
您所在的位置:网站首页 合同通用条款英文 2024版《(汉英)英文合同术语和短语词典》(中英文对照)


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合同的陈述部分 recitals ,又称“叙述条款”、“鉴于条款”whereas clause


the parties each;  the contracting parties


intended purpose of this contract


conclusion of contract; formation of the contract


termination of the contract

合同附件部分 addendum


within the time provided by contract 

合同价格contract price  (FIDIC 中指的“合同价格”就是工程款)


otherwise than as provided for in contract 


the contract shall come into force , 其中 come into force 可由 take effect 替代。


contract effective date


non-operative part (由当事人和陈述部分组成)


sth contemplated in the contract 

合同诱因,约因,对价  consideration


good or valuable consideration 


frustration;contract become frustrated 或contract is frustrated


any liability or obligation under contract


on the date of signing contract


testimonium,  signature


performance of contract


at the completion of contract 

合同期间 duration

合同条款的固定模式是terms and conditions


effectiveness of contract; the validity of the contract


the validity of the contract or of any of its provisions


the rights and obligations under a contract


closing clauses, final clause  扫尾条款 house-keeping pfrovision


being clearly intended by or provided for in contract  


not so intended by or provided for


during the currency of the contract


contract agreement


during the contract period


during the term;during the term of this contract 

合同总价 不能译成“the whole contract price”,应译成the total contract price

合同正文 operative part

合同证明部分attestation, (又称“副署”,大多由 in Witness Whereof 引导)

合同转让 assignment of contract

违约 commit any breach of obligation under this contract

a breach(或default)of this contract   

     commit a breach of a material obligation under this agreement,

     noncompliance with this contract

     be in default under this contract 

     breach of his obligations;   sb is in default


in default of the agreement in default on the part of party B to the delivery of technical documentation


    如果买方违约;在卖方违约的情况下in the event of a default by seller


if a breach of his duty to the consultant is established against the client


违约金 liquidated damages, liquidated damage/compensation to

         breach of contract damages  

违约赔偿金 liquidated damages   liquidate 主要指pay or settle a debt 清偿债务,指把damages 作为一种应赔偿的债务。

违约救济  shall indemnify and hold sb harmless of/from /for 

违约的后果consequences of a breach of contract

违约行为 action in breach of the contract

     有其他违约行为  commit other action in breach of the contract

违约、处置不善或疏忽 default, misconduct, or negligence

未按期支付的款项 becomes delinquent in the payment of any sum due

未按合同约定按时交货   fail to make delivery on time as stipulated in the contract 

未偿本金和利息 principle and interest outstanding

未偿债务本金  the principal portion of outstanding debt


未成年人或无行为能力人  infant or an incompetent person

未出庭应诉的当事人 party who is in default for failing to appear

未对法律做有效选择时in the absence of an effective choice of law

未付款项  amount at any time owing or outstanding from or by  

          unpaid amounts

未付余款the outstanding balance of the contract value of the goods

未付的余额outstanding balance of

未告知其他方has not otherwise been made known to the other parties

未过期之汇票 bill which is not overdue

未了的债权债务 outstanding creditor’s right and debts 

未核准应收账款unapproved receivables

未获得政府批准 fail to obtain the approval of the appropriate Government

未经授权的人员unauthorized persons

未决诉讼pending actions    诉讼未决期间during the pendency of an action

违规irregularity in

违法 commits an offence

违法所得illegal gains

违反、违背breach, default or violation


that are not resulting from a breach, default or violation by the Company

违反breach or violet     be in breach of     is in violation of


if Party B breaches or violets the confidentiality obligations hereunder

       in contravention of    违反第 .款 contravene subclause .

