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#BEC商务英语写作:电子邮件Email写作格式及范文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

e-mail的格式  先看下面几个例子,熟悉一下e-mail的格式,并注意e-mail在语言上的特点。  例1.  To:[email protected]  From:[email protected]  CC:  Suject:Pricing policy meeting  Hi Mike! We'll meet at 2pm tomorrow afternoon to discuss the pricing policy for our new product. Could you come and join us? please let me know ASAP.  例2.  To:[email protected]  From:[email protected]  CC:  Suject:Arranagement for a new employee  A new employee will join our company recently.please prepare a desk and a chair for him. Thanks!  例3.  To:[email protected]  From:[email protected]  CC:  Suject:Hotel Reservation  Hi Green! Please make suitbale hotel reservation for Mr. and Mrs.Smith from evening of July 18 through morning of July 23.  reservation [rez've茂()n] n. 预约,预订;保留  从上面的实例中可以看出e-mail的格式主要包括4项:  To:即这个e-mail发给谁,通常是接受者的电子邮件信箱。  From:即这个e-mail是谁发的,通常是发送者的电子邮件信箱。  CC: carbon copy 的缩写,愿意是用复写纸预写副本,在e-mail 中为“抄送”之意,即可同事把此邮件发给其他的人,有时也可写成copy to:。  Subject:即主题,也就是这封e-mail的主要内容是什么。  另外从语言上看,这三封e-mail在语气上有很强的口语化的痕迹,这点与note有相同之处。但e-mail的语气的正式程序也要视发送者和接收者之间的关系。某些情况下如果用e-mail的方式发送信件,那么行文就应该是正式的。  请看下面这例子:  To:[email protected]  From:[email protected]  CC:  Subject:Letter for Application  Dear Mr. Green  I have seen your advertisement in the China Daily today and I would lik to apply for the post of sales manager.  As you can see from my enclosed curriculum vitae, I have been working as a sales assistant for a large international company for more than ten years. I am very interested in this field and hope to develop my career in your company. I would be grateful if you could interview me at your convenience.  I look forward to meeting you.  Your sincerely  John Liu  Enc.CV  curriculum vitae [k'r欂樀言氂夀洂崀 ['vi琂愀樀崂 履历(书);简历;  另外,我们还应掌握e-mail中经常使用到的一些标点符号,这些符号经常用于电子邮箱和网址,如:  @ at  / forward slash 斜线号  \ backslash 反斜线号  . dot 点,句点  _ underscore 下划线  - dash 破折号  : colon 冒号  BEC 考试中对e-mail的考核在BEC初,中级写作中经常考到,因此无比掌握  Practice 练习  You want to meet your sales manager this week,please write an e-mail to him  Saying when you would like to meet you  Why you would like to meet him  Where you can meet him

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