
您所在的位置:网站首页 外教英语在线教学 真人外教1对1在线教学,不受时间与地点的约束,能够挑战传统外教教育昂贵


2023-05-15 09:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

第126集 | 真人外教1对1在线教学,不受时间与地点的约束,能够挑战传统外教教育昂贵的费用,一节课不到一杯奶茶的价格#外教英语启蒙 #外教英语一对一 #外教英语口语

b open good question work what makes things happen that's a kk 不好意思,在房子周围 I'm sorry but around the house lothes to be clean you need to work if you want your c 你妈妈会帮你洗衣服 your clothes well your mom has torique washes off your floor but you have to pick up the clothes put your clothes away 把你的衣服放好 room if you want things to happen in your 如果你想让事情发生在你的房间 right and that's good 对,这很好 工作是件好事,因为它能帮你把事情做 好 it's good to work because it helps y ou get things done open what makes things 是什么让事情发生这是个好问题 外教在线1V1 13 D.115 Word List work what makes things happen

392145举报发布时间:2023-04-22 20:20




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