老外舍不得分享的外贸跟进邮件模板分享 (内含多种场景)

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老外舍不得分享的外贸跟进邮件模板分享 (内含多种场景)

2023-10-24 19:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




在国外,不管是欧美发达国家还是发展中国家,商务人士的邮箱每天都会接受大量来自公司内部外部的邮件,第一封开发信被忽略的概率简直太大了,如果不发第二封、第三封跟进邮件,杯回复的概率是很小的。 第二封、第三封开发信让业务员有机会更加了解潜在客户的客户画像,从而写出有针对性的跟进邮件,提高客户回复概率,做更深度的客户沟通。


经数据验证行之有效的外贸跟进邮件模板 留语音消息后的外贸跟进邮件模板 和客户初次沟通后的外贸跟进邮件模板 常规外贸跟进邮件模板 触发事件之后的外贸跟进邮件模板 展会结束之后的外贸跟进邮件模板 被客户拒绝之后的外贸跟进邮件模板 1. 留语音消息后的外贸跟进邮件模板


但是, 如果在语音消息后发送跟进邮件给客户,那在24小时内可获得客户80%的回复率。 下面是这类跟进邮件模板:

外贸跟进邮件模板1: 发送语音消息后预约客户会议  

Hi [Name],

I just called to [Purpose].

In my voicemail, I mentioned that I’m going to offer you something you’ll be interested in. We’ve made an in-depth analysis of your company and are ready to provide you with solutions to cater to your actual needs.

Don’t hesitate to take a look at a very short demo showing you exactly how [Prospect’s company] can benefit from [Your offer].

Are you free on [Date] for a quick chat?


[Your name]

点评: 为什么这个跟进邮件模板的效果好? 该外贸开发信范例具有高度的个性化和客户展现价值。 在邮件中,你表明你的公司已经做了功课-研究了客户背景并发现了他们当前的需求。 你可以通过附上简短的视频演示来利用机会来展示您的产品或服务,在客户会议之前发送给客户。 2. 和客户初次沟通后的外贸跟进邮件模板


外贸跟进邮件模板2: 和客户预约会议  

Hi [Name],

Thank you for your time! I enjoyed our conversation and was excited to learn more about your company’s goals and processes. I understand the current issues you’re facing [Challenges discussed in the previous conversation] and how they [Negative impact on a prospect’s company].

As promised, here’s more information about how you can [Positive expectation about using your solution] with our help and [What you can do to solve their business problem].

I’d be very happy to chat again on [Date and time] to answer all your questions and discuss what else we can offer to help you meet your goals for 2021.

Best regards,

[Your name]

点评: 为什么这个跟进邮件模板的效果好? 在这个开发信范例中,你用一个友好的语气开始邮件,总结之前的讨论,并仔细考虑到客户的痛点,就好像在提醒他们问题所在,并提出解决方案。你在这个模板中描述了如何从积极的表达开始,并谈到客户可以从与合作中获得帮助。 3. 常规外贸跟进邮件模板



外贸跟进邮件模板3: 第二次跟进邮件邀请会议  

Hi [Name],

In the previous email, I sent you some information on how you may increase your productivity with sales automation software [Details of the previous email]. It would be interesting to know whether you are using any tools at the moment. If not, I’d love to share some working tips on how to choose the platform that would fit your business goals. 

Are you available for a 15-minute chat on [Date and time]? Let me know what works best for you.

I look forward to hearing from you,

[Your name]

点评: 为什么这个开发信模板的效果好? 这个邮件范例简洁和有力,清晰地表达了在先前的后续跟进工作中提供的价值,以及可能提供更多的价值。 邮件中清楚地说明会议将花费多少时间(很短!),这样客户将不太愿意拒绝你的邀请。


外贸跟进邮件模板4: 多次跟进邮件后预约客户会议  

Hi [Name],

I tried to contact you a few times to go over suggestions on increasing your productivity with sales automation tools.

I haven’t heard back from you, which tells me you may not be ready to speak about it right at the moment. That’s okay. I don’t mean to bother you. 

