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Highland Park News

2023-04-13 18:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Jmjmm mam oppliccnts vill A s' .aCi-w v'M I V ..rn,, ! s .M tVirr- W 1 AMr.eb 'jA v, t . ' -1' , . ' r; i 'l r - Dear Ana Under; Time mcnthsago X began , divorce i proceedings against .' my bus v band. X know now X acted in a r,. fit of anger andthat X should have coded off and given Mac V another chance. " T , X foolishly- disregarded the :.v welfare cf.my family' , v X wanted to get even with Mm fpf hurting me. , : -: Mho children ay for their it-ther every day and X am a nervous wreck. The hmeiiness is V.v : nnbearehle.' My older, brotbsr ' apent a fortune .on .detectives ' and lawyers and XV said so many spiteful things about Mac that rra afraid X couldn't face my family tf X took him bock. My head is bursting with ad vkmfrcra weQ-aweningfrknda. Can you give moeome w-' need, common-sens guidance? . JUST PLAIN MISBRAWJS Axnrs betui i Dear J. r. MioenMot Ten . don't want a dtvesee aad you knew tt, ee call eg the yw- eeedlnga at aneOb Perget ' abeut what family, j and y' Mends win eey. Oeuelder an try raff your chOdroa; Those -leveyou i. i e.! How about It? BOTHERED . ,, AN2T8 Bxruri.t-v Dear Bothered; I see ttbg Wreag la hleelag aunt an the Ups la the one of other members of the famUy.Oao thing la certain. . And let this he a wives who espeet 1 from marriage. Any fool can vna tefamlfar, friends and lawyers whoa the going geto roagh. It tatoa maturity aad eoarage to etay with hjreehy ritaatioaaadweiVtblags 'anti : Dear Ann Undent; X have a girl friend who eent for your booklet called -Necking and Petting and How.rar-to.Ga The booklet arrived in a plain envelops and your name tii not on tha cutslde whtt 'wai a Mg relief token She read every word of it v Tbree monthsJaUr tin gU bad to get merriedi On tbe day of her marriage akoiwai two months short cf being Id yean old. Everybody was shocked. What X want to know Is why end out booklets to people V they donft do any nw. good than that? WQlfiWERING 1 VICKI . " : 4 V. -? AM1TB 1EPLI ; j?s V , Dear ' Vkkyi aeny dear, bat l eril , that the advice Will sheep' MjwaouteftrouM. . A girl wba knows tbs facto t. that way - i a - CoaMeattal to Ton east atop her. She la af legal agw, Tell her tor am that when everything eba. le grea eben have Jut an thing Mt, Esperienca Dear Ann Landers: X came to this rather, large city from e smalltown, in Kansas. X was unable, to get the kind of employment X bad hoped for and my money was running out so X took d Job as a cocktail unites. i The lounge where X work Is afavorite bang' out for advertising and public relations executives. , Their suit sleeves dont have creases in them like the yokels X used to know bad: home. (My girl friend told me this is the flrst thlng to look for.) ' v " Yes today one f of: the best-looking men I ever saw ms why a girl' with such gorgeous legs was waiting on tar lies. Ha said X ought to bo a hosiery -model and -that he could hdp me But bo doesnt went to talk about tbs Job hi his office. Ha prefers my place. Do you know anything about hosiery modeling? J used to read your column back in Kansas and X trust you, Ann. Please mlp m.. TPUGH SLED- PING 1. r, V- ANNS REPLY r . . MDear Sleddlagt That model roattaf b strictly eff the eob. V. MSdel' agoaoUs havs Uete a mila long af girie wtth bean-.MM gSma wha are-atepptag all ever aaeh rihr-Mg to gal Joba... ' The mauls slsevs may net havs n crease. but ll tklak beVgeteemeftileg tt. TaO him to gat loch- -i'. V-:? -V' : Dear Ann Landers; Our O-year-old daughter, Mary Allce, la a sweet and innocent little ghK.Sfa received -a necklace and aoma earrings from- a 14-year-old. boywho Uvea In. the neighborhood. I'-would' guess the bajr 'paid about TT for -the than eat, and that's about the choloe we'vthad tor eigbtmie-erabl years. ",.7' Before ' I: married Jack X mtW'h wu-a-horse player. 