afternoon ”,并能进行巩固操练.(2)Look and say:What does Dalin do on in the morning/ in the afternoon.学习:ride my bike 和 watch TV让学生通过看图、听音、猜测来回答问题,两人一组进行有效操练。A: What does Dalin do on in the morning/ in the afternoon.B: I ride my bike/watch TV.4. Listen, read and imitate.Step3 Practise1. Ask and answer. (半机械操练)2. Colourful life: Make a poster or a photo album3. Summary(1)Emotion EducationHelp Mum and Dad do some housework.Help the society. Do something meaningful.帮爸爸妈妈做些力所能及的家务活。做一些有意义的事情。(2)对小组内的得分进行评价。Step 6 Homework1.Act out the dialogue correctly ,fluently and emotionally.正确流利有感情的表演课文。2.Share your poster with your family .Talk about your Sundays.向家人和朋友介绍自己的周末海报。随堂小练习-选词填空(What Where)1. A: __________ do you do on Sundays B: I go swimming on Sundays.2. A: __________ do you play football B: At the park.3. A: __________ do you do in the morning B: I sleep in the morning.4. A: __________ do you do on Sundays B: I play football课后反思上课之前,我反复对教材及新课标进行解读,同时认真分析我班学生的英语学习能力及特点,最终设计了本堂课的教学活动内容。从这堂课的活动设计到课堂上的真正实践,一路上我也收获颇多。下面谈谈我的教学反思。本节课我采用情境教学法和任务型教学法,通过视频呈现课文情境,图文结合感知理解单词和语句,由浅入深、层层升入地解读文本。如 Sam 和 Dalin 的对话学习中,整体听读后回答“What does Sam do on Sundays ”,接着再听并回答“Does Sam play football in the morning ”,学生在听音后能迅速找到答案,也能较快理解“in the morning, in the afternoon ”的意思。最后再问“What does Dalin do in the morning What does Dalin do in the afternoon ”,层层递进,加深理解。在 Pair Work 环节中,加入 Sharp Eyes 游戏,提高了学生的学习积极性,在问答环节也轻松了很多。我还设计了一个制作周末海报并汇报的任务,帮助学生在情景中感知运用语言,提高学生的综合语言运用能力。不足之处:把学生的英语水平估计的稍高,导致学生对课堂新授内容掌握不够扎实。对学生的评价方式缺少针对性。学生展示前我应予以示范。






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