
您所在的位置:网站首页 听力教程1第三版答案施心远 英语听力教学大纲


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课程名称:英语听力                           课程类别:专业基础课

适用专业:英语                               考核方式:考查

总学时、学分: 92 学时2.5学分               其中实践学时: 92 学时















重点是在听力技能与策略训练(Listening Skills & Strategies)环节引导学生对内容的理解和训练学生听力技巧或策略;在思辨听力(Critical Listening)环节,引导学生对听力材料展开阐释、分析、评价和推理,并在对开放性问题的小组讨论中培养团队合作能力。


难点是在跨文化反思(Intercultural Reflection)环节中,基于每个单元主题的跨文化对比与评价,采用听、说、写相结合的方式,通过作文或口头汇报的活动发展跨文化能力。




Book 1 (28学时)

Unit 1 Life on Campus (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Adjusting to College

   Part One: First Week in College

   Part Two: Living Independently

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Why Go to College

       Part One: Creativity and Social Responsibility

       Part Two: Differences Between Gifts and Choices

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·recognize pauses, hesitations, repetitions, and requests in conversations

·discriminate sound assimilations in word boundaries

·use contextual clues to deduce a possible conclusion

(2) Critical thinking skills

·locate the theme of a news report

·interpret the meaning of education from various perspectives

·use relevant evidence or examples to make a point or explain a concept

(3) Intercultural Competence

·analyze the impact of culture on education

·explore the challenges and opportunities of college education

Unit 2 Family Life (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Parents and Children

   Part One: Raising Children

   Part Two: Successful Marriage

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Family: Past, Present and Future

       Part One: Family Planning and Population Control

       Part Two: Life of Elderly People

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·recognize sentence stress and understand how it helps convey sentence meaning

·recall and note down numbers

(2) Critical thinking skills

·identify the different assumptions on parenting

·explain the metaphors of marriage

·evaluate the statistical evidence of facts about world population

(3) Intercultural Competence

·compare the ways of parenting and caring aging people between different cultures

Unit 3 Life Around the World (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Quality of Life

   Part One: Happiness as a Quality Indicator of the Life

   Part Two: Quality of Life Around the World

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Experience the World in a New Way

       Part One: Human-powered Circumnavigation

       Part Two: Seize the Moments of Beauty

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·take down numbers accurately

·associate the spelling of words with their pronunciation

(2) Critical thinking skills

·use contextual clues to deduce the meaning of words

·group individual factors into larger categories

·examine implications and consequences

(3) Intercultural Competence

·analyze the Impact of culture on people s perception of happiness

·compare the adventures of Eastern and Western explorers

Unit 4 Life Online (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Life in the Virtual World

   Part One: Saving Money Online

   Part Two: Virtual Power Online

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two What is Virtual Actually Is Real

       Part One: Absolute Freedom Online?

       Part Two: Electronic Tattoos

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·use contextual clues to deduce meanings of words about viral power of the Internet

·understand the rhythms of complex sentences

·make predictions with the help of adversative adverbs like however, but, etc

(2) Critical thinking skills

·compare traditional banking services with online financial services

·explore interdisciplinary connection in the context of a networking world

·evaluate online freedom from the perspective of a victim, a bully, and a spectator

(3) Intercultural Competence

·explore ways to self-protect in the era of the Internet

·compare the situation of cyber-bullying in China and that in America

Unit 5 The Lives of Icons (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Founders of a New World

   Part One: The One Who Sails the Ocean Blue

   Part Two: Father of Modern South Africa

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Road to Fame

       Part One: The Man Who Put the World on Wheels

       Part Two: The Woman Who Redefined Man

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·discriminate similar sounds of English

·recognize different English accents, especially an African American accent

(2) Critical thinking skills

·evaluate the consequences of Columbus,'discovery of the New World

·analyze and assess the advantages and disadvantages of a family-controlled business