We can have a brief talk whenever it’s most convenient for you. Please, inform me when is the perfect time for you to have a conversation with me and how many minutes you have at your disposal?

I look forward to hearing from you,

[Your name]

4. 触发事件之后的外贸跟进邮件模板

如果你还没有开始跟踪你的客户开发信,那么该是时候这么做了。 Snov.io提供了一个无限制的邮件跟踪器,这个工具有很强大的邮件跟踪功能:跟踪客户开发信效果,您会发现打开邮件的次数。 并且,如果您发现潜在客户已重新提出您的建议,可以通过Snov.io提前设置跟进邮件发送会议请求。


外贸跟进邮件模板5: 客户多次打开你的邮件但是没有回复之后的跟进邮件  

Hi [Name],

Two weeks ago I sent you an email with a brief video about how our sales and marketing tool works. You haven’t responded, being busy, I assume, with the month closing procedures. Now that a new month has started, I would like to clarify whether you have watched our demo and talk about our offering in detail.

What about having a quick chat on [Date and time]? We may look through this demo together, and I’ll be glad to answer all your questions that may arise.

Best regards,

[Your name]

点评: 为什么这个外贸开发信范例的效果好? 在潜在客户多次打开邮件后发送后续邮件时,你可以在合适的时间提供报价。 通过该模板,你将展示出对潜在客户公司和业务的理解。



Hi [Name],

I’ve noticed your teammates have visited our [Your product] page and pricing plans this week. 

Our [Your product] helps companies like you [Your product description and advantages].

Do you have 10 minutes on [Date and time] to speak more about our tools your teammates have been researching? Besides, I’ll be glad to clarify our pricing plans and freemium.

Looking forward to hearing from you,

[Your name]

email drip campaigns

5. 展会结束之后的外贸跟进邮件模板

参加国外的行业会议,贸易展会以后,外贸业务员一般都会收集到很多客户名片。为了和客户建立业务联系, 回到办公室后,通过发送精心设计的跟进邮件来建立这些新客户关系。


外贸跟进邮件模板7: 展会之后预约客户电话会议沟通  

Hi [Name],

It was a pleasure for me to get acquainted with you at [Business event]. I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did and got some new portion of information about sales automation tools to improve your [Prospect’s current problem].

Boosting your sales team’s productivity must be a top priority for you. That’s why I thought you’d be interested in learning more about [Your product], which companies like yours use to [Your advantage].

I’d love to have a brief conversation with you about your expectations of an effective sales automation tool. What about [Date and time]?

Meanwhile, let me send you some insights on how to choose the fitting sales software for your business [Piece of content].


[Your Name]

点评: 为什么这个开发信模板的效果好? 这个邮件模板高度个性化。 邮件中提到了潜在客户的竞争对手。 公司通常会更多地关注竞争对手已经在使用的解决方案。 邮件中强调了潜在客户的挑战并提供了价值。 6. 被客户拒绝之后的外贸跟进邮件模板


外贸跟进邮件模板8: 在客户拒绝后跟进邮件预约会议  

Hi [Name],

Thank you for sharing this information with me. I see that it’s not the right moment for you to consider my offer. What if we arrange an interview after a while, and I will show you what we are doing and how our service may help. When is a good time for us to chat?

Best regards,

[Your name]

点评: 为什么这个开发信范例的效果好? 邮件中,你站在客户的立场思考问题,不着急让他们接受你的方案。 你依然提到了会议,但是在询问客户觉得合适的时间。 如何写跟进邮件给外贸客户以安排客户会议

















安排客户会议应该成为外贸跟进邮件的重要目的之一。外贸跟进邮件格式中,会议邀请的表达应该尽可能个性化, 这可以增加将潜在客户转化为成交客户的几率。

我们希望上述跟进邮件模板将帮助你写更好的外贸开发信,并使客户会议安排工作比以前容易得多。外贸开发信标题、格式、范例值得我们做大量的学习,研究如何提高客户回复的转化率。 如果您需要完美的解决方案来实现外贸开发信跟进邮件自动发送,请使用 Snov.io 作为业务增长的最佳工具。









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