
您所在的位置:网站首页 向量简化流程 地图矢量数据的边界简化算法之道格拉斯


2023-10-25 02:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

前些天做到了有关于需要简化行政边界的项目,起初用到的是ArcGIS中的概化工具与简化面工具,虽然极大地简化了行政边界,但是出现了很多重复区域与缝隙,进行拓扑修复复杂而漫长。所以只能另辟蹊径,在mapshaper.org上找到了很好的解决方案。所以,本人分三篇博客,对其用到的三种简化面算法做个简单的介绍。 首先介绍的是著名的道格拉斯-普客算法: 它的基本思路是:对每一条曲线的首末点虚连一条直线,求所有点与直线的距离,并找出最大距离值dmax,用dmax与限差D相比: 若dmax<D,这条曲线上的中间点全部舍去; 若dmax≥D,保留dmax对应的坐标点,并以该点为界,把曲线分为两部分,对这两部分重复使用该方法。 算法示意图 以下是以C#为例的算法实现代码:

/// /// Uses the Douglas Peucker algorithm to reduce the number of points. /// /// The points. /// The tolerance. /// public static List DouglasPeuckerReduction (List Points, Double Tolerance) { if (Points == null || Points.Count < 3) return Points; Int32 firstPoint = 0; Int32 lastPoint = Points.Count - 1; List pointIndexsToKeep = new List(); //Add the first and last index to the keepers pointIndexsToKeep.Add(firstPoint); pointIndexsToKeep.Add(lastPoint); //The first and the last point cannot be the same while (Points[firstPoint].Equals(Points[lastPoint])) { lastPoint--; } DouglasPeuckerReduction(Points, firstPoint, lastPoint, Tolerance, ref pointIndexsToKeep); List returnPoints = new List(); pointIndexsToKeep.Sort(); foreach (Int32 index in pointIndexsToKeep) { returnPoints.Add(Points[index]); } return returnPoints; } /// /// Douglases the peucker reduction. /// /// The points. /// The first point. /// The last point. /// The tolerance. /// The point index to keep. private static void DouglasPeuckerReduction(List points, Int32 firstPoint, Int32 lastPoint, Double tolerance, ref List pointIndexsToKeep) { Double maxDistance = 0; Int32 indexFarthest = 0; for (Int32 index = firstPoint; index < lastPoint; index++) { Double distance = PerpendicularDistance (points[firstPoint], points[lastPoint], points[index]); if (distance > maxDistance) { maxDistance = distance; indexFarthest = index; } } if (maxDistance > tolerance && indexFarthest != 0) { //Add the largest point that exceeds the tolerance pointIndexsToKeep.Add(indexFarthest); DouglasPeuckerReduction(points, firstPoint, indexFarthest, tolerance, ref pointIndexsToKeep); DouglasPeuckerReduction(points, indexFarthest, lastPoint, tolerance, ref pointIndexsToKeep); } } /// /// The distance of a point from a line made from point1 and point2. /// /// The PT1. /// The PT2. /// The p. /// public static Double PerpendicularDistance (Point Point1, Point Point2, Point Point) { //Area = |(1/2)(x1y2 + x2y3 + x3y1 - x2y1 - x3y2 - x1y3)| *Area of triangle //Base = v((x1-x2)²+(x1-x2)²) *Base of Triangle* //Area = .5*Base*H *Solve for height //Height = Area/.5/Base Double area = Math.Abs(.5 * (Point1.X * Point2.Y + Point2.X * Point.Y + Point.X * Point1.Y - Point2.X * Point1.Y - Point.X * Point2.Y - Point1.X * Point.Y)); Double bottom = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(Point1.X - Point2.X, 2) + Math.Pow(Point1.Y - Point2.Y, 2)); Double height = area / bottom * 2; return height; //Another option //Double A = Point.X - Point1.X; //Double B = Point.Y - Point1.Y; //Double C = Point2.X - Point1.X; //Double D = Point2.Y - Point1.Y; //Double dot = A * C + B * D; //Double len_sq = C * C + D * D; //Double param = dot / len_sq; //Double xx, yy; //if (param < 0) //{ // xx = Point1.X; // yy = Point1.Y; //} //else if (param > 1) //{ // xx = Point2.X; // yy = Point2.Y; //} //else //{ // xx = Point1.X + param * C; // yy = Point1.Y + param * D; //} //Double d = DistanceBetweenOn2DPlane(Point, new Point(xx, yy)); }




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