1 promised to give up horses if I would merry him. Ha kept hie word, but now Its dies In-steadof horses. ; ! WeW been living' on my pay-check for. the put two months became Jack got stuck 1 far a game and borrowed 'from a tough bunch of monkeys. When think that be bun wort ng tor thou thuga Instead of or his family I get so mad X cant see atnlght jv . ,' XVe tried to mean with him. When' we , talk, he says I'm right and aweara be b going to quit gambling tor. good. But somehow he hasnt got tha will power to stay away from .the old bones. Jade b a swell and a wonderful father. X know XU never, leave him : no matter what, but X need your help. ARLENE : ANOTUErur; - . .-v.J Dear Arlene; Write to GmUMera Aaaaymoaa for literature. The addrem to PA Bex 17171, Lu Aagetes 17, CaUtonlm '"'Vi. .' ...... has taylag eat ef tbe girl wfee b Ignenat Bat ; knawladg b osly hall' the tattta Tha athar half baatt eutrah aad tab X caat.aaad In an pavalapw.. .'- .Dear Ann Landers: Xm hrit-Ing tab from boot camp. - A coupla of days ago my family cams down to tha station to see ms off. Just before I got board taa train X shook hands with my dad and my' brothers and X kissed my mother and my aunt Mr buddy .wu with mt. After wn got on tt bate ha told me X should .not have hissed my aunt .on tha lips. My aunt to about 30 X gums. and hu always bemwwdeiftU to me Uka n.Mc!sbter. X told my buddy.! didn't think taa kbs I gave her wu . any different from tha Use X gave my mother. Ha said my aunt b , suite a dish and X ought to "watch It? -.for. my cam fQOda ? f, Is my buddy right? Believe me, Ann, X never think of my aunt u a dbh or anything Advertisement -, -4 I- , - YOUR PHARMACIST sums their tka.,A B-ceat itup eould change you Ufa XTs worth tt gamble X ; ") . . e .. Fannb am people they can , ba right and , they, be wrong. To help understand todr viewpoint and to promote harmony at home,' writs for ANN.-- ANDERS. ; .booklet, a , r 1 . . , ' Applicants for Civil Service positions . will receive special study aids tor. passing the general education section of examinations In: a new dvQ service dau opening Sept. 19b at Belmont Adult School, Virgil DWi-elan, 153 North Vermont Ave, H. P. Lea, Principal, aaM tab week. The dau will meat Tuesday and Thursday evenings at 6:15.. ' r V; ;.. ,-The course' win eovdr.dvll servka - procedure,' practice 'In taking tests,' aftd'.a rcviawof arithmetic, grammar, ; punctuation, .and spelling. Preparation tor- promotional , examinations also b included.' ; Xnetructlon b provided by the Lm Angela City Adult Scbobb. Tebphono MA 6-8197 far additional information.. -: ' " -.2 t S' ' ; ! -A- ; ,' .; j i 'Zl .X It '. At. J 1 I tv , - j . .P fPI. MEANWHILE, BACK AT THE HANCH Alice Pelanon, pretty Mt. Son Antonin College coed and queen coniestont at the los Angoles County Fair, triu a sombrero on Angus calf,' on of the many entrants in fair's Cvostock show. Tho fair , opened last Tuesday for a fu nulled 17-day run.' y . V . "How To live Witt Your Fa r-ents,1' enduing with your request 20 cents In coin and a long; ' self-addressed, stamped envelope. ;'. Ana Linden will be tfad to help you with your problems. Send them to her in can. of tab v newspaper endoeing , a stamped adf-addreased envd-ope. (e) .to (4, Peb. Newsaaper Syndicate i j jmkwfthwMfutive .v.