Top Gear Secondhand Super Heroes.

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Top Gear Secondhand Super Heroes.

2022-05-06 23:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Just rebuilt number 114. 1.5k on the clock.

Sump up rebuild.

Totally standard apart from V delete and a bit of head and exhaust work.

At Snetterton last week @5000 rpm it hit 99db on a static.

90db the week before at Brands @4500 rpm

Standard Billies.

Seat bolster fcuked.

Paid £9k 12 years ago.

3 engine builds later.( 1 sh*t one from somewhere I can never repeat 1 from someone else and the 3rd from my workshop with no compromise on parts or labour)


I think I have a pretty sorted standard car.

Even have the same sh*t radio.


Maybe if I gave it a wash I could get decent money for it. 


But I won't sell it.


Ive kept it for my sons to play with! rallly




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