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#ASCII 表 | 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

ASCII 控制字符 (字符代码 0-31)


ASCII 表中的前 32 个字符是不可打印的控制代码,用于控制打印机等外围设备。

更多细节可参考:HTML 字符集。

编号 八进制 十六进制 二进制 符号 HTML 编号 HTML 实体名称 描述 00000000000000NUL� Null char 10010100000001SOH Start of Heading 20020200000010STX Start of Text 30030300000011ETX End of Text 40040400000100EOT End of Transmission 50050500000101ENQ Enquiry 60060600000110ACK Acknowledgment 70070700000111BEL Bell 80100800001000 BS Back Space 90110900001001 HT  Horizontal Tab 100120A00001010 LF  Line Feed 110130B00001011 VT  Vertical Tab 120140C00001100 FF  Form Feed 130150D00001101 CR  Carriage Return 140160E00001110 SO Shift Out / X-On 150170F00001111 SI Shift In / X-Off 160201000010000DLE Data Line Escape 170211100010001DC1 Device Control 1 (oft. XON) 180221200010010DC2 Device Control 2 190231300010011DC3 Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF) 200241400010100DC4 Device Control 4 210251500010101NAK Negative Acknowledgement 220261600010110SYN Synchronous Idle 230271700010111ETB End of Transmit Block 240301800011000CAN Cancel 250311900011001 EM End of Medium 260321A00011010SUB Substitute 270331B00011011ESC Escape 280341C00011100 FS File Separator 290351D00011101 GS Group Separator 300361E00011110 RS Record Separator 310371F00011111 US Unit Separator ASCII 可打印字符 (字符代码 32-127)


编号 八进制 十六进制 二进制 符号 HTML 编号 HTML 实体名称 描述 320402000100000   Space 330412100100001!! Exclamation mark 340422200100010"";Double quotes (or speech marks) 350432300100011## Number 360442400100100$$ Dollar 370452500100101%% Procenttecken 380462600100110&&;Ampersand 390472700100111'' Single quote 400502800101000(( Open parenthesis (or open bracket) 410512900101001)) Close parenthesis (or close bracket) 420522A00101010** Asterisk 430532B00101011++ Plus 440542C00101100,, Comma 450552D00101101-- Hyphen 460562E00101110.. Period, dot or full stop 470572F00101111// Slash or divide 48060300011000000 Zero 49061310011000111 One 50062320011001022 Two 51063330011001133 Three 52064340011010044 Four 53065350011010155 Five 54066360011011066 Six 55067370011011177 Seven 56070380011100088 Eight 57071390011100199 Nine 580723A00111010:: Colon 590733B00111011;; Semicolon 600743C00111100>;Greater than (or close angled bracket) 630773F00111111?? Question mark 641004001000000@@ At symbol 651014101000001AA Uppercase A 661024201000010BB Uppercase B 671034301000011CC Uppercase C 681044401000100DD Uppercase D 691054501000101EE Uppercase E 701064601000110FF Uppercase F 711074701000111GG Uppercase G 721104801001000HH Uppercase H 731114901001001II Uppercase I 741124A01001010JJ Uppercase J 751134B01001011KK Uppercase K 761144C01001100LL Uppercase L 771154D01001101MM Uppercase M 781164E01001110NN Uppercase N 791174F01001111OO Uppercase O 801205001010000PP Uppercase P 811215101010001QQ Uppercase Q 821225201010010RR Uppercase R 831235301010011SS Uppercase S 841245401010100TT Uppercase T 851255501010101UU Uppercase U 861265601010110VV Uppercase V 871275701010111WW Uppercase W 881305801011000XX Uppercase X 891315901011001YY Uppercase Y 901325A01011010ZZ Uppercase Z 911335B01011011[[ Opening bracket 921345C01011100\\ Backslash 931355D01011101]] Closing bracket 941365E01011110^^ Caret - circumflex 951375F01011111__ Underscore 961406001100000`` Grave accent 971416101100001aa Lowercase a 981426201100010bb Lowercase b 991436301100011cc Lowercase c 1001446401100100dd Lowercase d 1011456501100101ee Lowercase e 1021466601100110ff Lowercase f 1031476701100111gg Lowercase g 1041506801101000hh Lowercase h 1051516901101001ii Lowercase i 1061526A01101010jj Lowercase j 1071536B01101011kk Lowercase k 1081546C01101100ll Lowercase l 1091556D01101101mm Lowercase m 1101566E01101110nn Lowercase n 1111576F01101111oo Lowercase o 1121607001110000pp Lowercase p 1131617101110001qq Lowercase q 1141627201110010rr Lowercase r 1151637301110011ss Lowercase s 1161647401110100tt Lowercase t 1171657501110101uu Lowercase u 1181667601110110vv Lowercase v 1191677701110111ww Lowercase w 1201707801111000xx Lowercase x 1211717901111001yy Lowercase y 1221727A01111010zz Lowercase z 1231737B01111011{{ Opening brace 1241747C01111100|| Vertical bar 1251757D01111101}} Closing brace 1261767E01111110~~ Equivalency sign - tilde 1271777F01111111 Delete 扩展 ASCII 码 (字符代码 128-255)

