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2023-04-19 04:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


清洗数据cd C:\Download fs *.zip foreach f in `r(files)'{ unzipfile `f' } * cd C:\Download fs *.xlsx foreach f in `r(files)'{ import excel using "`f'" , firstrow clear qui{ foreach v of var * { la var `v' "`=`v'[1]'" replace `v' = "" if _n == 1 } drop in 1/2 qui foreach v of var * { cap destring `v', replace } sca f_temp = "`f'" loc fname = usubinstr(f_temp,".xlsx","",.) compress } di ".........................................." save "`fname'.dta", replace d l in 1 }变量预览.......................................... (file ar_afbranchinfo.dta not found) file ar_afbranchinfo.dta saved Contains data from ar_afbranchinfo.dta Observations: 4,653 Variables: 12 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ BranchName str80 %80s 分所名称 LordCertifica~r long %10.0g 主所证书编号 BranchNumber int %10.0g 分所编号 EntryTime str10 %10s 数据更新时间 RegistedCity str15 %15s 所在城市 ApprovalTime str10 %10s 批准成立时间 BranchHead str12 %12s 分所负责人 Phone str43 %43s 电话 Email str41 %41s 电子邮箱 CPANumber int %10.0g 注册会计师人数 PractitionerN~r int %10.0g 从业人员人数 InstitutionID long %10.0g 机构ID ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | BranchName | LordCe~r | Branch~r | EntryTime | | 安永华明会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙)大连分所 | 11000243 | 2101 | 2017-11-22 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Regist~y | Approval~e | Branch~d | Phone | Email | CPANum~r | | 大连市 | 2012-07-27 | 周华 | 0411-82528997 | [email protected] | 13 | |------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Practi~r | Instit~D | | 76 | 10383712 | +------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (14 vars, 10,236 obs) .......................................... (file ar_afchange.dta not found) file ar_afchange.dta saved Contains data from ar_afchange.dta Observations: 10,234 Variables: 14 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symbol long %10.0g 股票代码 ShortName str16 %16s 证券简称 DeclareDate str10 %10s 公告日期 InfoSource byte %10.0g 信息来源 AuditContent byte %10.0g 审计内容 ChangeDate str10 %10s 变更日期 ReasonID byte %10.0g 变更原因编码 ChangeReasonD~n strL %9s 变更原因描述 ChangedOfficeID long %10.0g 变更后事务所ID ChangedOffice str65 %65s 变更后事务所 ChangeFormerO~D long %10.0g 变更前事务所ID ChangeFormerO~e str65 %65s 变更前事务所 IsPrepared byte %10.0g 是否报备 Comments str1087 %1087s 备注 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | Symbol | ShortN~e | DeclareD~e | InfoSo~e | AuditC~t | Chang~te | ReasonID | Change~n | | 1 | 深发展 | 2008-04-28 | 2 | 1 | | 15 | | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Change.. | ChangedOffice | Change.. | ChangeFormerOffice | IsPrep~d | | 107023 | 安永华明会计师事务所 | 107254 | 深圳鹏城会计师事务所有限公司 | 1 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Comments | | | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (16 vars, 1,380 obs) .......................................... (file ar_afcpaviolat.dta not found) file ar_afcpaviolat.dta saved Contains data from ar_afcpaviolat.dta Observations: 1,378 Variables: 16 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ViolationID long %10.0g 违规事件ID Symbol long %10.0g 股票代码 ViolatorName str59 %59s 违规主体名称 DisposalDate str10 %10s 处理文件日期 InvolvedAccou~g str13 %13s 涉及会计师 Promulgator str41 %41s 公告发布机构 DocumentNumber str90 %90s 处理文件号 Supervisor str41 %41s 处理单位 ViolationType str209 %209s 违规类型 Law strL %9s 违反的法律法规 ViolationYear str54 %54s 违规年度 Activity strL %9s 