-.'Vi f I r;..bjdaqlwiys ; i-,,, j keep their lliapai I iV.hiie contour v 'f.V Wfh'rtnk'ir!.'J' stretch out ef shape; ' I whft yellpw, phk Tjf V,' (oirbhe; sbto'4-7.1 Hk X : ? i.'. 3'. r.lV ri -.V .fi i o c-i'. , ' ' : -..'rt-r .r ; wmmmi- r, By Ana Ashley v-. . j, Muy Allu did not ten me about tha gift when she receiv-ed 1U X learned about it from her older alster who tried im-iuccmfully to blackmail Mary Alica Into doing her household chorea. X didnt want k to make a big thlng of the gift m l said nothing. . . Tbit wu two weeks', ago Since' that time. X have discussed the matter-, with some friends and they all fed. X should Insist that Mary Alice n turn. tha Jewelry. X' would -very much appreciate your opinion. AXR. . " ANNS REFUTl Vr . Dear AXR.I X hdlan; aad easy atroagty,'ttat the Jawel-ry ahMdt ba sut baok at aal that "yea tell Mary Q. How can X remove stains . A. Use a caused 'fay leather rubbing a mixture against a bfarte? . A. These are aa the dlffl-celt aide. However, If'.ths fobrie 'to wachahta try a thick ' aup-aad-watu r eota-rubbiag waD our tha fahrta Yaa. might awka mattara easier, tHkY;gip eeria to worked tats the etala Ant aad allowed to stud awklle, before washing. Far aawashable fabrics, by giy-oerk, waridng tab lata the tala . earafally by rubbing Ugktty batwaoa i tha baada. Lai tab remaia for awhile, tkw riau by apoagtaf with water.- Q. How'can X cope with a kitchen drain that hu become stamped up with greue? kt Often you caa matt tbs greau by bolding aa eleetrle Iran, turaad to Its kotteat poiat, agalut taa draiapipa at taa trap.' Then allow taa hot water to raa for . ' - ' .VsS- " V: V -i: ... v .1 V ' . ,5 : s . - V Y . 1 j, f ; . . ',7 f -" tV; V , v f J r n k W - I . c V ''it s.. I V . . J V( I W ,4. w ,A.J t At W .. A . ' C . , f K i-1 .: I v 7 ' i V ' . 1 , ' -e I Tr,-r j - t . 1 'i w ; -'V ) . . a 4 .5 - . J , -fi' r - .' S ..'f'jiV't,, .'.f ' All S-j I i.' , V I if,, ; , r.t? gifts from bojrsi. .The thought of earrings for a II year old aauaoatao ms. M a gift dearly euggeete that those two are plagrtag at beUg grown ev- Wake p and emeu the eoffee,'mothor. . That "sweet aad Innocent tittle gtrT.hu you buffaloed. '. . - Dear Ann Linders: My husband would rather shoot crape Q. .How can X res tor the cedar 'odor, .to an dd, cedar chut er doset? A. By Jut .n light aaad papertag af taa wood. Q. What can X do about book lice? - ' j. A.,Xhau art Inueta that that grew en furattura; wallpaper aad otter houao furn-bktags. They thrive In that . have been doac poorly ventilated. Rout by . epraylag the Infested ptoses-with n five-per-cent DDT eU sprny. Q. How. can X remove shine from suits and skirts?- af equal parts af para add vinegar and warm water. Fat n praaetaf doth between your ben' and tan gamut to prevent further ehfaMb -v Q. What can X do If, whOa putting on a dreu, X have gotten aoma lipstick on it? A. Vh n littio rubbiag alcohol on' the stain, gaing ever It gwtty wtth a Mt af dean doth. . Aad to the futaro, avoid each n calamity by holding n daaa tbson between year lips u yea Up the dreu ever your heed. . Q. How can X restore and revitalise, the color In a pair of multl-hued shoes? . A. You can oftw do a flaa Job of'tab by appiylng eomo liquid food coloriag with n damp doth. Q. How can X renew checked or erased varnished or lacquered surface on furniture? - A Thb eaa often bo dou imply by neiag a pad ef flan eted'Wod dipped la rottaa-tonn paste. Bub unto tan urtaoo b smooth Me tan touch, ttw wlp oft with a rag'dlpped Into ttbuer, apply .twu easts of ; wav and bdf It down. . Q. How caa X remove ' paint patters from. my. window panu? A. Ry aeakbg then wtth hot vlaegu, gtvtog tab a few mbratu to soak to, ttu rate Nag or scraping off. -Q. How can X dean black or colored fdt hats? -; A. One good way b to mb ever them with a pirn ef stole rye bread. , . ; ft i ? . 