用形容词 next、 following 和 subsequent 表示 “下一个的”

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用形容词 next、 following 和 subsequent 表示 “下一个的”

2024-07-08 11:06| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





一位听众来信询问 “following”、“next” 和 “subsequent” 是否都可以用来表示 “下一个的”。如要表达 “从现在算起的下一周,下一年”,应该用这三个形容词中的哪一个?本期节目介绍形容词 “following”、“next” 和 “subsequent” 用来表示 “接下来的,随后的” 时的区别。



Jiaying大家好!欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目。I'm Jiaying.

BethAnd I'm Beth. This week we are answering this question:

Question请问老师:“next”、“following” 和 “subsequent” 是同义词吗?表示 “下一个的”?

Jiaying谢谢这位听众发来的问题。本期节目重点对比分析 “next”、“following” 和 “subsequent” 作形容词表示 “接下来的,随后的” 时候有什么区别。

BethLet's look at 'next'. 'Next' is used in speaking and writing, in everyday English, and in more formal and academic English.

Jiaying形容词 “next(下一个的,紧接着的)” 无论是在口语还是在写作中都很常用,是这三个单词中适用范围最广的一个。“Next” 多和表示时间的单词连用。如果 “next + 时间词” 的搭配前面不加定冠词 “the”,那么表示的时间点一定是从现在说话时开始计算,比如 “next time”、 “next week” 和 “next year” 指的是从现在这一刻开始的 “下次”、“下周” 和 “明年”。请听例句。

ExamplesNext time you have a problem, call me.(下次你要是遇到了麻烦,打电话联系我。)

I can't come to choir tonight, but I'll be there next week.(我今晚没法来参加合唱了,但我下周会来的。)

Beth'Next' can be used with other nouns, such as 'street' and 'step'. And it can be used for people who replace others, such as when someone gets a new job.

Jiaying“Next(下一个的)” 也可以用在其它名词前面,比如 “next street(下一条街)、“next step(下一步)”。“Next” 还可以用在描述人的职务或头衔的名词前,来表示 “下一任的”。请听两个例句。

ExamplesThe pharmacy? Take the next street on the left and you'll see it.(药店吗?在下一个路口左转那条街上,到那里你就看到了。)

Now that she's leaving, I wonder who the next CEO will be.(她要离职了,不知道下一任首席执行官会是谁。)

BethNow let's look at 'following'. Unlike 'next', 'following' is often more formal. It may be used in speaking, especially with people you don't know, and is commonly used in writing.

Jiaying形容词 “following” 也可以表示 “下一个的,接下来的”,不过它比 “next” 更正式,你可能会在报道文章、文学作品或电子邮件中看到这个词。

BethWith time words like these, 'following' is used with 'the' and the meaning can relate to the past, present or future.

Jiaying没错。“Following” 也多与 “morning(早晨)”、“day(天)”、“year(年)” 等表示时间的词连用,但 “following” 的前面需加定冠词 “the”。“The following + 时间词” 的搭配的含义需视上下文而定。比如,搭配 “the following week” 用在不同的句子中,可能表示 “从现在开始算的下一周”,也可能是 “三周后某一个时间点开始算的下一周”,还可能是 “从一年前某个时间点来看的下一周”。请听例句。

ExamplesAn appointment was scheduled for the following day.(我们见面的时间被安排在了转天。)

He was due to appear in court the following month.(他本应于之后的那个月出庭。)

Jiaying补充一点,形容词 “following” 还可以用来引出名单列表里的内容,表示 “接下来提及的”。听一个例句。

ExampleWill the following students please stand up – Jane, Paula, George and Rachel.(下面叫到的这几位学生请起立:简、宝拉、乔治、瑞秋。)

BethNow, let's look at 'subsequent'. This also means 'next' but is much more formal and is more often used in written than spoken English.

Jiaying形容词 “subsequent” 可以表示 “后续的,接下来的”。相较于 “next” 和 “following”, “subsequent” 更为正式,多见于报道文章、文学作品等书面语中。

BethUnlike 'following', however, it can be used in a lot of different situations. Here are some examples.

ExamplesFor the payment terms, please refer to the subsequent clauses of the contract.(付款条件参见合同后续条款。)

There was a new book cover in subsequent editions of the novel.(这本小说的后续版本使用了新的封面。)

Jiaying补充一点,形容词 “subsequent” 后常跟介词 “to” —— “subsequent to something” 表示 “在…之后”。请听例句。

ExamplesSubsequent to arriving in New York, the couple had found a flat.(抵达纽约后,这对夫妇就找到了一套公寓。)

The artist received many new commissions subsequent to her first exhibition.(在这位艺术家举办了首个展览后,许多人委托她进行创作。)

BethSo, although they are quite similar, these three words are not used in exactly the same way. Let's summarise, Jiaying.

Jiaying总结一下,要表示 “下一个的”,形容词 “next” 在口语中最常用。形容词 “following” 相对更正式,更常见于书面语中。这两个词都常出现在表示时间的单词前,比如 “next week” 和 “the following week” 的意思都是 “下周”。但要注意的是,“next week” 一定表示 “从现在开始算的下周”,而 “the following week” 具体指的是从哪个时间点开始算的 “下周” 则要视谈话的上下文而定。最后,形容词 “subsequent” 用来表示 “后续的”,这个词多见于正式的书面语中。

BethRemember, if you have a question about the English language you'd like to ask us, please send us an email. Our email address is: [email protected]

Jiaying你也可以通过微博向我们提问。我们的微博账号是 “BBC英语教学”。Bye, everyone.





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