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新华网 2021-01-04 10:23

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记者:在全国抗击疫情的斗争中,外交部发挥了怎样的作用,是如何践行“外交为民”理念的?Question: What role has the Foreign Ministry played during the nation’s battle against COVID-19 and how has the Ministry put its people-centered philosophy into action?


王毅:一切为了人民,一切依靠人民,这是中国共产党的力量源泉,也是中国外交的鲜明底色,经历这场疫情磨砺后,中国外交更具温度和情怀。我们以战时状态全面动员、火速行动,践行“外交为民”,坚守世界各地,做守护海外同胞的坚定“逆行者”。Wang Yi: The principle of for the people and by the people has been a source of strength for the Communist Party of China. It is also the defining feature of China’s diplomacy. This human touch of China’s diplomacy has been further demonstrated during the test of COVID-19. Throughout the year 2020, we have pooled every resource available and lost no time in delivering people-centered diplomacy. We have defied risks and danger to put up a firm line of defense for our fellow Chinese in every corner of the world.


我们站在外防输入第一线,采取各种措施呵护国内来之不易的抗疫成果。我们站在服务发展第一线,为全面建成小康社会、决战脱贫攻坚提供外交助力。我们站在国际抗疫合作第一线,为形成全球抗疫合力发挥作用。我们站在舆论斗争第一线,坚决反击将疫情政治化、病毒标签化,决不允许任由谎言污染抗击疫情的客观叙事和集体记忆。We have stood at the forefront of preventing imported cases, doing everything we could to lock in the hard-won gains in controlling the coronavirus at home. We have stood at the forefront of serving domestic development, giving diplomatic support to the national endeavor of finishing building a moderately prosperous society in all respects and securing victory against extreme poverty. We have stood at the forefront of advocating international cooperation against COVID-19, making our contribution to forging a global synergy in this battle. We have stood at the forefront of fighting misinformation, rebutting attempts of politicization and stigmatization. We were determined to make sure that the objective narrative and collective memory of the battle against the pandemic would not be distorted by lies.


疫情可以阻断航班,但阻断不了祖国对海外同胞健康的牵挂;疫情给领保工作带来挑战,但我们始终把海外同胞的安全装在心上。领事服务从未停摆、领保工作从未掉链。COVID-19 may have suspended flights, yet it has not hindered the solicitude of the motherland for the well-being of its sons and daughters abroad. COVID-19 has brought challenges to our consular work, yet the safety of overseas Chinese has remained our priority no matter what. Consular services have continued uninterrupted, so has our consular work in general.


疫情初期,我们急武汉之所急,应国家之所需,充分调动各方资源,在全球范围筹集、采购、接收各类医疗物资,为国内抗疫解“燃眉之急”。In the early stage of the pandemic, we mobilized all resources possible to meet the pressing needs of Wuhan and the whole country, sourcing, buying and receiving all kinds of medical supplies from around the world to address the urgent demand at home.


疫情全球蔓延后,我们心系海外公民的安危冷暖,促请驻在国政府重视解决他们遇到的各种问题,及时组织救治不幸染疫的中国公民,包括进行精准的远程诊断治疗。我们克服困难向海外留学生发放了120多万份“健康包”,向100多个国家的侨胞送去紧急防疫物资,安排350多架次临时航班接回面临困境的在外人员。外交部“12308”领事保护热线24小时运转,搭建起海外公民保护救助的“直通车”,将党和国家的关心关爱传递到每一个人。我们的驻外使节明确告诉身处疫区的海外同胞:只要你们在,大使馆就一定和大家共克时艰。When COVID-19 struck other parts of the world, we kept the safety and well-being of overseas Chinese citizens very much on our mind. We urged more attention from the governments of host countries to the hardships of Chinese nationals, and offered prompt support to those infected, including targeted telemedicine services. We overcame various difficulties to deliver more than 1.2 million health kits to overseas Chinese students, sent emergency medical supplies to overseas Chinese in 100-plus countries, and arranged over 350 special flights to bring home stranded Chinese nationals. Our consular protection hotline 12308 has operated 24/7 to provide dedicated services and assistance to overseas citizens, bringing the care and solicitude of the Party and the country to every one of them. Our diplomats abroad said this to their fellow countrymen and women in affected countries, “The embassy will always be here with you. We will get through this together”.