违反或不遵守breach or nonobservance


will amount to a breach or nonobservance of the covenants terms and conditions

违反合同义务的一方who is in breach of a contractual obligation

违反第(4)款之规定in contravention of subsection

                  contravenes subsection

违反合同   is in violation of the contract for sale

           a breach of contract committed by one of the parties

           lessor is in default under the lease contract

       is in violation of the leasing contract

       noncompliance with this contract

     以不收取货物的方式违反合同commits a breach of contract by failing to take delivery

违反海关法 offense against Customs laws

违反雇用合同commit any breach of his contract of employment

违反...的规定in contravention of a rule adopted by the sec

         in contravention of the rules and regulations

违反品质担保 breach of warranty  


in contravention of such rules and regulations as commission may prescribe as necessary or appropriate in the public interest


违反租赁合同is in default under a lease contract

 明显违背法院所在地国公共政策 is manifestly contrary to the public policy of the forum state

违反本法规定in violation of this Law;contravene the provisions hereof

违反本合同第条的规定 in default pursuant to article

              violate the provisions in article  of this contract

              contravene subclause 

不应违背本协议的规定are not inconsistent with the provisions of this agreement

违反了本协议项下的任何义务commit a breach of any of its obligation under this agreement

违反履行其合同义务 in default of the performance of ints obligations hereunder


commits a material breach of any provision of this agreement


违反分包合同的违约行为 commits any breaches of the subcontract

违反了合同规定的义务principal is in breach of his obligation(s) under the contract

      如果买方违反该规定的 in default of the purchaser doing so 

违反本合同项下任何义务 commit any breach of its obligations under this contract(; )


 commits a breach of or repudiates its obligations under this agreement



 violate or result in a default under any contract to which it is a party



 commit a breach of any of the conditions or any other term of this contract 


违反本款规定  in default on the provisions hereof

              contravene the provisions hereof

               default of contractor under the contract

any breach or default of the provisions hereof

违反前款规定 in violation of the provisions of preceding paragraph

违反条款的规定 result in a breach of any of the terms or conditions of

                       constitute a breach of the provision



any attempted assignment in contravention of this clause shall be void.


违反法律规定 in violation of laws

违反法例及法规noncompliance with laws and regulations

违反、冲突和违背violate, conflict with, or result in the breach of any provisions 

或 conflict with or result in a breach of or constitute a default under any of the terms


违反要件breach of condition

违约 breach of contract    Default of Subcontractor分包商的违约

违约方 party in breach    the Party so failing to comply

party in default    

defaulting party  (FIDIC 文件)

breaching party  非违约方nondefaulting party

分包商的违约  default of subcontractor

违约 commit any breach of obligation under this contract

a breach (default) of this contract   

     commit a breach of a material obligation under this agreement,

    noncompliance   non-compliance

 noncompliance with this contract

     be in default under this contract 

     breach of his obligations   sb is in default

      如果乙方在技术资料的交付方面违约   in default of the agreement

in default on the part of party B to the delivery of technical documentation


    如果买方违约,在卖方违约的情况下in the event of a default by seller


if a breach of his duty to the consultant is established against the client

违约后果  consequence of non-compliance


Any actual and direct costs incurred by the buyer as a consequence of the seller’s non-compliance shall be for the seller’s account and at seller’s risk.


违约救济 shall indemnify and hold sb harmless of /from/for 

违约赔偿金 liquidated damages



shall be obliged to pay LGE liquidated damages at a rate of [point five percent (. %)] per day of the total value of the delayed products from the due date to the actual delivery date.


违约责任  default responsibility   default / breach of contract     

liability for breach of contract

      严重(实质性)违约 material breach   materially breaches this contract

      承包商任何违约 any breach by contractor of any of his obligations

           default of subcontractor分包商的违约

      由于承包商违约的原因 by reason of some default on the part of contractor


default on the part of the contractor in carrying out such ordor

违约金 liquidated damages, liquidated damage/compensation to

         breach of contract damages  

违约赔偿金 liquidated damages   liquidate 主要指pay or settle a debt 清偿债务,指把damages 作为一种应赔偿的债务。

违约救济  shall indemnify and hold sb harmless of/from /for 

违约的后果consequences of a breach of contract

违约行为 action in breach of the contract

     有其他违约行为  commit other action in breach of the contract

违约、处置不善或疏忽 default, misconduct, or negligence





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