I will be a king(壁花少年)影评

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I will be a king(壁花少年)影评

2024-07-12 19:54| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  I don't know if I will have the time to write any more letters              我不知道我是否还有时间继续去写信         Because I might be too busy trying to participate              因为我正在忙着学会去参与

  So, if this does end up being the last letter              所以,如果这是最后一封信

  I just want you to know that I was in a bad place before I started high school              我只想告诉你,在高中之前,我过得一团糟

  And you helped me               但是你给我光明

  Even if you didn't know what I was talking about               即使你不明白我在说什么         Or know someone who's gone through it               也不知道只是谁的曾经

  It made me not feel alone               它让我不再感到孤单

  Because I know there are people who say all of these things don't happen                因为我知道,有些人会说,这些事都不是真的

  And there are people who forget what it's like to be 16 when they turn 17                还有一些人,一到十七岁就忘了十六岁的味道

  I know these will all be stories someday                我知道有一天这些全都会成为往事     And our pictures will become old photographs                而我们的容颜都会定格在老照片中        And we'll all become somebody's mom or dad                我们也会为人父母

  But right now, these moments are not stories                但是现在,这些瞬间都还没有过去

  This is happening                它们正在发生

       I am here   And I am looking at her   And she is so beautiful                 就在当下,我看着她,她还是那样的迷人

  I can see it   This one moment when you know you're not a sad story                 我看见了,这个瞬间,你知道你不是悲剧的主角

  You are alive   And you stand up and see the lights on buildings        And everything that makes you wonder                你是这么的充满生命力               你站起来,看着映在大地上的璀璨夜色以及那些让你惊奇的一切

  And you are listening to that song on that drive        With the people you love most in this world                听着音乐,兜着风 和这个世上你最爱的人   And in this moment, I swear...   We are infinite.               我敢说 ,在这个时刻              我们是无限的

 ===================转载分割线=========================       http://movie.douban.com/review/5651292/                  你像一朵壁花,在阴暗的墙角扭曲地生长着      这朵花从不曾像其他个性张扬的青春期个体一样沐浴在室外无惧地享受阳光的暴晒,因此长出一根根幽黑而又尖锐的倒刺,作为一个异类格格不入地存在于这片不和谐的土地      直到有一天房屋最终被推倒,人们才看到当年背光生长的壁花凋谢在废墟中      多么残酷和悲伤。   墙角青苔 总是绿得太快      回忆慢慢 慢慢爬起来      煮一杯 热咖啡      喝一些 固执的以为      我们一直到最后才学会      哭泣时候谁安慰      而成长让人觉得累      却已没有办法后退          总会有那么一个时间,让你想大声尖叫,想放声歌唱,想忘情舞蹈      总有那么一段时间,你会对自己自信满满,对友人、亲人、爱人满怀感激,对世界充满希望




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