1 . -VAi .'K- -s.w ' ( -d t. K.o rt J . . ' I -A .fi. .-J ' taktadvontagB now.'..during our . A 7 i- i-rl . j;,;'. . i LV. 4 v . VjW-I j . ':i t rx' A J.s ' t ' i i-vn-'.v-A t. . .I,''.; t ,V' ''i i .? V'.v r ... - , I -.' ' tviury for Is priced far less than ytu ever axpeefed to pay . :,v. ; . f M j jh i fit r: vr'i-i I L- V I Ms t j, w 79. r f !(! I, f? , f '7 It I nv l l' f mw . Li i.. jf.v-u.-.i j r 1 1 i fit IV V J Fwi ; i t .pAA'K 4. 'V 1 1 ! ,.V. " 'I'. s - I I I l i i ... ,. I'1' k. - 349: . T By Louie B. Cololln. BTh. ' - ' I -I ' In anfnge M wa nr where antibiotics, art of tacnaring stature to the medical field, wa might point out that aattbla b not yearly u new as many might imagine. Tha, word Itself wu coined by a lYench physician, WUlemin; in 1889 and puteur, u a matter-cf interest, flirted wtth the Idu of an-tiblottcs when, working wtth ANTHRAX in 1877. , in general, an antibiotic b a substance produced by one living organism for tha destruction of another. .. The latest In jnoden drugs and medication are available at YORK,. PROFESSIONAL PHARMACY. For aU of your needs to medical supplies rely on YORK PROFESSIONAL PHARMACY, ISM Yolk Blvd. Phon CL 4-S64S.'- THIS WEEKS HOUSEHOLD HINT: Tty winding your tope measure on an empty adhesive-tape container to keep It dun ' and tnt ?.. . 299. n -Jf I lawch for fd J 4 i v.r a r Ci f rl f t ' the reluni ef the convertible "v " J shoulder strap handbag J f.V ?- V dona.for vs by guild creations ; 1 In genuine washable leather black, natural, wild oats or xpiessa .. . saddle stitched and itodded bt bras three raomy Cempartmenb plus three xipper pockets; etaH A phene erderi Invhed 17.9J phis led. tax 'V-r' i- V . y 't ' ' t fi ty. I 499. -V; i r:zv rjxstyz -. I " s t ... ' I . , . I 'dMdsitod toelnWoli' ' S W' V ' . S t , 'j K i ;i lit-. . I, , ii - v . our gawith Everything natural 'milk' boa. T f ':"v 45X0, Ifi'dyeid (apanese;Hiink, . . JO two tierbleachedwhito bluo; fox' air naK v , ural blue fax shrug capes. 1 4 i . a ecket of eye-cntching beauty,. 'dykd':-. i;' if .-t-sheared muikrat in lM!ge'.tonestrimmed with, ...'.'n. natural mbik , 349j0O"-a . , glemoraus adet In sf-black dykd braed-' i. ; v- ! : toil preebssed lamb, cellarad In idyad black; . "V.J , 1 mink : i i s . . , natural ;mlnk. pcrfrait.capu for tha. now : ' look ..In fashion alegqnw ; i49990' ipw . .. ;; : ; i 1 9 , I . ,. , I . , . : ' three tier natural blue fit cop' ,99.00: ' ' ' " ; .. - i . . .i t ..I . . ; ; honey dyed squirm suit stair .109.00 i ;i Vf .. ' dyed jopanmink suit stoie..)99il0 Aj. ! ' notoral mlnk;siivr bu sutt stol 2b, y , notvraieaibe carviun mink ktol .;V. j 1 , 2 M9JOO,' 4 ' . - , TACIUPTpTMONTWTOFAY v Vh M' tw ?Jlvedbe'eM biwdm 'mu ' ' " V " Sm I.MM .a MkV r-A I f -! I , i i i I . - -f -f i f . i . ... .. V ' - eittaSA . v.i-V; fjfi.i I A . Ilf- . , t . 1 . 4 a , I ' .- 'i'J. 1 4 i I fc. ' . ' 1 ' I A f 4 iti i f it i t I '.! . 4 P- ' ' V- , t , ) . ' I , J ,9 '. I 1 j i ' ! ' r v: -T n 1 t, j ) y- f. ( . .




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