(3) Intercultural Competence

·understand the global impact of Nelson Mandela across cultures

·ponder the impacts of modern civilization on indigenous cultures around the world

·explore the roles played by great figures in human history

Unit 6 Animal Life (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Knowing About Animals

   Part One: Animals in Savannas

   Part Two: Animal Behavior

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Animals Endangered

       Part One: Animal Extinction

       Part Two: Animals and Human Beings Live in Harmony

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·recognize the stress patterns of English sentences

·notice the differences between accents from different English-speaking countries

·apply the strategy of planning

(2) Critical thinking skills

·understand the basic arguments in respect of animal extinction

·generate implications of wildlife protection

(3) Intercultural Competence

·examine the similarities and differences in animal imagery across cultures

·explain animal behavior and why some animals are endangered

Unit 7 Marine Life (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Creatures in the Deep

   Part One: Amazing Dolphins

   Part Two: Unveiling Coral Reefs

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Humans and Marine Life

       Part One: Human Activities Choking Marine Animals

       Part Two: Men in Action

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·understand pragmatic function of everyday expressions

·identify sentence stresses and figure out the purposes of stresses

·identify different views on dolphins' intelligence and how these arguments are analyze

(2) Critical thinking skills

·identify counterarguments against Judgments of dolphins intelligence

·identify different opinions held by different countries to ocean protection and find out causes of these differences

(3) Intercultural Competence

·explore how people from different cultural backgrounds can benefit from marine life sustainably and contribute to its conservation


Book 2 (32学时)

Unit 1 Exploring Culture (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Language & Culture

   Part One: What Is Culture?

   Part Two: Language Development

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Culture & Communication

       Part One: Cultural Diversity

       Part Two: Low-context & High-context Culture

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·practice note-taking and summarizing skills

·clarify and analyze definitions

(2) Critical thinking skills

·identify and articulate cultural similarities and differences

·develop cultural sensitivity through appreciating cultural diversity

(3) Intercultural Competence

·understand and assess the relationship between language and culture

·analyze the effects of cultural differences on communication and explore ways of effective intercultural communication

Unit 2 Literature (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One The Literary and the Poetic

   Part One: Reading Literature

   Part Two: Appreciating Poetry

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two The Fictional and the Dramatic

       Part One: The Taste of Novels

       Part Two: Appreciating Plays

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·practice the column note-taking method and summarizing skills

·make inferences and predictions with prior knowledge

(2) Critical thinking skills

·evaluate perspectives and interpretations of the meaning and value of literature

·develop critical response and creative application while interpreting literature

(3) Intercultural Competence

·assess the Eastern and Western interpretations of literary works

·analyze and question the themes of Chinese and Western literature

Unit 3 Myths (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Myths in the West

   Part One: Classical Greek Myths

   Part Two: Modern American Mythology

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Asian and European Myths

       Part One: Chinese Myths

       Part Two: Mythology in Europe

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·take coherent notes to produce oral and written summaries and response

·predict and recognize main ideas and distinguish them from supports

(2) Critical thinking skills

·assess and infer key assumptions and respond critically to evidence and claims

·design solutions and produce insights to be applies to new contents

(3) Intercultural Competence

·compare and evaluate the ideas and values of analogous myths from a cross-cultural perspective

·acquire knowledge of the principal myths of the world

Unit 4 Art (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One An Overview of Art

   Part One: What Is Art?

   Part Two: The Development of Art

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Art Appreciation

       Part One: Leonardo da Vinci and His Mona Lisa

       Part Two: Chinese Landscape Painting

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·consolidate skills of outlining notes and summarizing key points

·associate new information with prior knowledge

(2) Critical thinking skills

·analyze and evaluate arguments and counterarguments

·generate sound conclusion based on given data

(3) Intercultural Competence

·compare Chinese and Western arts and assess integration

·interpret Chinese and Western works of art

Unit 5 Movies (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One An Overview of Movies

   Part One: The Origin of Movies

   Part Two: The Development of Movies

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Hollywood and Chinese Movie Industry

