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  一、 提纲式作文的类型  二、 提纲式作文的写作要领  三、 提纲式作文练习及其参考范文  提纲式作文,即给出二、三个汉语或英语提示短语作为写作框架,展开文章的一种作文形式。它也属于指导性作文(guided writing),是四(六)级考试中最常见的作文形式。与段首句作文相比,提纲作文具有更大的控制性,而且给出的材料更明确具体。这种作文题型以提纲的形式对作文的选材范围、立意、内容的组织等进行具体的指导。  第一节 提纲式作文的类型  提纲式作文有两种:  (1)给出英文题目、中文提纲  提纲式作文多以英文给出题目、以中文给出提纲,有时提纲中还有提示。如1996年6月的四级作文题:  Global Shortage of Fresh Water  1. 人们认为淡水是取之不尽的。(提示:雨水、河水、井水??)  2. 实际上淡水是非常紧缺的。(提示:人口增加、工业用水增加、污染??)  3. 我们应该怎么办?  (2)给出英文题目和提纲  提纲式作文有时也以英文给出题目和提纲,如下面的作文题:  Electronic Dictionaries  1. Advantages of electronic dictionaries  2. Disadvantages of electronic dictionaries  3. My opinion  第二节 提纲式作文的写作要领  由于提纲材料本身决定了写作对象、范围、目的、体裁等,命题者的意图往往较容易领悟,而且在审题上一般不会出现障碍。因此,根据提纲规定的方向和范围构思和展开材料是至关重要的。写提纲式作文时,除了把握段首句作文的写作要领外,还需注意以下三个要领:  (1)细心钻研提纲材料  弄清提纲的思路和旨意是写好提纲作文的前提。审题时,首先要认真阅读、仔细分析提纲材料,注意弄清以下问题:  1) 提纲材料交代的主要内容是什么  2) 反映的意义是什么  3) 要达到什么目的  4) 各个层次之间有什么联系  5) 重点在哪里。  只有对材料进行认真分析和研究,揣摩出材料的旨意,才能顺理成章地运筹,构思出合乎要求的文章。比如,Global Shortage of Fresh Water这一提纲式作文的主要思路和旨意是:人们为什么认为淡水是取这不尽的?什么原因导致淡水紧缺?如何解决全球淡水紧缺问题?  (2)避免简单重复提纲材料  写提纲作文要避免不假思索地围绕提纲堆砌材料,写一些“不痛不痒”的句子,或者将中文提纲简单地译成英文,或者将英文提纲生硬地搬到作文里。提纲作文不是简单地重复提纲材料的过程,而是在提纲材料的基础上,合理巧妙地构思全文,充分表现主题的过程。  (3)发展深化提纲材料  研究提纲材料时,要明确提纲材料所要体现、发展的内容。发展深化提纲材料就是要提炼主题,是对提纲材料进行的加工、补充、扩展。写好主题句是发展深化提纲的前提。主题句要写得意义完整,清晰明了,有利于段落的扩展。各段落的展开要根据提纲的来龙去脉进行。尤其要注意确定重点,选准扩充点,将较抽象的内容具体化,阐述透彻。下面以Global Shortage of Fresh Water(全球淡水紧缺)这篇提纲式作文为例,具体分析该提纲内容是怎样发展、深化的。  根据提纲要求,第一段应解释为什么人们认为淡水是取之不尽的。根据提示,我们可以从降雨丰富、河水和井水等水资源充足方面进行解释。第二段应重点解释导致淡水紧缺的原因,这些原因主要有:人为的浪费、人口增加、工业用水增加、水资源被污染等等。第三段是本文的重点。阐述如何解决淡水紧缺问题时,切忌只简单地写出“We should take measures to solve the problem.”这样空洞的、表态性的句子,而不提出具体的解决方法。只有提出具体的解决方法,才能使文章显得充实,有说服力。根据上面的构思,我们可以列出下列提纲:  Topic: Global Shortage of Fresh WaterQuestion: What has caused the global shortage of fresh water and how can we solve the problem?  Outline:I. It is widely assumed that fresh water is inexhaustible.1. Plenty of rainfall2. Numerous wells3. Countless rivers, falls and springsII. There are three causes for a global shortage of fresh water.1. Population growth2. Development of industry & agriculture3. Water pollution III. Measures should be taken to solve the problem.1. Protect water resources from being polluted2. Save water3. Recycle water & convert sea water into drinkable waterIntroductionBodyConclusion  或许有人会先把给出的中文的提纲细化(即列出一个更细的中文提纲),然后考虑如何将这一细化了的提纲转化为英文提纲,或者边写边考虑如何用英文表达细化了的中文提纲的内容。这样势必占用不少时间,会降低写作的速度。因此,我建议大家把中文提纲细化(即构思)时,最好直接用英语列出更细的提纲。这样既可以节约不少宝贵的时间,又可以提高写作的速度。

  《全球淡水紧缺》范文:  Global Shortage of Water   ⑴It is widely assumed that fresh water will never be used up. ⑵We have such a wrong assumption because plenty of rain falls down from the sky and countless rivers run on the earth.⑶In addition to many wells, we also have numerous falls and springs flowing down from mountains.⑷But actually, a global shortage of fresh water has aroused great concern.⑸A lot of factors account for this shortage, but in general, they come down to three major ones. ⑹First, with the increase in the world’s population, the demand for water is growing rapidly. ⑺Second, the rapid development of industry and agriculture also calls for an increasing amount of water. ⑻And to make things worse, fresh water in may places is being polluted by garbage and dangerous and poisonous chemicals. ⑼It is high time that we take some measures to tackle the problem. ⑽The first important measure is to protect our water resources from being polluted. ⑾Educating people to save water in daily life is of equal significance. ⑿Techniques such as recycling waste water and converting sea water into drinkable water should be applied in dry areas. ⒀It is only when these measures are put into use that the global shortage of fresh water can be solved. ⑴主题句:提出错误的观念⑵原因一和二⑶原因三和四⑷过渡句/指出实际情况⑸主题句/指出导致这一情况有三个原因⑹原因一⑺原因二⑻原因三⑼主题句:呼吁采取行动⑽措施一⑾措施二⑿措施三⒀结尾句/小结:强调这些措施的重要性、必要性  《电子词典》范文:  Electronic Dictionaries   ⑴Some people prefer electronic dictionaries. ⑵They believe this kind of new dictionary has many advantages. ⑶First, compared with a traditional dictionary, it’s obviously very handy and convenient. ⑷Besides, due to its multi-functions, it’s also very helpful. ⑸It can not only translate words from English to Chinese, but vice versa. ⑹Some even can teach the learner how to pronounce a word. ⑺However, others argue we should not neglect its disadvantages.