SWISSE护肝片,怎么样? 能长期用吗?

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SWISSE护肝片,怎么样? 能长期用吗?

2024-07-10 07:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


ST. MARY'S THISTLE(Silybum marianum) fruit (equiv. flavanolignans calculated as silybin 28.6 mg) 2.5 g

TURMERIC (Curcuma longa) rhizome (equiv. curcuminoids 48.75 mg) 1.5 g

No Added lactose, gluten, yeast, egg, soy and artificial flavours.




干燥的水飞蓟果2.5g(等效成分:水飞蓟宾 28.6毫克)

干燥的姜黄根茎1.5克(等效成分:姜黄素 48.75mg)

干燥的水飞蓟果2.5g(等效成分:水飞蓟宾 28.6毫克)

干燥的姜黄根茎1.5克(等效成分:姜黄素 48.75mg)

也就是说, SWISSE护肝片的主要活性成分就是“朝鲜蓟“、 “水飞蓟宾” 和 “姜黄素”。

那么, 很显然, 要想知道护肝片能否发挥作用, 就要看这3个活性成分是否有用了

2. 朝鲜蓟

A powerful antioxidant named silymarinfound in artichoke has shown to positively influence liver health and boost liver functions by stimulating cell regeneration and scavenging for free radicals. Another cancer-fighting phytochemical found in artichokes is cynarin, a caffeoylquinic acid that is found primarily in the leaves. It promotes the liver’s bile production, which helps break down fatty foods. The polyphenol-type antioxidants found in artichokes are thought to help prevent numerous types of cancer such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia. These antioxidants may help induce cell death (apoptosis) and slow the growth of cancer cells.[22][23]

A powerful antioxidant named silymarinfound in artichoke has shown to positively influence liver health and boost liver functions by stimulating cell regeneration and scavenging for free radicals. Another cancer-fighting phytochemical found in artichokes is cynarin, a caffeoylquinic acid that is found primarily in the leaves. It promotes the liver’s bile production, which helps break down fatty foods. The polyphenol-type antioxidants found in artichokes are thought to help prevent numerous types of cancer such as breast cancer, prostate cancer, and leukemia. These antioxidants may help induce cell death (apoptosis) and slow the growth of cancer cells.[22][23]



3. 水飞蓟和水飞蓟宾

Silybum marianum is used in traditional Chinese medicineto clear heat and relieve toxic material, to soothe the liver and to promote bile flow.[13]Though its efficacy in treating diseases is still unknown, Silybum marianum is sometimes prescribed by herbalists to help treat liverdiseases (cirrhosis, jaundiceand hepatitis). Both in vitro and animal research suggest that Silibinin(syn. silybin, sylimarin I) may have hepatoprotective(antihepatotoxic) properties that protect liver cells against toxins.[14][15][16]

A 2000 study of such claims by the AHRQconcluded that "clinical efficacy of milk thistle is not clearly established". A 2005 Cochrane Review considered thirteen randomized clinical trials which assessed milk thistle in 915 patients with alcoholic and/or hepatitis B or C virus liver diseases. They question the beneficial effects of milk thistle for patients with alcoholic and/or hepatitis B or C virus liver diseases and highlight the lack of high-quality evidence to support this intervention. Cochrane concluded that more good-quality randomized clinical trials on milk thistle versus placebo are needed.[17]

Silybum marianum is used in traditional Chinese medicineto clear heat and relieve toxic material, to soothe the liver and to promote bile flow.[13]Though its efficacy in treating diseases is still unknown, Silybum marianum is sometimes prescribed by herbalists to help treat liverdiseases (cirrhosis, jaundiceand hepatitis). Both in vitro and animal research suggest that Silibinin(syn. silybin, sylimarin I) may have hepatoprotective(antihepatotoxic) properties that protect liver cells against toxins.[14][15][16]

A 2000 study of such claims by the AHRQconcluded that "clinical efficacy of milk thistle is not clearly established". A 2005 Cochrane Review considered thirteen randomized clinical trials which assessed milk thistle in 915 patients with alcoholic and/or hepatitis B or C virus liver diseases. They question the beneficial effects of milk thistle for patients with alcoholic and/or hepatitis B or C virus liver diseases and highlight the lack of high-quality evidence to support this intervention. Cochrane concluded that more good-quality randomized clinical trials on milk thistle versus placebo are needed.[17]

大概意思是:在中国传统医学中, 水飞蓟用来清热、减轻毒性物质,以平肝,促进胆汁流量(肝硬化,黄疸和肝炎)。 在体外和动物研究表明,水飞蓟宾(一种活性成分)可以具有保肝作用,。[13]虽然它在治疗疾病的功效仍是未知数,水飞蓟有时是由中医师处方帮助治疗肝脏疾病该保护肝细胞免受毒素影响。[14][15][16]

但是,AHRQ得出的结论是“水飞蓟的临床疗效没有明确规定。” 2005年Cochrane评价考虑了十三个随机临床试验,评估水飞蓟对915名酒精和/或乙型肝炎或丙型肝炎病毒肝脏疾病的效果。他们质疑水飞蓟的有益影响,并强调缺乏高质量的证据支持这种效果。Cochrane得出结论,需要对水飞蓟与安慰剂进行更多的优质随机临床试验。[17]


4. 姜黄、姜黄素

Although curcumin has been used historically in Ayurvedic medicine , [4] its potential medicinal properties remain unproven and are an area of active investigation.