       Part One: Classical Hollywood Style

       Part Two: Chinese Movie Industry

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·summarize or retell stories with the help of tables or diagrams

·verify predictions and refine note-taking skills

(2) Critical thinking skills

·compare, correlate, synthesize and apply information and ideas

·from accurate judgement and test conclusion based on sound reasoning

(3) Intercultural Competence

·discover the classical Hollywood style and probe into the relationship between

Hollywood movies and Chinese movies

·use terms related to movies and the history of Chines and Western movies

Unit 6 Architecture (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Chinese Architecture

   Part One: Chinese Scholar’s Garden

   Part Two: Chinese Hutong and Shiheyuan

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Western Architecture

       Part One: British Architecture

       Part Two: Gothic Architecture

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·activate prior knowledge and questions to assist main idea clarification

·identify and evaluate the claims and logic of expository and argumentative material

(2) Critical thinking skills

·compare different conceptions across Eastern and Western architectural cultures

·generate and develop correlations

(3) Intercultural Competence

·assess cross-cultural borrowing and adaptation

·understand the key terms and cultural implications of classical Chinese and Western architecture

Unit 7 Philosophy & Wisdom (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Knowing About Philosophy and Wisdom

   Part One: What Is Philosophy and Wisdom?

   Part Two: Socrates and His Wisdom

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Comparing Confucius and Socrates

       Part One: Confucius and His Wisdom

       Part Two: Comparing the Two Philosophers

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·understand long and complicated sentences

·recognize the cohesive devices like transitional words and phrases

(2) Critical thinking skills

·apply the meta-cognitive strategies of planning, self-monitoring and evaluating

·analyze and evaluate arguments

(3) Intercultural Competence

·understand the similarities and differences between Socrates and Confucius

Unit 8 Values (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One American Values

   Part One: Privacy

   Part Two: American Core Values

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Comparing Eastern and Western Values

       Part One: Chinese Collectivism

       Part Two: Individualism and Collectivism

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·recognize sentences stress patterns and liking words

·understand vocabulary for explaining or clarifying

(2) Critical thinking skills

·assess examples as evidence

·evaluate the validity of ideas by relating to one’s own experience

(3) Intercultural Competence

·explain American and Chinese core values

·examine the differences between individualism and collectivism


Book 3 (32学时)

Unit 1 Environmental Issues (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Environmental Pollution

   Part One: Pollution Problems

   Part Two: Pollution Treatment

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Environmental Changes Threaten the Existence of Species

       Part One: Tourism Threatens Bird Life

       Part Two: Endangered Species

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·Take effective notes to grasp the outline of a text

·use details to build up a complete picture

(2) Critical thinking skills

·recognize speakers’ intention

·use contextual clues to predict and infer

·grasp and summarize the main idea of a text

·compare different methods of reducing pollution around the globe

(3) Intercultural Competence

·discuss the causes of the extinction of species around the globe

Unit 2 Health Care (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Health Problems

   Part One: Depression

   Part Two: Obesity

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Health Care Management

       Part One: Health Care in Africa

       Part Two: Medical Malpractice

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·recognize an English speaker’s regional accent

·infer the meaning of a word from the context

(2) Critical thinking skills

·evaluate the reliability of statistical evidence

·question the causal relationship between unhealthy food and mortality levels

(3) Intercultural Competence

·analyze the similarities and differences between Chinese and Western perspectives regarding medical practice

·investigate the similarities and differences between China and other countries in terms of health beliefs

·explore the importance of health care and causes of some health problems

Unit 3 Crisis Management (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Dealing with Natural Disasters

   Part One: Reducing Damage Caused by Earthquakes

   Part Two: Getting Better Prepared for Tsunamis

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Institutions’ Approach to Crisis Management

       Part One: Volkswagen’s Management of the Nitrogen Oxide Emission Scandal

       Part Two: Crisis Management for Health Threats in the EU

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·understand the main idea of a text as well as details

