《走进动物王国》【价格 目录 书评 正版】

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《走进动物王国》【价格 目录 书评 正版】

2024-06-03 11:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1 The King of Birds群鸟之王 ... 001

2 Mrs. Zebra and Her Young斑马夫人和斑马宝宝 ... 004

3 Mrs. Bruiand Her Young黑熊妈妈和黑熊宝宝 ... 007

4 Little Owls小猫头鹰 ... 010

5 Aurochs野牛 ... 013

6 The Kangaroo袋鼠 ... 016

7 Swans天鹅 ... 019

8 The Sea Lion海狮 ... 022

9 Badgers獾 ... 025

10 The Bird's Nest鸟巢 ... 028

11 The Chamois羚羊 ... 031

12 Macaw with Pussy's Bone与小猫争骨头的金刚鹦鹉 ... 034

13 Members of the Poaching Fraternity关于偷猎者 ... 037

14 A Cow Working a Pump会用水泵的母牛 ... 040

15 Carrier Pigeons信鸽 ... 043

16 Antelope of India印度羚羊 ... 046

17 Snipe鹬 ... 049

18 Mrs. Bunny and Family兔妈妈一家 ... 052

19 The Lynx猞猁 ... 055

20 The Beaver海狸 ... 058

21 The Lioness,the Lioand the Cubs母狮子、雄狮子和小狮子 ... 061

22 A Pet Jack宠物鱼杰克 ... 064

23 The Swallow's Nest燕子窝 ... 067

24 Mother-Deer and Baby鹿妈妈和鹿宝宝 ... 070

25 Whooping Crane鸣鹤 ... 073

26 The Elk麋鹿 ... 076

27 Animals Love Toys Too动物也爱玩具 ... 079

28 The Sucking-Pig会嘬奶瓶的小猪 ... 082

29 Bell-Ringers会敲钟的猫 ... 085

30 The Guinea-Pig豚鼠 ... 088

31 The Argus阿格斯鸟 ... 090

32 The Clever Fox聪明的狐狸 ... 093

33 Elephants大象 ... 096

34 A Wise Dog聪明的狗 ... 099

35 Our Pet Hedgehog Timothy我们的宠物刺猬蒂莫西 ... 102

36 The Brave Cockatoo勇敢的美冠鹦鹉 ... 105

37 Hare Taking the Water会凫水的兔子 ... 108

38 The Beaks of Birds鸟嘴 ... 111

39 Blackbirds and Young大黑鸟和小黑鸟 ... 114

40 A Useful Pilot管用的领头羊 ... 117

41 A bear named Jack一只名叫杰克的熊 ... 120

42 A Singular Habit of the Woodcock丘鹬的奇特习性 ... 123

43 The Sky-Lark云雀 ... 127

44 The Story of a Seal海豹的故事 ... 130

45 The Bee蜜蜂 ... 133

46 Sheep Dog牧羊犬 ... 136

47 The Friendly Terns有情有义的燕鸥 ... 139

48 The Otter水獭 ... 142

49 The Mastiff獒 ... 145

50 The Cunning Wood-Pigeons狡黠的木鸽 ... 148

51 Sea Reptiles海洋爬行动物 ... 151

52 Swiss MountaiScenery瑞士山景 ... 154

53 Partridge and Young大鹌鹑和小鹌鹑 ... 157

54 The Kingfishers' Home翠鸟的家 ... 160

55 Rats Carrying Eggs Upstairs搬鸡蛋上楼的老鼠 ... 163

56 Heron苍鹭 ... 166

57 A Horse Guardian守护主人的马 ... 169

58 Battle betweea Fox and a Swan狐狸和天鹅之战 ... 172

59 Mutual Affection友情 ... 175




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