python xlwings 复制工作表

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python xlwings 复制工作表

2024-01-04 06:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



首先看excel vba的帮助文档: 应用于 Chart、Charts、Sheets、Worksheet 和 Worksheets 对象的 Copy 方法。


expression.Copy(Before, After)

expression      必需。该表达式返回上面的对象之一。

Before      Variant 类型,可选。指定某工作表,复制的工作表将置于此工作表之前。如果已经指定了 After,则不能指定 Before。

After      Variant 类型,可选。指定某工作表,复制的工作表将置于此工作表之后。如果已经指定了 Before,则不能指定 After。


如果既未指定 Before 参数也未指定 After 参数,则 Microsoft Excel 将新建一个工作簿,其中将包含复制的工作表。

本示例复制工作表 Sheet1,并将其放置在工作表 Sheet3 之后。

Worksheets("Sheet1").Copy After:=Worksheets("Sheet3")


import xlwings as xw wb = xw.Book('test.xls') sheet = wb.sheets['Sheet1'] #将sheet1工作表复制到该工作簿的同一工作表的前面 sheet.api.Copy(Before=sheet.api) #将sheet1工作表复制到新建工作簿中 sheet.api.Copy() #将sheet1工作表复制到该工作簿的最后一个工作表后面 sheet2 = wb.sheets[-1] sheet.api.Copy(After=sheet2.api) #将sheet1工作表复制到另外一个工作簿dst.xls中最后个工作表之后 wb_dst=xw.Book("dst.xls") ws_dst=wb_dst.sheets[-1] sheet.api.Copy(After=ws_dst.api)


import xlwings as xw

wb = xw.Book('test.xls') sheet = wb.sheets['Sheet1']

#将sheet1工作表复制到另外一个工作簿dst.xls中最后个工作表之后 wb_dst=xw.Book("dst.xls") ws_dst=wb_dst.sheets[-1] sheet.api.Copy(After=ws_dst.api)


v0.22.0 (Jan 29, 2021) [Feature] While it’s always been possible to somehow create your own xlwings-based add-ins, this release adds a toolchain to make it a lot easier to create your own white-labeled add-in, see Custom Add-ins (GH1488).[Enhancement] xw.view now formats the pandas DataFrames as Excel table and with the new xw.load function, you can easily load a DataFrame from your active workbook into a Jupyter notebook. See Jupyter Notebooks: Interact with Excel for a full tutorial (GH1487).[Feature] New method mysheet.copy() (GH123).PRO [Feature]: in addition to xw.create_report(), you can now also work within a workbook by using the new mysheet.render_template() method, see also xlwings Reports (GH1478).


classxlwings.Sheet(sheet=None, impl=None)

A sheet object is a member of the sheets collection:

copy(before=None, after=None, name=None)

Copy a sheet to the current or a new Book. By default, it places the copied sheet after all existing sheets in the current Book. Returns the copied sheet.

New in version 0.22.0.

Parameters: before (sheet object, default None) – The sheet object before which you want to place the sheetafter (sheet object, default None) – The sheet object after which you want to place the sheet, by default it is placed after all existing sheetsname (str, default None) – The sheet name of the copyReturns:

Sheet object – The copied sheet

Return type:



# Create two books and add a value to the first sheet of the first book first_book = xw.Book() second_book = xw.Book() first_book.sheets[0]['A1'].value = 'some value' # Copy to same Book with the default location and name first_book.sheets[0].copy() # Copy to same Book with custom sheet name first_book.sheets[0].copy(name='copied') # Copy to second Book requires to use before or after first_book.sheets[0].copy(after=second_book.sheets[0])





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