·improve your note-taking skills

(2) Critical thinking skills

·use contextual clues to infer speaker’s intentions

·identify the purpose of the listening material

·evaluate facts about progress made in reducing losses caused by earthquakes

·generate solutions to reduce the damage caused by natural disasters

(3) Intercultural Competence

·compare ways of crisis management in different cultures

·understand MSF as a typical international organization

Unit 4 Legal Debate (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Legal Debate on Environmental Issues

   Part One: Lawsuits over Environmental Issues

   Part Two: Legislation on Environmental Issues

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Legal Debate on Earth Issues

       Part One: Legal Debate on Death Penalty

       Part Two: Legal Debate on Euthanasia

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·identify and note down key words

·use contextual clues to infer the meaning of a word

·identify various points of view on a topic and trace how they are developed

(2) Critical thinking skills

·interpret statistics of the death penalty in the US

·evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of carbon dioxide

(3) Intercultural Competence

·explore the pros and cons of legalizing the death penalty for child traffickers

Unit 5 Marriage Issues (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Marriage Facts

   Part One: Average Age at Marriage

   Part Two: Arranges Marriage

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Domestic Violence and Divorce

       Part One: Domestic Violence

       Part Two: Divorce Statistics

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·identify features of non-native speaker’s pronunciation

·work out the meanings of key words in context

·summarize the main idea of a text in one sentence

(2) Critical thinking skills

·differentiate between objective and subjective claims about divorce in the US

·evaluate the effectiveness of the speaker’s arguments

(3) Intercultural Competence

·appreciate and respect different marriage customs across cultures

·explore people’s attitudes toward blind date and divorce in different cultures

·examine different forms of domestic violence

Unit 6 Gender (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Gender Stereotypes and Gender Discrimination

   Part One: Gender Stereotypes

   Part Two: Gender Discrimination

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Gender Equality and Women’s Liberation

       Part One: Gender Equality

       Part Two: Men’s Role in Achieving Gender Equality

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·make generalizations out of specific details

·recognize discourse markers

(2) Critical thinking skills

·infer the purpose of speakers’ intentions

·make inferences from what has already been said

(3) Intercultural Competence

·discuss gender inequality in different cultures

·understand the insignificance of gender equality

·avoid gender stereotyping and gender discrimination

Unit 7 Race & Ethnicity (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Who Are We?

   Part One: Defining Race & Ethnicity

   Part Two: Racial Stereotypes

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two Racial Relations

       Part One: Racial Discrimination

       Part Two: Ethnic Harmony

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·make generalizations from detailed information

·identify the structure of a coherent discourse

·identify speakers’ intentions with the help of pragmatic clues

(2) Critical thinking skills

·understand the underlying logic of seemingly random information provided by speakers

(3) Intercultural Competence

·understand the significance of racial equality

·appreciate cultural diversity among different races

·identify and critique ways of racial stereotyping and racial discrimination

Unit 8 News and Media (4学时)

1. 教学内容

(1) Session One Rise and Fall of Media

   Part One: History of Media

   Part Two: The Decline of Traditional Media

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection

(2) Session Two New Age Media and Us

       Part One: The Reliability Issue

       Part Two: Social Media Bites Back

   Part Three: Intercultural Reflection


(1) Listening skills and strategies

·note down the structure of a speech

(2) Critical thinking skills

·recognize ways of building consensus on an issue

·evaluate the reliability of news media content

(3) Intercultural Competence

·identify differences between real news and fake news

·understand the significance of media in history and in modern society

·explore the positive and negative sides of social media









Book 1



Book 2



Book 3











2. 成绩构成:







[4]《听力教程》(1-4)(第二版), 施心远,上海外语教育出版社,2011;



[7]《英语初级听力》, 何其莘,外语教育与研究出版社,2012;

[8]《英语中级听力》, 何其莘,外语教育与研究出版社,2012。





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