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#陈广| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


陈广博士于2018年2月加入同济大学汽车学院,博士生导师。加入同济大学之前任德国慕尼黑工业大学fortiss研究所高级研究员。博士毕业于德国慕尼黑工业大学计算机学院,师从欧盟人脑计划副主席Alois Knoll教授和中科院自动化所乔红教授;硕士毕业于湖南大学汽车学院,师从中国工程院副院长、同济大学教授钟志华院士。主要研究方向为神经拟态视觉、计算机视觉、深度学习、自动驾驶。累积发表论文60余篇,专利申请20余项,其中包括IEEE T-SMCA, IEEE T-ITS, IEEE TMECH, IEEE T-IFS, IEEE JAS, IEEE SPM, IEEE TCDS, IEEE IOT Journal, IEEE Sensors Journal等。


1. 《Frontiers in Neurorobotics》 (JCR Q2, IF3.0), Associate Editor, 2018.03 ~

2. 《Engineering-Transactions of CAE》(JCR Q1, IF4.5), Corresponding Expert, 2019.1.1 ~

3. 《Frontiers in Neuroscience》(JCR Q1, IF3.648), Editor, 2020.05 ~

4. 《Frontiers in Neurorobotics》Research Topic, Leading Editor, 2019

5.   IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ICARM), Special Session Chair, 2020

6.   Co-PhD Supervisor, Lehrstuhl für Robotik, Künstliche Intelligenz und Echtzeitsysteme, Technische Universität München


1. 上海市汽车工业基金项目,项目负责人,2018-2020

2. 国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,项目负责人,2020-2022

3. 上海市经信委人工智能创新发展专项重点项目,项目负责人,2018-2020

4.  汽车车身先进设计制造国家重点实验室开放基金,项目负责人,2018-2020

5.  复杂系统管理与控制国家重点实验室开放课题,项目负责人,2019-2021


1. Prof. Alois Knoll,  Lehrstuhl für Robotik, Künstliche Intelligenz und Echtzeitsysteme, Technische Universität München

2. Prof. Daniel Clarke, Cranfield University


1. 同济大学第四届“卓越杯”大学生科技创新竞赛 - 特等奖,指导老师

2. 第十六界“挑战杯”上海市大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛 - 一等奖,指导老师


16. 2020.08, our work "Multi-Objective Scheduling Strategy with Genetic Algorithm and Time Enhanced A* Planning for Autonomous Parking Robotics in High-Density Unmanned Parking Lots" has been accepted by the journal IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics (TMECH) (Impact Factor: 5.673, Top 1 in Mechatronics, JCR Q1)

15. 2020.08, our work NeuroAED: Towards Efficient Abnormal Event Detection in Visual Surveillance with Neuromorphic Vision Sensor has been accepted by the journal IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security (Impact Factor: 6.013, Top 1 in Information Security, JCR Q1, CCF A)

14. 2020.08, our work NeuroIV: Neuromorphic Vision Meets Intelligent Vehicle towards Safe Driving with a New Database and Baseline Evaluations has been accepted by the journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (Impact Factor: 6.319, Top 1 in Intelligent Transportation, JCR Q1)

13. 2020.07, our work "NeuroBiometric: Eye Blink Based Biometric Authentication System Using Event-based Neuromorphic Vision Sensor" is accepted by the IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica (Impact Factor: 5.129, Top Journal in Automation, JCR Q1)

12. 2020.07, our work accepted by the IROS conference

11. 2020.06, our recent work "Pseudo-Image and Sparse Points: Vehicle Detection with 2D LiDAR Revisited by Deep Learning based Methods" has been accepted by the journal IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (Impact Factor: 6.319, Top 1 in Intelligent Transportation, JCR Q1)

10. 2020.06, our recent work (with TUM) "Improving Low-Resolution Image Classification by Super-Resolution with Enhancing High-Frequency Content" has been accepted by the 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR2020) (模式识别国际会议)

9. 2020.06, our recent work "A survey of the four pillars for small object detection: multi-scale representation, contextual information, super-resolution, and region proposal" has been accepted by the journal IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics: Systems (Impact Factor: 9.309, Top Journal in Computer Science, JCR Q1) 

08. 2020.04, 4 papers accepted by the 2020 IEEE International Conference on Advanced Robotics and Mechatronics (ARM).

07. 2020.04, our recent work "A Novel Visible Light Positioning System with Event-based Neuromorphic Vision Sensor" has been accepted by the journal IEEE Sensors Journal (Impact Factor: 3.073,Top Journal in Sensors, JCR Q1).

06. 2020.03, our recent work "Event-based Neuromorphic Vision for Autonomous Driving: A Paradigm Shift for Bio-inspired Visual Sensing and Perception" has been accepted by the journal IEEE Signal Processing Magazine (Impact Factor: 11.350, Top 1 in Signal Processing, JCR Q1).

05. 2020.02, our recent work "EDDD: Event-based Drowsiness Driving Detection through Facial Motion Analysis with Neuromorphic Vision Sensor" has been accepted by the journal IEEE Sensors Journal (Impact Factor: 3.073,Top Journal in Sensors, JCR Q1).

04. Our recent work "Deep anticipation: lightweight intelligent mobile sensing for unmanned vehicles in IoT by recurrent architecture" has been accepted by the journal IET Intelligent Transport Systems (Impact Factor: 2.480, JCR Q1)

03. Our recent work "Indirect and direct training of spiking neural networks for end-to-end control of a lane-keeping vehicle" has been accepted by the journal Neural Networks (Impact Factor: 5.535, JCR Q1)

02. Our recent work "Multi-cue event information fusion for pedestrian detection with neuromorphic vision sensors" has been accepted by the journal Frontiers in Neurorobotics (Impact Factor: 3.000, JCR Q1)

01. Our recent work "FLGR: Fixed Length Gists Representation Learning for RNN-HMM Hybrid-Based Neuromorphic Continuous Gesture Recognition" has been accepted by the journal Frontiers in neuroscience (Impact Factor: 3.638, JCR Q1)


00. 特别欢迎优秀学生申请直接攻读博士学位(2021年入学批次)

01. 欢迎优秀的本科生(大三、大四,以及特别优秀的大二同学)在完成好课程学习的前提下加入课题组从事科研工作

02. 欢迎优秀学生申请2021年9月入学批次推免/直博

03. 欢迎本校和外校毕业学生申请研究助理岗位(基本条件:代码能力或者科研能力突出)

* 报名硕士研究生、直博基本要求:了解计算机视觉、机器学习基本知识,英文写作能力出色,基本掌握c++/python编程,有英文论文发表者优先;

* 报考博士研究生(申请-考核制)基本要求:硕士期间至少有一篇相关SCI论文发表(*必要条件*),须专业对口,计算机/电信/软件/控制/机电/机器人/车辆等方向为佳;

* 同济大学优秀的本科生及外校客座学生基本要求:能长时间投入,自我驱动型,具备良好的英文文献阅读能力,愿意继续深造以及进入有计划未来从事科研工作;

* 特别不欢迎 “无诚信” 的申请者;

* 提前进课题组本科学生(去向):

 叶灿波(CMU 研究生) 任可嘉(JHU 研究生) 沈律宇 (NUS 全奖博士) 杨龙雨(CMU 研究生)陈杰能(JHU 全奖博士)许仲聪(NUS 全奖博士)宁翔宇 (Boston U 研究生)




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