Although curcumin has been used historically in Ayurvedic medicine , [4] its potential medicinal properties remain unproven and are an area of active investigation.

Curcumin is poorly absorbed inherently、、、If one of the above enhancements are not used, then too little curcumin will be absorbed and even doses of up to 4,000mg may be wholly inactive (8-16g would only be slightly active).

It exerts potent anti-inflammatory effects, and these anti-inflammatory effects seem to be quite protective against some form of cancer progression.

In vitro experiments have found that curcumin may damage the DNA of human cells.

Curcumin is poorly absorbed inherently、、、If one of the above enhancements are not used, then too little curcumin will be absorbed and even doses of up to 4,000mg may be wholly inactive (8-16g would only be slightly active).

It exerts potent anti-inflammatory effects, and these anti-inflammatory effects seem to be quite protective against some form of cancer progression.

In vitro experiments have found that curcumin may damage the DNA of human cells.

大概意思是:尽管姜黄素在阿育吠陀医学中已经被使用了很久,但其潜在的药用性能仍未经证实。由于姜黄素是脂溶性的, 服用后被吸收的很少, 一般要搭配一些增强吸收的成分。姜黄素显示有抗炎的特性。体外试验发现高浓度的姜黄素可能会损伤人类细胞的DNA。


好了, SWISSE护肝片的3个主要活性成分的资料都介绍完了, 是不是看的很累?

那么, 这款护肝片到底有没有效果呢?

5. 护肝片,是药吗?

上面这些成分分析完了, 不知道你看了有何感想?

我的感触只有1句话: 这不就是中药吗?

对啊, 都是植物提取物, 而且这3个主要活性成分都是来自世界各地的药物成分, 有中国的 、有欧洲的, 也有印度的

那么, SWISSE的护肝片, 到底是药呢? 还是保健品?

答案是显然的, 这只是保健品。 原因很简单, 药物需要有确定的疗效、毒理报告、药理分析、人体临床测试数据、、、而保健品是不需要的, 所以出一款保健品很简单, 短的只要几个月就可以。 而一款药物的分析研发少则几年, 多则数十年, 花费的研发成本更是高的吓人

6. 护肝片, 有效果吗?

那么, 问题来了, 既然护肝片不是药, 那么有效果吗?

如果把时光倒回去300年, 这款护肝片应该是”有效“的。 因为用的都是药物成分, 而且是一直以来传统医学上使用的作保肝的药物成分。 而且, 那时候医学科技不发达, 没法做深入的药理分析、人体临床数据分析

但是, 拿到现代来说, 护肝片是否能起到效果, 就未知了(也许有、也许没有)。 从护肝片的3个主要成分的分析来看, 虽然有的成分有保肝的作用, 但是SWISSE的护肝片, 是否能对所有人发挥这个作用, 并不知晓。 毕竟, 这是一款保健品, 没有临床使用的数据支持。

作为我个人来说, 我把这款护肝片当做一款药物, 是没有经过临床验证的药物, 也许对某些人有点效果, 也许没有效果

7. 护肝片, 你需要吗?

既然把这款护肝片当做一个药物, 那么, 对于正常人来说, 是完全不需要的。

那么, 对于肝有些问题的人来说, 这款SWISSE护肝品能用吗?

我不是医生, 我没法给出专业的意见。 但是有一点建议: 可以去医院多看几个医生,可以先不拿药, 只是听听不同医生的建议, 看他们是否推荐这款护肝片。

貌似医院也有护肝片这样的药物, 例如葵花护肝片, 它的主要成分是:柴胡、茵陈、板蓝根、五味子、猪胆粉、绿豆。

还有更多的养肝片, 比如:仲景牌,北京同仁堂,九芝堂

so, 既然有病, 那么一定要去看医生的, 只能说遵医嘱吧。

药, 是不能乱吃的。

8. 总结

在古代, 中草药在每个国家都是要使用的。 有些具有明确的疗效, 而有些的药效是模糊的。 到了近现代, 科技水平大大发展后, 可以有更多科学方法来验证药物的疗效, 甚至找到药物中发挥关键作用的成分, 来进行翔实的科学分析。我们期望在不久的将来, 更多具有明确疗效的药物面世。返回搜狐,查看更多




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