
您所在的位置:网站首页 图灵机器人认证要多久 百度语音识别+图灵机器人+python实现智能对话(小爱机器人)


2023-12-09 14:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

百度语音识别+图灵机器人+python实现智能对话 1、展示效果



2、实现过程 2.1、首先获取语音


def save_wave_file(filepath, data): wf = wave.open(filepath, 'wb') wf.setnchannels(channels) wf.setsampwidth(sampwidth) wf.setframerate(framerate) wf.writeframes(b''.join(data)) wf.close() def my_record(): pa = PyAudio() #打开一个新的音频stream stream = pa.open(format=paInt16, channels=channels, rate=framerate, input=True, frames_per_buffer=num_samples) my_buf = [] #存放录音数据 t = time.time() print('正在录音...') while time.time() < t + 4: # 设置录音时间(秒) #循环read,每次read 2000frames string_audio_data = stream.read(num_samples) my_buf.append(string_audio_data) print('录音结束.') save_wave_file(FILEPATH, my_buf) stream.close()




def listen(): # 读取录音文件 with open(FILEPATH, 'rb') as fp: voices = fp.read() try: # 参数dev_pid:1536普通话(支持简单的英文识别)、1537普通话(纯中文识别)、1737英语、1637粤语、1837四川话、1936普通话远场 result = client.asr(voices, 'wav', 16000, {'dev_pid': 1837, }) # result = CLIENT.asr(get_file_content(path), 'wav', 16000, {'lan': 'zh', }) # print(result) # print(result['result'][0]) # print(result) result_text = result["result"][0] print("you said: " + result_text) return result_text except KeyError: print("faild") 2.3、通过接口图灵机器人对话


class TuringChatMode(object): #初始化API请求地址 def __init__(self): # API接口地址 self.turing_url = 'http://www.tuling123.com/openapi/api?' #定义人机交互方法 def botInteraction (self,text): url_data = dict( key = 'e7ea86036040426e8a9d123176bfe12f', info = text, userid = 'yjc', ) self.request = Request(self.turing_url + urlencode(url_data))#设置并实例化Request try: w_data = urlopen(self.request)#发送请求 except URLError: raise Exception("No internet connection available to transfer txt data") #断言了请求URL异常 except: raise KeyError("Server wouldn't respond (invalid key or quota has been maxed out)") # 其他情况断言提示服务相应次数已经达到上限 response_text = w_data.read().decode('utf-8') #print(response_text) json_result = json.loads(response_text)#将json格式进行解析 return json_result['text'] 3.4、获取图灵机器人的对话之后转成语音播报 engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.say(botMsg) engine.runAndWait()


3、代码 import time import wave from pyaudio import PyAudio, paInt16 import pyttsx3 import json from aip import AipSpeech from urllib.request import urlopen,Request from urllib.error import URLError from urllib.parse import urlencode APP_ID = '21715' API_KEY = 'O0gzDUHKkciBa60V1' SECRET_KEY = 'Psji0dC90D1OehYh63ZaQu' client = AipSpeech(APP_ID, API_KEY, SECRET_KEY) framerate = 16000 # 采样率 num_samples = 2000 # 采样点 channels = 1 # 声道 sampwidth = 2 # 采样宽度2bytes FILEPATH = './myvoices.wav' class TuringChatMode(object): #初始化API请求地址 def __init__(self): # API接口地址 self.turing_url = 'http://www.tuling123.com/openapi/api?' #定义人机交互方法 def botInteraction (self,text): url_data = dict( key = 'e7ea86036040426e8a9d123176bfe12f', info = text, userid = 'yjc', ) self.request = Request(self.turing_url + urlencode(url_data))#设置并实例化Request try: w_data = urlopen(self.request)#发送请求 except URLError: raise Exception("No internet connection available to transfer txt data") #断言了请求URL异常 except: raise KeyError("Server wouldn't respond (invalid key or quota has been maxed out)") # 其他情况断言提示服务相应次数已经达到上限 response_text = w_data.read().decode('utf-8') #print(response_text) json_result = json.loads(response_text)#将json格式进行解析 return json_result['text'] def save_wave_file(filepath, data): wf = wave.open(filepath, 'wb') wf.setnchannels(channels) wf.setsampwidth(sampwidth) wf.setframerate(framerate) wf.writeframes(b''.join(data)) wf.close() #录音 def my_record(): pa = PyAudio() #打开一个新的音频stream stream = pa.open(format=paInt16, channels=channels, rate=framerate, input=True, frames_per_buffer=num_samples) my_buf = [] #存放录音数据 t = time.time() print('正在录音...') while time.time() < t + 4: # 设置录音时间(秒) #循环read,每次read 2000frames string_audio_data = stream.read(num_samples) my_buf.append(string_audio_data) print('录音结束.') save_wave_file(FILEPATH, my_buf) stream.close() def listen(): # 读取录音文件 with open(FILEPATH, 'rb') as fp: voices = fp.read() try: # 参数dev_pid:1536普通话(支持简单的英文识别)、1537普通话(纯中文识别)、1737英语、1637粤语、1837四川话、1936普通话远场 result = client.asr(voices, 'wav', 16000, {'dev_pid': 1837, }) # result = CLIENT.asr(get_file_content(path), 'wav', 16000, {'lan': 'zh', }) # print(result) # print(result['result'][0]) # print(result) result_text = result["result"][0] print("you said: " + result_text) return result_text except KeyError: print("faild") if __name__ == '__main__': turing = TuringChatMode() while True: my_record() msg = listen() if msg == "退出。": exit() else: botMsg = turing.botInteraction(msg) print("图灵BOT回复我:",botMsg) engine = pyttsx3.init() engine.say(botMsg) engine.runAndWait()




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