8 位 ASCII 表有几种不同的变体。 下表根据 ISO 8859-1,也称为 ISO Latin-1。 代码 129-159 包含 Microsoft® Windows Latin-1 扩展字符。

编号 八进制 十六进制 二进制 符号 HTML 编号 HTML 实体名称 描述 1282008010000000€€€Euro sign 1292018110000001     1302028210000010‚‚‚Single low-9 quotation mark 1312038310000011ƒƒƒLatin small letter f with hook 1322048410000100„„„Double low-9 quotation mark 1332058510000101………Horizontal ellipsis 1342068610000110†††Dagger 1352078710000111‡‡‡Double dagger 1362108810001000ˆˆˆModifier letter circumflex accent 1372118910001001‰‰‰Per mille sign 1382128A10001010ŠŠŠLatin capital letter S with caron 1392138B10001011‹‹‹Single left-pointing angle quotation 1402148C10001100ŒŒŒLatin capital ligature OE 1412158D10001101     1422168E10001110ŽŽ Latin captial letter Z with caron 1432178F10001111     1442209010010000     1452219110010001‘‘‘Left single quotation mark 1462229210010010’’’Right single quotation mark 1472239310010011“““Left double quotation mark 1482249410010100”””Right double quotation mark 1492259510010101•••Bullet 1502269610010110–––En dash 1512279710010111———Em dash 1522309810011000˜˜˜Small tilde 1532319910011001™™™Trade mark sign 1542329A10011010šššLatin small letter S with caron 1552339B10011011››› Single right-pointing angle quotation mark 1562349C10011100œœœLatin small ligature oe 1572359D10011101     1582369E10011110žž Latin small letter z with caron 1592379F10011111ŸŸÿLatin capital letter Y with diaeresis 160240A010100000  ;Non-breaking space 161241A110100001¡¡¡Inverted exclamation mark 162242A210100010¢¢¢Cent sign 163243A310100011£££Pound sign 164244A410100100¤¤¤Currency sign 165245A510100101¥¥¥Yen sign 166246A610100110¦¦¦Pipe, Broken vertical bar 167247A710100111§§§Section sign 168250A810101000¨¨¨Spacing diaeresis - umlaut 169251A910101001©©©Copyright sign 170252AA10101010ªªªFeminine ordinal indicator 171253AB10101011«««Left double angle quotes 172254AC10101100¬¬¬Not sign 173255AD10101101­­­Soft hyphen 174256AE10101110®®®Registered trade mark sign 175257AF10101111¯¯¯Spacing macron - overline 176260B010110000°°°Degree sign 177261B110110001±±±Plus-or-minus sign 178262B210110010²²²Superscript two - squared 179263B310110011³³³Superscript three - cubed 180264B410110100´´´Acute accent - spacing acute 181265B510110101µµµMicro sign 182266B610110110¶¶¶Pilcrow sign - paragraph sign 183267B710110111···Middle dot - Georgian comma 184270B810111000¸¸¸Spacing cedilla 185271B910111001¹¹¹Superscript one 186272BA10111010ºººMasculine ordinal indicator 187273BB10111011»»»Right double angle quotes 188274BC10111100¼¼¼Fraction one quarter 189275BD10111101½½½Fraction one half 190276BE10111110¾¾¾Fraction three quarters 191277BF10111111¿¿¿Inverted question mark 192300C011000000ÀÀÀLatin capital letter A with grave 193301C111000001ÁÁÁLatin capital letter A with acute 194302C211000010ÂÂÂLatin capital letter A with circumflex 195303C311000011ÃÃÃLatin capital letter A with tilde 196304C411000100ÄÄÄLatin capital letter A with diaeresis 197305C511000101ÅÅÅLatin capital letter A with ring above 198306C611000110ÆÆÆLatin capital letter