当前,疫情还在全球肆虐,输入风险有增无减,领保任务依然艰巨。外交战线将坚决贯彻落实党中央决策部署,扎实做好外防输入工作和海外公民保护救助,不畏艰险,不负重托,不辱使命。With COVID-19 still ravaging the world, the risk of case import continues to rise and consular protection remains a formidable task. We in the diplomatic service will firmly implement the decisions of the CPC Central Committee and make solid efforts to prevent imported cases and protect and assist overseas Chinese citizens. We will press ahead against all difficulties to live up to the trust and fulfill the mission placed upon us.


记者:疫情发生以来,中俄始终相互支持、守望相助。您如何评价当前中俄关系?Question: China and Russia have been supporting and helping each other since the outbreak of COVID-19. How would you describe the current China-Russia relations?


王毅:过去一年里,中俄关系经受了世纪疫情洗礼和百年变局考验,在各个方面都达到了历史最高水平。Wang Yi: In 2020, China-Russia relations have stood the test of a once-in-a-century pandemic and unprecedented global changes, and reached a historic high in all respects.


两国元首密集互动。习近平主席同普京总统5次通话,多次互致函电,为两国关系的稳步前行发挥了最关键的战略引领作用。Intensive interactions between the two heads of state. President Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin have had five phone calls and exchanged correspondence on multiple occasions, providing the most important strategic guidance for the steady growth of the bilateral relations.


两国人民守望相助。俄罗斯是最先向中国提供抗疫物资的国家。中国也是向俄罗斯提供抗疫支持力度最大的国家之一。双方还围绕疫情联防联控、疫苗和药物研发开展了密切协作。Mutual support between the two peoples. Russia was the first country to send medical and other supplies to China, and China was one of the strongest supporters of Russia’s COVID-19 response efforts. The two countries have also worked closely on joint epidemic response and development of vaccines and drugs.


两国务实合作逆势前行。双方大力推进复工复产,确保产业链、供应链运转,大项目建设稳中有进,科技创新年活动如期启动,数字经济、电子商务等新业态新模式合作快速拓展。Growing practical cooperation despite challenges. The two countries have vigorously facilitated economic reopening, safeguarded the functioning of industrial and supply chains, and made steady progress in several major projects. The Year of Scientific and Technological Innovation was launched, and bilateral cooperation on the digital economy, e-commerce and other new business forms and models was advanced at a fast pace.


两国国际协作进一步密切。2020年是二战胜利和联合国成立75周年,两国携手捍卫二战胜利成果,维护国际公平正义。在涉及彼此核心利益问题上相互支持,在反对强权政治的道路上相互扶助,中俄关系的全球意义更加彰显。Closer coordination on international affairs. The year 2020 marks the 75th anniversary of the victory of World War II and the founding of the UN. China and Russia have worked in concert to defend the victorious outcomes of World War II and uphold international fairness and justice. The two countries have extended mutual support on issues concerning each other’s core interests and stood side by side against power politics, which further underscores the global significance of China-Russia relations.