违规行为 PunishmentMea~e str1584 %1584s 处罚措施 PunishmentType str23 %23s 处罚方式 Penalty double %10.0g 处罚金额 Comments str805 %805s 备注 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | Violat~D | Symbol | Viola~me | Disposal~e | Involv~g | Promulgator | | 40125242 | 4 | 万海青 | 2022-10-08 | | 其他(中国证监会深圳监管局) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | DocumentNumber | Supervisor | Viola~pe | | 行政监管措施决定书(2022)161号 | 其他(中国证监会深圳监管局) | P2599 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Law | | 不符合《中国注册会计师审计准则第1141号——财务报表审计中与舞弊相关的责任》(2019年)第十.. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Violat~r | | 2021 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Activity | | 经查,你们在执业中存在以下问题:一、风险评估程序不到位(一)未恰当识别营业成本相关的风险.. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | PunishmentMeasure | | 根据《上市公司信息披露管理办法》第六十五条的规定,我局决定对你所及注册会计师申宏波、万.. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Punis~pe | Penalty | | P2699 | . | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Comments | | 公司2020年年报审计执业项目的审计机构的注册会计师;采取出具警示函的监督管理措施。 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (25 vars, 261 obs) .......................................... (file ar_afinfo.dta not found) file ar_afinfo.dta saved Contains data from ar_afinfo.dta Observations: 259 Variables: 25 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ AccountingFir~e str58 %58s 事务所名称 InstitutionID long %10.0g 机构ID EntryTime str10 %10s 数据更新时间 CertificateNu~r long %10.0g 证书编号 Contacts str59 %59s 联系人 ContactTeleph~e str25 %25s 联系电话 OfficeAddress str176 %176s 办公地址 Fax str17 %17s 传真 ZipCode long %10.0g 邮编 Email str26 %26s 电子邮箱 Website str28 %28s 网址 AuthorityAppr~l str19 %19s 批准设立机关 ApprovalTime str10 %10s 批准设立时间 LegalRepresen~e str30 %30s 法定代表人 RegisterCapital double %10.0g 注册资本 Organizationa~m str12 %12s 组织形式 ConversionTime str10 %10s 转制时间 ChiefAccountant str9 %9s 主任会计师 BranchNumber byte %10.0g 分所数量 ShareholderNu~r int %10.0g 股东人数 CPANumber int %10.0g 注册会计师人数 CPATotalNumber int %10.0g 注册会计师人数(含分所) PractitionerN~r int %10.0g 从业人员人数 PractitionerT~r int %10.0g 从业人员人数(含分所) Comments byte %10.0g 备注 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | AccountingFirmName | Instit~D | EntryTime | Certif~r | Contacts | | 安永华明会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙) | 107023 | 2017-11-03 | 11000243 | 金馨 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ContactTel~e | OfficeAddress | Fax | | 010-58153142 | 北京市东城区东长安街1号东方广场安永大楼17层01-12室 | 010-58114142 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ZipCode | Email | Website | Author~l | Approval~e | LegalR~e | | 100738 | [email protected] | | 财政部 | 1992-07-17 | 毛鞍宁 | |----------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Regist~l | Organi~m | Conversi~e | ChiefA~t | Branch~r | Shareh~r | CPANum~r | CPATot~r | | 10000 | 特殊合伙 | 2012-07-31 | 张明益 | 16 | 141 | 354 | 1110 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Practi.. | P~Tota~r | Comments | | 1155 | 4530 | . | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (6 vars, 843 obs) .......................................... (file ar_afqualifiinfo.dta not found) file ar_afqualifiinfo.dta saved Contains data from ar_afqualifiinfo.dta Observations: 841 Variables: 6 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ InstitutionID long %10.0g 机构ID AccountingFir~e str58 %58s 事务所名称 Qualifications str120 %120s 执业资质 ObtainTime str10 %10s 取得时间 EntryTime str10 %10s 数据更新时间 ApprovalAutho~y str102 %102s 批准机关 