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1、课程教案 教案编写时间:2018.9课程名称商务英语阅读1学 时32总学时:32 学时讲课: 30 学时上机: 学时实验: 学时其他: 2 学时课程类别公共课 ( ) 基础课 ( ) 专业课( )专业基础课( ) 专业选修课( ) 公共选修课( )授课对象一年级商务英语专业本科教材:商务英语阅读1,叶兴国,上海外语教育出版社,2017年,第1版。主要参考资料(或网站):商务英语阅读教程1(教师用书),叶兴国,上海外语教育出版社,2017年。新编商务英语阅读教程1(第二版),吴长镛,高等教育出版社,2011年。教学目的、要求:教学目的:通过学习有关的商务活动的实用语言材料,学生应熟悉主要的商务英语文章类型,提高阅读商务文章的能力,同时进一步提高基本的听、说、读、写、译的能力。目的是培养学生的阅读理解能力、语言观察能力、逻辑思维能力、跨文化沟通能力以及获取商务信息的基本能力,为进一步学习后续的商务英语课程,毕业后成为适应社会需要的应用型涉外商务工作者打下坚实的基础。教学要求:熟练阅读商务报刊文章的语言和文字魅力,具备初步的独立分析能力;学会解读商务英语报刊文章的段落大意和中心思想;进行商务

2、报刊文章的段落翻译(英译中),要求译文基本符合原义,行文顺畅;同时,进行一些中英句子翻译,让学生学会商务报刊文章中最常用的表达方法的实际运用。教学重点、难点:教学重点:掌握西方商务报刊英语文章的常用词汇、常用句型、风格和修辞手法;了解西方商务报刊文章的主要文体,如新闻报道、形势综述、分析评论、市场调研、年度报告等等。教学难点:英文原版商务教科书有关章节的大意。准确理解这类文章中经常出现的国际经贸商务概念和理论。各章节学时的分配:教学单元内容总学时学时安排讲授实践第一册1Text A Voice of Courage Text B Tell Stories to Strengthen Organizational Bonds442Text A Clicks to Brick Text B Still Made in China443Text A Home Truths about Working Families Text B The Weaker Sex444Text A Handle Your Men in the Office Text B Seven Useful Lessons

3、 You Can Learn from a Bad Boss445Text A The Rich Can Learn from the Poor about How to Be Frugal Text B Heres How to Crack the Code on Your Customers Behavior446Text A Three Views of Marriage Text B Married, with Money447Text A What Businesses Owe the World: Then and Now Text B Dont Put People Before Profits4318Text A Brain-twisting Job Interview Questions by Microsoft Text B Its Time for a Brand New You431合计3230232第一册分教案(课次) 第1次课2学时授课章节:Unit 1 Effective CommunicationText A Voice of Courage教学目的、要

4、求:1. To introduce the teaching contents and teaching plan; 2. To have a general idea of the Roosevelt New Deal; 3. To introduce background knowledge about the Great Depression;4. To master the structure of Text A “Voice of Courage”;5. To learn to communicate effectively to call forth peoples enthusiasm and cooperation. 本次课讲授的主要内容:1. Background knowledge about this unit Franklin Delano Roosevelt The Great Depression Roosevelts inaugural address Roosevelts New Deal Fireside Chat2. Lead-in for Text

5、 A Arouse the Ss interest in the passage through the explanation of the title “Voice of Courage”; Discuss the connection between the unit title and the titles of text A & B3. Structure analysis of Text A During troubled times, FDR found a new way to talk to a nation.Questions for discussions:a) What does “troubled times” mean? b) Whats the so-called “new way”? The first Fireside Chat (Paras. 816)Questions for discussions:a) Does the Does the first Fireside Chat go smoothly?b) How does FRD prepar

6、e for the first Fireside Chat? What obsesses him? Why?c) Whats the first Fireside Chat about? The significance of the first Fireside Chat (Paras. 1718)a) Whats the impact of the first Fireside Chat?b) How do the other presidents in the United States recall the first Fireside Chat?4. Interpretation of some difficult sentences in Text A The terrifying runs that began the year before on more than 5,000 failing banks had stripped rural areas of capital and now threatened to overwhelm American cities

7、.计划讲授时间:20 mins10 mins40 mins10 mins20 mins10 mins20 mins教学重点、难点:重点:To master the structure of Text A “Voice of Courage”;To learn to communicate effectively to call forth peoples enthusiasm and cooperation.难点:have a general idea of the Roosevelt New Deal and the Great Depression.教学过程中应注意问题:1. 让学生充分了解背景知识,并提前完成扩展阅读;2. 语言表达上,避免“念和背”的语气,要保持平缓语气,注意语流的抑扬顿挫,集中学生的注意力;3. 时刻关注学生的课堂学习状况,通过举例调节课堂气氛。教学组织(含课堂教学方法、 辅助手段、师生互动、板书设计等):Task-based language teaching; student-oriented teaching modeMulti-media classr

8、oomGroup work作业布置:1. Summarize the main idea of the supplementary reading: How to Make the Multicultural Work Force Work on Page 13 with no more than 50 words.2. Finish Part V, Test yourself on Page 16.主要参考资料:1. 商务英语阅读教程1(教师用书),叶兴国,上海外语教育出版社,2017年。2. 名人演讲:The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself富兰克林罗斯福 - 听力课堂 3. 世界历史84.罗斯福新政纪实视频高清在线观看-优酷 教学反思(教学计划的执行情况,效果如何,有何经验教训,应如何改进等):第2次课2学时授课章节:Unit 1 Effective CommunicationText B Tell Stories to Strengthen the Organizations Bonds教学目的、要求:1. To learn about language points in Text A; 2. To know about Ronald Reagan and his speech; 3. To understand the contents of Text B “Tell Stories to Strengthen the Organizations Bonds”;4. To learn to recognize and use some of the related words and expression. 本次课讲授的主要内容





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