2021年对中俄关系是有特殊意义的一年,两国都将迈入新的发展阶段。中俄战略合作没有止境,没有禁区,没有上限。双方将以落实两国元首共识为核心任务,以共同庆祝《中俄睦邻友好合作条约》签署20周年为契机,重温世代友好、合作共赢的缔约初心,坚持互为战略依托,互为外交优先,互为发展机遇,互为全球伙伴,在更高起点、更大范围、更深层次上推进双方合作,继续为大国睦邻友好作出中俄表率,为世界经济复苏注入中俄动力,为全球战略稳定打造中俄支柱。The year 2021 is a year of special importance for China-Russia relations, as both countries will enter a new development stage. In developing China-Russia strategic cooperation, we see no limit, no forbidden zone and no ceiling to how far this cooperation can go. Focusing on the central task of implementing the common understandings of the two Presidents, the two countries will use the opportunity of the 20th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Good-neighborliness and Friendly Cooperation to renew their shared commitment to ever-lasting peace and win-win cooperation. Being each other’s strategic anchor, diplomatic priority, development opportunity and global partner, the two countries will expand and deepen cooperation from a higher starting point. Together, China and Russia will continue to be the example of good-neighborly and friendly relations between major countries, add impetus to global recovery, and underpin global strategic stability.


记者:当前中美关系正经历建交以来罕见的严重困难,中美关系再次来到重大历史节点。您怎么看中美关系的未来?Question: China-US relations are going through a period of difficulties rarely seen since the establishment of diplomatic ties. This relationship has once again come to a major historical juncture. How do you see the future of this bilateral relationship?

王毅:近年来,中美关系陷入前所未有的困境,其根本原因在于美国当政者对中国的认知出现了严重偏差,把中国视为所谓最大威胁,并由此采取了完全错误的对华政策。事实证明,美方全面打压遏制中国、企图挑起新“冷战”的做法不仅严重损害两国人民利益,也给世界带来了极大危害,注定不得人心,也注定会走向失败。Wang Yi: In recent years, China-US relations have run into unprecedented difficulties. Fundamentally, it all comes down to the serious misconceptions of US policymakers about China. Some see China as the so-called biggest threat and their China policy based on this misperception is simply wrong. What has happened proves that the US attempt to suppress China and start a new Cold War has not just seriously harmed the interests of the two peoples, but also caused severe disruptions to the world. Such a policy will find no support and is doomed to fail.


当前,中美关系已经来到新的十字路口,也有望打开新的希望之窗。希望美国新政府重拾理性,重开对话,两国关系重回正轨,重启合作。China-US relations have come to a new crossroads, and a new window of hope is opening. We hope that the next US administration will return to a sensible approach, resume dialogue with China, restore normalcy to the bilateral relations and restart cooperation.



China’s policy toward the United States is consistent and stable. We are ready to develop with the United States a relationship based on coordination, cooperation and stability. China never meddles in the internal affairs of the United States and values peaceful co-existence and mutually beneficial cooperation with the United States. Likewise, the United States also needs to respect the social system and development path chosen by the Chinese people and respect their legitimate rights to pursue a better life.


我们知道,美方一些人对中国快速发展心存焦虑,但最可持续的领先是不断提升自我,而不是阻挡别国的发展。未来的世界不应当也不可能让中国变成美国,而应是美国使自己成为更好的美国,中国则必将成为更好的中国。我们相信,只要美方及时汲取教训,真正同中方相向而行,中美完全可以通过对话化解矛盾分歧,通过合作扩大共同利益,找到既有利两国、又造福世界的大国相处模式,开辟出顺应历史前进方向的发展前景。We know that some in the United States are uneasy about China’s rapid development. However, the best way to keep one’s lead is through constant self-improvement, not by blocking others’ development. We don’t need a world where China becomes another United States. This is neither rational nor feasible. Rather, the United States should try to make itself a better country, and China will surely become its better self. We believe that as long as the United States can draw lessons from the past and work with China in the same direction, the two countries are capable of resolving differences through dialogue and expanding converging interests by cooperation. This will allow the two major countries to establish a model of coexistence that benefits both countries and the world, and open up new development prospects in line with the trend of history.


记者:2020年是中国同欧盟建交45周年,我们看到欧洲内部在坚持战略自主和拉近同美国关系上有争议。您如何评价中欧关系发展的经验,怎么看欧洲在国际格局多极化进程中的作用和中欧关系发展?Question: China and the EU marked the 45th anniversary of their diplomatic ties in 2020. Within Europe, there is a debate on maintaining strategic autonomy versus seeking closer ties with the United States. What experience have China and the EU gained in growing their relations? How would you characterize the EU’s role in the process toward a multi-polar world and the future of China-EU ties?