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | Instit~D | AccountingFirmName | Qualifications | | 107023 | 安永华明会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙) | 北京市2013年度高新技术企业认定中介机构 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ObtainTime | EntryTime | ApprovalAu~y | | 2013-07-01 | 2017-11-03 | 北京市科委等 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (16 vars, 29,200 obs) .......................................... (file ar_cpainfo.dta not found) file ar_cpainfo.dta saved Contains data from ar_cpainfo.dta Observations: 29,198 Variables: 16 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ SgnTime str10 %10s 统计时间 Name str19 %19s 姓名 PersonID long %10.0g 人员ID Gender str1 %9s 性别 AccountingFir~D long %10.0g 所在事务所ID AccountingFirm str80 %80s 所在事务所 Position str45 %45s 所内职务 IsPartner byte %10.0g 是否合伙人 IsPartyMember byte %10.0g 是否党员 Degree byte %10.0g 学历 GraduationSch~l str63 %63s 毕业学校 Major str56 %56s 专业 EntitledWay byte %10.0g 资格取得方式 EntitledTime str10 %10s 资格取得时间 ApprovedRegiT~e str10 %10s 批准注册时间 CertificateNu~r double %10.0g 证书编号 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | SgnTime | Name | PersonID | Gender | Accoun~D | AccountingFirm | | 2017-11-06 | 王鹏程 | 30430542 | M | 107023 | 安永华明会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Position | IsPa~ner | IsPa~ber | Degree | GraduationSchool | Major | Entitl~y | | 合伙人 | 1 | 0 | 4 | 财政部财政科学研究所 | 会计 | 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Entitl~e | Approved~e | Certifi~r | | 1997 | 2000-08-01 | 1.000e+11 | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (6 vars, 2,066 obs) .......................................... (file ar_cpastructure.dta not found) file ar_cpastructure.dta saved Contains data from ar_cpastructure.dta Observations: 2,064 Variables: 6 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ InstitutionID long %10.0g 机构ID AccountingFir~e str58 %58s 事务所名称 StatisticalSc~D byte %10.0g 统计范围编码 EntryTime str10 %10s 数据更新时间 ClassifyID byte %10.0g 结构分类 Persons int %10.0g 人数 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | Instit~D | AccountingFirmName | Statis~D | EntryTime | Classi~D | | 107023 | 安永华明会计师事务所(特殊普通合伙) | 1 | 2017-11-03 | 1 | |----------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Persons | | 0 | +----------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (7 vars, 18,202 obs) .......................................... (file ar_fincorrect.dta not found) file ar_fincorrect.dta saved Contains data from ar_fincorrect.dta Observations: 18,200 Variables: 7 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symbol long %10.0g 股票代码 ShortName str55 %55s 证券简称 EndDate str10 %10s 截止日期 DeclareDate str10 %10s 公告日期 CorrectionType byte %10.0g 更正类型 Corrections str170 %170s 更正事项 CorrectionOrder byte %10.0g 更正次序 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | Symbol | ShortN~e | EndDate | DeclareD~e | Correc~e | Corrections | | 1 | 平安银行 | 2017-12-31 | 2018-06-09 | 2 | 2017年年度报告补充公告 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Correc~r | | 1 | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (4 vars, 13,496 obs) .......................................... (file ar_fincorrectstat.dta not found) file ar_fincorrectstat.dta saved Contains data from ar_fincorrectstat.dta Observations: 13,494 Variables: 4 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symbol long %10.0g 股票代码 ShortName str55 %55s 证券简称 SgnYear str10 %10s 统计年度 CumulativeCor~n byte %10.0g 