AE 199307C711000111ÇÇÇLatin capital letter C with cedilla 200310C811001000ÈÈÈLatin capital letter E with grave 201311C911001001ÉÉÉLatin capital letter E with acute 202312CA11001010ÊÊÊLatin capital letter E with circumflex 203313CB11001011ËËËLatin capital letter E with diaeresis 204314CC11001100ÌÌÌLatin capital letter I with grave 205315CD11001101ÍÍÍLatin capital letter I with acute 206316CE11001110ÎÎÎLatin capital letter I with circumflex 207317CF11001111ÏÏÏLatin capital letter I with diaeresis 208320D011010000ÐÐÐLatin capital letter ETH 209321D111010001ÑÑÑLatin capital letter N with tilde 210322D211010010ÒÒÒLatin capital letter O with grave 211323D311010011ÓÓÓLatin capital letter O with acute 212324D411010100ÔÔÔLatin capital letter O with circumflex 213325D511010101ÕÕÕLatin capital letter O with tilde 214326D611010110ÖÖÖLatin capital letter O with diaeresis 215327D711010111×××Multiplication sign 216330D811011000ØØØLatin capital letter O with slash 217331D911011001ÙÙÙLatin capital letter U with grave 218332DA11011010ÚÚÚLatin capital letter U with acute 219333DB11011011ÛÛÛLatin capital letter U with circumflex 220334DC11011100ÜÜÜLatin capital letter U with diaeresis 221335DD11011101ÝÝÝLatin capital letter Y with acute 222336DE11011110ÞÞÞLatin capital letter THORN 223337DF11011111ßßßLatin small letter sharp s - ess-zed 224340E011100000àààLatin small letter a with grave 225341E111100001áááLatin small letter a with acute 226342E211100010âââLatin small letter a with circumflex 227343E311100011ãããLatin small letter a with tilde 228344E411100100äääLatin small letter a with diaeresis 229345E511100101åååLatin small letter a with ring above 230346E611100110æææLatin small letter ae 231347E711100111çççLatin small letter c with cedilla 232350E811101000èèèLatin small letter e with grave 233351E911101001éééLatin small letter e with acute 234352EA11101010êêêLatin small letter e with circumflex 235353EB11101011ëëëLatin small letter e with diaeresis 236354EC11101100ìììLatin small letter i with grave 237355ED11101101íííLatin small letter i with acute 238356EE11101110îîîLatin small letter i with circumflex 239357EF11101111ïïïLatin small letter i with diaeresis 240360F011110000ðððLatin small letter eth 241361F111110001ñññLatin small letter n with tilde 242362F211110010òòòLatin small letter o with grave 243363F311110011óóóLatin small letter o with acute 244364F411110100ôôôLatin small letter o with circumflex 245365F511110101õõõLatin small letter o with tilde 246366F611110110öööLatin small letter o with diaeresis 247367F711110111÷÷÷Division sign 248370F811111000øøøLatin small letter o with slash 249371F911111001ùùùLatin small letter u with grave 250372FA11111010úúúLatin small letter u with acute 251373FB11111011ûûûLatin small letter u with circumflex 252374FC11111100üüüLatin small letter u with diaeresis 253375FD11111101ýýýLatin small letter y with acute 254376FE11111110þþþLatin small letter thorn 255377FF11111111ÿÿÿLatin small letter y with diaeresis




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