王毅:2020年是中国和欧盟建交45周年。中欧关系历经国际风云变幻,总体上保持了对话合作的主导面,维护了互利共赢的主基调,展现了与时俱进的生命力。双方积累的最重要经验就是要坚持和平共处、坚持开放合作、坚持多边主义、坚持对话协商。得出的最重要结论就是中欧合作远大于竞争、共识远大于分歧。双方是全面战略伙伴,不是制度性对手。双方承担的最重要使命就是合作应对全球性挑战,共同推动世界多极化、经济全球化、国际关系民主化,为动荡变革的世界提供更多稳定性和确定性。Wang Yi: As you mentioned, the year 2020 marked the 45th anniversary of the diplomatic ties between China and the EU. Throughout the years, our relationship with the EU has withstood the profound changes in the world. It has on the whole focused on dialogue, cooperation and mutual benefit, and demonstrated strong vitality by progressing with the times. For the two sides: The most important experience is to stay committed to peaceful coexistence, open cooperation, multilateralism, and dialogue and consultation. The most important conclusion is that our cooperation and common understandings far outweigh competition and differences. China and the EU are comprehensive strategic partners, not systemic rivals. The most important mission is to jointly tackle global challenges, promote a multi-polar world, economic globalization and greater democracy in international relations, and inject more stability and certainty into a turbulent and changing world.


2020年,中欧关系在疫情中逆势前行。中国首次成为欧盟最大贸易伙伴,双方签署中欧地理标志协定,决定新建环境气候和数字领域两个高层对话机制,共同打造中欧绿色合作、数字合作伙伴关系。习近平主席和欧洲领导人共同宣布完成中欧投资协定谈判,为中欧合作注入新的强劲动力,也为低迷的世界经济带来了重大利好。这说明,只要双方相互理解,彼此体谅,平等协商,中欧合作就能展现出更广阔的前景。In 2020, China and the EU made new progress in their relations despite COVID-19. China became the EU’s largest trading partner for the first time. The two sides signed the agreement on geographical indications, and decided to establish two new high-level dialogue mechanisms on environment and climate and on digital cooperation, and build partnerships for green and digital cooperation. President Xi Jinping and European leaders have jointly announced the conclusion of negotiations on a China-EU investment treaty, adding fresh, strong impetus to China-EU cooperation. It is also great news for the struggling global economy. This is a clear example of how, by working together in the spirit of mutual understanding, mutual accommodation and equal consultation, the two sides can open up broad prospects for China-EU cooperation.


面对动荡变革的世界,中方愿一如既往支持欧洲一体化进程,支持欧盟增强战略自主,支持欧盟在国际事务中发挥更大作用。中欧双方共同倡导的多边主义,应是致力于各国的团结合作,而不是服务于集团政治;应当超越不同体制的差异,而不是以意识形态划线。我们愿与欧方加强协调,确保中欧关系沿着正确方向向前发展。In this volatile and changing world, China will remain a supporter of European integration, greater strategic autonomy of the EU, and a bigger role of the EU in international affairs. The multilateralism that our two sides advocate must be dedicated to unity and cooperation rather than group politics. It needs to transcend systemic difference rather than draw lines along ideology. China is prepared to enhance coordination with the EU to keep our relations on the right track.


记者:2021年是中国-东盟建立对话关系30周年,您对中国-东盟关系未来发展有何期待?Question: The year 2021 marks the 30th anniversary of China-ASEAN dialogue relations. What hopes do you have for the future development of China-ASEAN relations?