累计修正次数 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +-------------------------------------------+ | Symbol ShortN~e SgnYear Cumula~n | |-------------------------------------------| 1. | 1 平安银行 2017-12-31 1 | +-------------------------------------------+ (17 vars, 23,177 obs) .......................................... (file ar_finrestat.dta not found) file ar_finrestat.dta saved Contains data from ar_finrestat.dta Observations: 23,175 Variables: 17 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symbol long %10.0g 股票代码 DeclareDate str10 %10s 公告日期 Title str253 %253s 公告标题 RestatementOb~t byte %10.0g 重述对象 RestatementYear str10 %10s 重述年度 ChangeDescrip~n strL %9s 变更描述 RestatementType byte %10.0g 重述类型 ReasonDescrip~n byte %10.0g 原因说明 IsLag byte %10.0g 是否滞后 SurplusChange byte %10.0g 盈余变更方向 AdjustmentRea~n byte %10.0g 盈余调整原因 AdjustmentCau~p strL %9s 盈余调整原因描述 InfluenceAmount double %10.0g 影响金额 IsFinancialDa~e byte %10.0g 是否涉及财务数据变更 AdjustedAccou~s str594 %594s 调整的会计科目 RetellInitiator str60 %60s 重述发起方 Notes strL %9s 备注 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | Symbol | DeclareD~e | Title | Restat~t | | 1 | 2018-03-15 | 平安银行股份有限公司关于会计政策变更的公告 | 3 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Restatem~r | | 2018-03-31 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ChangeDescription | | (一)新金融工具会计准则相关会计政策变更:1、根据新金融工具会计准则的衔接规定,本行无.. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Restat~e | Reason~n | IsLag | Surplu~e | Adjust~n | Adjust~p | Influe~t | IsFina~e | | 10 | 2 | 0 | . | . | | . | 1 | |-----------------------------+-----------------------------------------------------------| | Adjust~s | RetellIn~r | Notes | | | 公司董事会 | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (15 vars, 1,075 obs) .......................................... (file ar_finviolation.dta not found) file ar_finviolation.dta saved Contains data from ar_finviolation.dta Observations: 1,073 Variables: 15 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ViolationID long %10.0g 违规事件ID Symbol long %10.0g 股票代码 DeclareDate str10 %10s 公告日期 DisposalDate str10 %10s 处理文件日期 Promulgator str41 %41s 公告发布机构 FileName str233 %233s 公告文件名称 DocumentNumber str106 %106s 处理文件号 Supervisor str122 %122s 处理单位 ViolationType str313 %313s 违规类型 Law strL %9s 违反的法律法规 ViolationYear str54 %54s 违规年度 Activity strL %9s 违规行为 PunishmentMea~e strL %9s 处分措施 PunishmentType str23 %23s 处罚方式 Penalty double %10.0g 处罚金额 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | Violat~D | Symbol | DeclareD~e | Disposal~e | Promul~r | | 405974 | 4 | 2013-06-06 | 2013-04-12 | 上市公司 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | FileName | DocumentNumber | Supervisor | | 关于深圳证监局现场检查监管意见的整改方案 | 深圳证监局【2013】34号 | 其他(深圳证监局) | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ViolationType | | P2515;P2515;P2503、P2599;P2599 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Law | | 违反了公司《信息披露管理制度》的相关规定。违反了《公司章程》中关于股东大会、董事会、.. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ViolationYear | | 2010;2011;2012;N/A | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Activity | | 一、信息披露方面存在的主要问题 (一)公司关于茂名力拓投资事项的信息披露与实际状况不.. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Punis~re | Punis~pe | Penalty | | | P2699 | . | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (18 vars, 66,677 obs) .......................................... (file ar_listcompaudit.dta not found) file ar_listcompaudit.dta saved Contains data from ar_listcompaudit.dta Observations: 66,675 Variables: 18 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Symbol long %10.0g 股票代码 EndDate str10 %10s 统计截止日期 Source byte %10.0g 审计来源 AccountingFir~e str91 %91s 事务所名称 InstitutionID long %10.0g 机构ID TerritoryFore~y byte %10.0g 境内外标识 AuditItems byte %10.0g 审计事项 IsChangeFirm byte %10.0g 会计事务所是否变更 AuditorTenure byte %10.0g 审计任期 SignatureCPA str47 %47s 签字会计师 PersonID str35 %35s 人员ID IsChangeCPA byte %10.0g 签字会计师是否变更 ChangedReason strL %9s 签字会计师变更原因 IsAuditCommit~p byte %10.0g 是否设置审计委员会 AuditCommitte~r byte %10.0g 审计委员会人数 IndependentDi~r byte %10.0g 审计委员会独立董事人数 AuditCommitt~rs str110 %110s 审计委员会成员 AuditCommitt~es byte %10.0g 审计委员会召开次数 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | Symbol | EndDate | Source | AccountingFirmName | Instit~D | Territ~y | AuditI~s | | 1 | 2000-12-31 | 0 | 深圳鹏城会计师事务所 | 107254 | 1 | 1 | |------------------------------+----------------------------------------------------------| | IsChan~m | Audito~e | Signature~A | PersonID | IsChan~A | | 1 | 1 | 张克理,梁烽 | 30283102,3070062 | 1 | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | ChangedReason | | 报告期内鉴于本行原聘请的深圳中审会计师事务所因改制已被深圳市注册会计师协会注销按照有.. | |-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | IsAudi~p | AuditC~r | Indepe~r | Audit~rs | Audit~es | | 0 | . | . | | . | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ (25 vars, 1,907 obs) .......................................... (file ar_top100afrank.dta not found) file ar_top100afrank.dta saved Contains data from ar_top100afrank.dta Observations: 1,905 Variables: 25 18 Apr 2023 08:32 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Variable Storage Display Value name type format label Variable label ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ RatingYear int %10.0g 评比年度 InstitutionID long %10.0g 机构ID AccountingFir~e str60 %60s 事务所名称 Rank int %10.0g 排名 DeclareDate str10 %10s 公布日期 BusinessIncome double %10.0g 业务收入 RevenueGrowth double %10.0g 业务收入增长率(%) BranchBusines~e double %10.0g 分所业务收入 AuditIncome long %10.0g 审计收入 AssessmentInc~e double %10.0g 资产评估收入 CPANumber int %10.0g CPA人数 TrainingCompl~n double %10.0g 培训完成率(%) TalentReserve~r byte %10.0g 领军人才后备人选数 ReducedScore double %10.0g 应减分值 BranchNumber byte %10.0g 分所数量 PractitionerN~r int %10.0g 从业人员数 PerCapitaIncome int %10.0g 人均业务收入 PartnersNumber byte %10.0g 合伙人数 LessThan30Yea~d int %10.0g 小于30岁人数 Thirty_FiftyY~d int %10.0g 30-50岁人数 MoreThan50Yea~d int %10.0g 大于50岁人数 MasterDegreeO~e int %10.0g 硕士学历(硕士以上) BachelorDegree int %10.0g 本科学历 CollegeDegree~w int %10.0g 大专学历及以下学历 CompositeScore double %10.0g 综合得分 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sorted by: +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+ 1. | Rating~r | Instit~D | AccountingFirmName | Rank | DeclareD~e | Busine~e | | 2003 | 107374 | 普华永道中天会计师事务所 | 1 | 2003-08-31 | 76631 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Revenu~h | Branch~e | AuditI~e | Assess~e | CPANum~r | Traini~n | Talent~r | Reduce~e | | . | . | . | . | 391 | . | . | . | |----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------+----------| | Branch~r | Practi~r | PerCap~e | Partne~r | LessTh~d | Thirty~d | MoreTh~d | Master~e | | . | . | . | . | 270 | 118 | 3 | 16 | |---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | Bachel~e | Colleg~w | Compos~e | | 362 | 13 | . | +---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+





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