⑻First, the definitions in the entries are very limited. ⑼Second, they are not enough explanations or examples to illustrate the proper usage of a word. ⑽Sometimes, some explanations are so simple that they may cause misunderstanding. ⑾Last but not least, the constant use of this study aid can make people too much attached to the dictionary and become lazy.⑿Therefore, my view is that we should use it properly. ⒀Every learner should have a good English dictionary at hand and treat the electronic one as a make-shift, when a traditional one is not available. ⒁But an electronic dictionary is by no means a good substitute for a good traditional one. ⑴引出主题⑵主题句⑶优点一⑷优点二⑺主题句/指出主题的另一面⑻缺点一⑼缺点二⑽缺点三⑾缺点四⑿结论/我的观点⒀⒁具体阐述‘我’的观点  这一讲我主要讲了提纲式作文的类型及其写作要领。关于提纲式作文的写作就介绍到这里。  下面我们进行写作练习。我将给大家一个作文题,请大家根据这一讲的内容,在30分钟内完成。大家在写作的过程中要注意审题,考虑文章的结构、采用的扩展方法、开头和结尾的方法以及文章中的过渡等。  练习三:  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic On Sightseeing. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline below:  1. Advantages of sightseeing  2. Disadvantages of sightseeing  3. Prepare yourself well  参考文章:  ⑴When asked about why they go sightseeing, different people will offer different answers. ⑵Some people say they want something exciting and exotic, while others want to refresh and relax themselves. ⑶And still others go sightseeing to enrich their experiences and broaden their horizons.  ⑷Despite these advantages, some of its disadvantages cannot be ignored. ⑸Once you are on the road, you'll encounter many nuisances. ⑹For example, your train may be too crowded. ⑺Though very expensive, you may find it hard to find a room in the local hotels. ⑻Your holiday may be spoiled by the illnesses on the journey. ⑼You may get lost in a strange city and can't understand a word of the local language. ⑽Worse still, your wallet might be stolen, and you can't find any friends or relatives to turn to.  ⑾So you should be psychologically prepared for those inconveniences and do something about them. ⑿It is advisable that you take some medicines with you and book the room in advance. ⒀It would be of much help if you can learn a few words and sentences of the local language. ⒁And above all, remember to put your credit card apart from your wallet so that you can withdraw some money from a local bank in case your wallet is stolen.   参考文章:   ⑴Traffic is one of the essential activities for our city. ⑵Every day, by various means of transportation, heavy loads of goods and a great number of passengers are conveyed to and from every corner of our city. ⑶With the modernization drive in full swing, traffic has been lending greater impact on our life. ⑷What a mess the city would be in, if the arteries of such vital importance were out of action even for a minute.  ⑸Owing to the major part it plays, traffic has long been a serious concern for the municipal government.⑹Over recent years, new bus routes have been opened to traffic and new vehicles put in service; many underpasses and overpasses have been built to ease out the bottlenecks. ⑺Meanwhile, new traffic projects are under consideration.   ⑻Despite all these efforts, traffic remains one of the biggest headaches of our city. ⑼Traffic jams during rush hours, bus delays and frays are part of our life. ⑽In addition, traffic accidents occur with alarming frequency, resulting in heavy losses in both property and lives. ⑾Only when these problems are effectively solved, will our city be able to survive the nation-wide competition and function as an economic center.




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