王毅:东盟是中国山水相连、血脉相亲的友好近邻。中国-东盟合作启动以来,就一直干在实处、走在前列、站立潮头,已经成为最成功、最具活力的地区合作样板。长期以来,中国-东盟关系创下了多个第一:中国是第一个加入《东南亚友好合作条约》、第一个同东盟建立战略伙伴关系的大国,也是第一个同东盟建立自贸区的主要经济体。2020年,双方又第一次互为第一大贸易伙伴。我们共同推动签署区域全面经济伙伴关系协定,建立了世界上人口最多、经济规模最大、最具发展潜力的自贸区,实现了双边合作的历史性突破。Wang Yi: The ASEAN member states are China’s friends and close neighbors. We are connected by mountains, rivers and seas, and we share close affinity. Since its launch, China-ASEAN cooperation has always been results-oriented, pioneering and responsive to the trend of the times. It has become the most successful and vibrant example of regional cooperation. Over the years, China-ASEAN relations have created many “firsts”. China was the first major country to join the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia and establish a strategic partnership with ASEAN, and the first major economy to form a free trade area with ASEAN. The two sides became each other’s largest trading partners for the first time in 2020. We jointly pushed for the signing of RCEP, which gave birth to the world’s most promising free trade area with the largest population and biggest economic aggregate. This is a historic breakthrough in China-ASEAN cooperation.


面对疫情,中国和东盟守望相助、互施援手,率先开展抗疫合作,率先推动复工复产合作,带动整个东亚成为全球抗疫的示范区,经济复苏的领头羊。Facing the onslaught of COVID-19, China and ASEAN came to each other’s aid and took the lead in joint COVID-19 response and cooperation on reopening the economy. We helped turn East Asia into an example in the global fight against the virus and an early bird in achieving economic recovery.


2021年,中国和东盟将共同迎来建立对话关系30周年,双方关系发展面临新的契机。我们愿同东盟一道,不断充实战略伙伴关系内涵,共同开创地区和平、发展、合作的新时代。China and ASEAN will celebrate the 30th anniversary of their dialogue relations in 2021. We look forward to the new opportunities it will bring for enhancing China-ASEAN ties and stand ready to work with ASEAN to further enrich our strategic partnership and usher in a new era of peace, development and cooperation for the region.


首先,要携手彻底战胜疫情。继续加强联防联控和疫苗合作,提升公共卫生合作水平,共同建设应急医疗物资储备库和公共卫生应急联络机制,提高应对危机能力。First, we need to work together to defeat COVID-19. We must continue to step up collective response and cooperation on vaccines, upgrade our public health cooperation, and jointly set up a regional reserve of emergency medical supplies and a liaison mechanism for public health emergencies to strengthen crisis response capacities.


第二,要全力推动地区经济复苏。有序扩大“快捷通道”“绿色通道”适用范围。推动RCEP尽快生效,深化区域经济一体化。抓住新业态新模式机遇,培育科技创新、电子商务、智慧城市等经济新增长点。Second, we need to do our best to bolster regional economic recovery. Here is what we can do: expand the scope of “fast tracks” for travel and “green lanes” for cargo transportation in a well-thought-out way; work for an early entry into force of RCEP to deepen regional economic integration; and seize the opportunities for developing new forms and models of business and cultivate new growth drivers such as tech-innovation, e-commerce and smart cities.


第三,要坚持推进可持续发展。进一步落实《中国-东盟战略伙伴关系2030年愿景》,重点加强减贫、防灾减灾、气候变化、环保等领域合作,办好2021年可持续发展合作年,促进人文交流,推进蓝色经济伙伴关系建设。Third, we need to stay committed to sustainable development. Further steps will be taken to implement the Strategic Partnership Vision 2030, with priority given to cooperation in poverty reduction, disaster prevention and relief, climate change and environmental protection. We also need to make the China-ASEAN Year of Sustainable Development Cooperation a success, promote people-to-people exchanges, and advance the building of a Partnership on Blue Economy.


我们相信,进入而立之年的中国-东盟关系将更加成熟自信,中国-东盟命运共同体建设的步伐将更加稳健有力。The 30th anniversary is a milestone for China-ASEAN relations. We believe that the relationship will demonstrate greater maturity and confidence in the years ahead, and together we will take more solid steps toward a China-ASEAN community with a shared future.


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