
您所在的位置:网站首页 圆柱的三维图怎么做 MATLAB使用surf、contour3灵活绘制投影图、等高线图,显示在指定高度平面


2023-12-23 13:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





    2.在hold on的情况下,使用contour函数,得到的等高线图总是绘制在高度为0的高度平面上。如下图所示。

    3.考虑contour(ax,...)函数,但是由于能力有限,总是找不到怎么去构建这样的句柄。也考虑了使用从H = surf()或者[c,h] = contour3()中获取的句柄,但是系统总是报错,说句柄的类型不对。总之,目前没有找到方法构建这样的句柄,或许通过修改原有的空间坐标系可以实现吧,也或许很麻烦。(如果有大佬知道了,恳求高抬贵手,救救我这个菜鸟的智商。)





    文档说明:surf(X,Y,Z,C)uses C to define color. MATLAB performs a lineartransformation on this data to obtain colors from the current colormap.





    contour3(X,Y,Z,n)  n代表的等高线的条数

    contour3(X,Y,Z,v)   v = [k k] 代表限定要显示的高度范围,比如本例只显示(-10)高度,所以使用v = [-10,-10]。





        [C,h]= contour(x,y,z);


    甚至,使用t = clabel(C,h,'manual') returns the text objects created.进一步设置里面的属性。可以使图中的重要信息更加明显突出,提升图像建模质量。



    数据来源于[c,h]= contour3(x,y,z)中的c,具体格式可以参照开发文档。本文也拷贝过来一部分。

Contour Matrix

ContourMatrix — Contour line definitions[] (default) | two-row matrix

This property is readonly.

Contour line definitions,returned as a two-row matrix. Each contour line in the plot has an associateddefinition. If there are a total of N contour linesin the plot, then the contour matrix consists of N definitions:

C = [C(1) C(2)...C(k)...C(N)]

Each contour line definitionfollows this pattern:

C(k) = [level   x(1) x(2)...

        numxy   y(1) y(2)... ]

The firstentry, level, indicates the contour level wherethe contour line is drawn. Beneath the contour level is the number of (x,y)vertices that define the contour line. The remaining columns contain the datafor each of the vertices. If the first and last vertices are the same, then thecontour line is a closed loop. If a particular contour level has multiplecontour lines in the graph, then the matrix contains a separate definition foreach line.


Create a contour plotof values from the peaks function.

[X,Y,Z] = peaks(3);

[C,h] = contour(X,Y,Z);

Access the contourmatrix using either the output argument C or the ContourMatrix property of the contour object (h.ContourMatrix). The contour matrix contains definitions for eachof the seven contour lines. The circles in this matrix show the beginnings ofthe contour line definitions.

The first definitionin the matrix indicates that there is a contour line drawn at the -0.2 level ,consisting of the three vertices (-0.5504,-3), (0,-2.89), and (0.5506,-3). Since the first andlast vertices are not the same, the contour line is not a closed loop. The lastdefinition indicates that there is a closed loop at the 0.8 level.



[~,c_list] = size(c); cc = []; %记录每一次出现后的列数 cishu = 0; %遇到LEVEL的次数 for ii = 1:c_list if(c(1,ii) == -10 ) %设置寻找标志数据的条件,也可以设置为小于0,条件是通过观察数据得到的 cishu = cishu + 1; cc(cishu) = ii; end end cc(cishu+1) = c_list+1; for ii = 1:cishu Xdata = c(1,cc(ii)+1:cc(ii+1)-1); Ydata = c(2,cc(ii)+1:cc(ii+1)-1); Zdata = Xdata*0-40; %设置等高线投影绘制的位置 plot3(Xdata,Ydata,Zdata,'-k','LineWidth',2); %利用数据绘制投影线 end



    SURF(x,y,Z) and SURF(x,y,Z,C), with twovector arguments replacingthe first two matrix arguments, must have length(x) =n and length(y) = m where [m,n] = size(Z). In this case, the vertices of thesurface patches are the triples (x(j), y(i), Z(i,j)). Note that x correspondsto the columns of Z and y corresponds to the rows.








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