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2024-07-10 19:43| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


China is a nation of flowers. It is also a nation of poetry. In poems, images of flowers areunderstood by later generations to convey certain symbolic meanings. Chrysanthemumswere employed by poets often based on the qualities peculiar to those flowers, and expressedthe poets’ feelings at the time, producing several fine turns of phrase. The chrysanthemumis considered the equal of the plum blossom in its ability to withstand frostand wind, and is cited by poets in innumerable verses.


Chrysanthemums have had many admirers, and Tao Yuanming of the EasternJin Dynasty (317-420) was one of them.


Tao Yuanming was the sort of person who had no affinity for authority and power;after personally observing the dark side of officialdom, he abruptly resigned his officialpost, with the fierce words “I will not grovel for a mere five piculs of rice.” Five piculs ofrice was an official’s monthly salary in those days.


Tao Yuanming preferred to abandonhigh office and a fat salary, and moreover was determined not to be tainted by membersof officialdom. Abandoning his post, Tao Yuanming returned to his home, and dedicatedhimself to farming. He relinquished the writing brush for the iron hoe, and exchanged hisofficial’s robe for the farmer’s straw hat.


He planted a row of chrysanthemums on the eastern side of the fence before his door.When he finished his daily work in the field, Tao Yuanming would pick blossoms fromthe chrysanthemum patch. Sometimes he would pick them in the early morning, when thedew was fresh upon them. He picked them partly to use as decorations and partly to usein making chrysanthemum wine. Tao Yuanming was not lonely in his retirement; he hadhis chrysanthemums to keep him company.


There were people who did not understand his way of life, and they asked him: “MisterTao, why do you like chrysanthemums so much?”


Tao replied with a smile: “If you knew my life experience you would know why I lovethese chrysanthemums. The reason I returned to till my field in retirement was disappointmentwith the situation in officialdom. Do you know how much courage and resolve ittook for me to quit my official post and take up the unaccustomed work of the hoe? Thosechrysanthemums growing so brightly in the wild gave me so much encouragement! Theydon’t grow in the gardens of government offices, but here in the countryside – just likemyself, Tao Yuanming. Chrysanthemum blossoms can withstand frost and severe cold.They can preserve their own integrity. How are these qualities unlike those Tao Yuanmingpursues? Chrysanthemum blossoms are not flamboyant; they lead their own private lives,just like hermits. I, Tao Yuanming, have resolved to be the leading hermit of the EasternJin, so naturally chrysanthemum blossoms are my companions.”


In his poems, Tao Yuanming praises both chrysanthemums and pine trees: They bothadorn the forests and crown the crags, and both stand straight in the face of the autumnfrosts. Because the chrysanthemum symbolizes the hermit, it is not difficult to understandwhy Tao Yuanming loved chrysanthemums.


Under the influence of Tao Yuanming, the image of the noble, unbending chrysanthemumhas been passed down among literary men and scholars. Many people have attributedthe chrysanthemum with their own pure and lofty characteristics, and so the chrysanthemumhas become a symbol of uprightness and aloofness from worldly considerations.





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