
您所在的位置:网站首页 夏天的植物英文 “夏至”那些火辣辣的英文表达


2024-07-03 15:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




The winter solstice has the shortest daytime of the year, while the summer solstice has the longest. 冬至是一年当中白昼最短的日子,而夏至则是白昼最长的日子。

上面这句句子中,我们一下子学到了两个词——“冬至”和“夏至”,分别是“winter solstice”和“summer solstice”。

“summer solstice”参考例句:

This period will be punctuated by the June Solstice. 这个期间内还间隔有一次夏至。

The days begin to draw in after the summer solstice. 夏至之后白天开始变短。

The hottest days of summer begin after the summer solstice. 夏天最热的日子在夏至之后开始。

我们把“summer solstice”拆开来:

summer是什么意思: n. 夏天;夏季;全盛时期;壮年时期 adj. 夏季的 v. 过夏天

They summered at the seashore. 他们在海滨过夏。

Mary spent her last summer in summer school. 玛丽上个暑假上了暑期学校。

The hottest days of summer begin after the summer solstice. 夏天最热的日子在夏至之后开始。

The Last Rose of Summer 夏天的最后一朵玫瑰

Here comes the summer. 夏天到了。

solstice是什么意思: n. 至,至日

The winter solstice, theoretically should be the dead of a year, but it is usually not that. 理论上讲,冬至应是全年最冷的时刻,但通常并不是这样。

Another characteristic of sun-earth system is the gradual precession of the equinoxes and solstices along the orbit. 日地系统的另一个特点是二分点和二至点沿轨道逐渐运动。



我们总是说文化是有相通性的,正巧,在英语中,就有一个词组是专门被用来表达七、八月份这段最热的天气。那就是dog days。(可不是“狗日子”哦~)

古罗马人认为每年七八月份的酷热是太阳加上天狼星的热能造成的,加之天狼星在英语里叫“the dog star”,“dog days”由此而来。比如说:

I can do nothing except for swimming in the dog days. 在三伏天里,除了游泳,我什么事也做不成。


1.It's hot enough to melt hell. I hope it will be cooler soon. 现在热得足以把地狱熔化了,希望很快能够凉快一点。

2.It's stifling! I can hardly breathe. 天气太闷热了!我都没法呼吸了。

3.I can't bare the heat; I am leaking! 我受不了这么热,我浑身都在滴水!

4.I am sweating like a pig, and I'm not doing anything. 虽然我什么都没做,但还是汗流浃背。

5.Let's stay at home; you could fry eggs on the sidewalk. 我们呆在家里吧,人行道上都可以煎蛋了。

6.I don't want to go out; it's raining fire! 我不想出去,天气火热火热的!

7.It's too hot to think. I need to find someplace to cool off. 热得我都没法思考。我需要找个地方凉快凉快。

8.Today is a thermometer breaker! Let's go swimming. 今天热得温度计都要爆了!我们去游泳吧。

9.It's hot with a capital "H". Turn up the air conditioner! 今天是最热的一天,快把空调打开!

10.It's not just hot, It's Africa hot! This weather is terrible. 不止是热,是像非洲一样热!天热得吓人。

(来源:爱思英语 编辑:Julie)





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