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2024-04-27 17:31| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





“A” player:  a good player capable of running most racks and/or playing lock-up safeties.


ace:  a very skilled player; or, the one ball.非常厉害的选手,或指一号球

ACS:  American Cue-Sports Alliance pool league and tournament association.美国台球运动联盟

access ball:  a ball that enables you to easily get position on another ball that would otherwise be difficult to get shape on.


accuracy:  hitting targets exactly with shot making or position play.直译:通过走位和选球精确地打到目标。

Accu-Stats:  company that developed the “total performance average” rating system.开发了"total performance average"评分系统的公司

act of God:  disturbance of table or balls as a result of something out of a player’s control (e.g., something falling from the ceiling, or an earthquake).


across the line:  a position play in which the CB travels across the short dimension of the position zone, limiting the margin for error with shape (i.e., the CB is not coming into the line of the next shot).


走进进球线--Cue Lab制作

穿过进球线走位--Cue Lab制作

action:  term used to refer to money games (i.e., competitive wagering); also, term used to describe the quality of a hit (e.g., the cue has good “action”) or the motion of the CB (e.g., the english created good “action” off the rail).


ACUI:  Association of College Unions International. They organize the annual collegiate championship tournaments.国际大学联盟,举办大学之间比锦标赛。

added:  see “money added.”指赛事举办方在门票的奖池收入外另加奖金。

address the ball:  move and settle into your stance in preparation for a shot.


adjust:  to add a “handicap” after playing even, or to modify an existing handicap to new terms.

调整规则:“to add a “handicap” after playing even”此句存疑。handicap指调整后的游戏规则,让较弱的选手可以和更强的选手一同竞技。如九球里放到X、八球放后二、调整金额等等。

Advanced Instructor:  an instructor who has teaching experience and has passed a course of training and testing from a Master Instructor (e.g., through the PBIA).


after-collision massé:  massé shot where the CB curves mostly after contact with the OB (e.g., if the OB is close to the cue to begin with).


ahead session:  a match won by being a certain number of games ahead.只要净胜局数超过某规定数字即为比赛胜利。

aim:  determine the line of the cue necessary to send the CB to the desired ghost-ball position to cut the OB the required amount for the shot.


aim and pivot:  method (e.g., BHE or FHE) used to compensate aim for squirt. The cue is initially aimed for a center-ball hit and is pivoted to apply the amount of english desired. This is done before the shot.


aiming line:  the imaginary line through the CB in the direction of the intended target (e.g., the center of the ghost ball) that results in contact with the OB or a cushion at the desired point.


aiming point:  the center of the imaginary ghost ball target resulting in contact with the OB at the desired contact point.


aiming system:  a systematic method used to aim shots.


air ball:  a shot where the OB is missed entirely.


air barrel:  not having the money to pay off a loss when gambling.输球后没钱付air game:  same as “air barrel.”同上

air gun:  a gambler with no money who continues to gamble.没钱还继续赌球的人

Al Bundy:  a person who tends to miss and leave easy shots often.经常丢球还留下好位置的人

Alabama 8-ball:  8-ball game where the 1 and 15 must be pocketed in designated opposite side pockets.


albino:  slang for the CB.白球的俚语叫法。

alignment:  how you position your body and head to best enable you to place and stroke the cue along the desired line.


Alcatraz:  same as “jail.”同“jail”,指白球被对手防守到障碍球环绕的位置,很难逃脱,如同坐牢一般。

all-ball fouls:  rules variation where touching any ball (CB or OB) by accident is a foul.


alternating break:  tournament format where the players take turns breaking, regardless of who wins the previous game.


American:  used to refer to hitting the ball harder than you need to, like a banger (e.g., “Don’t put too much American on the ball”). This is a play on the use of “english” to refer to side spin (e.g., “Don’t put too much english on the ball”).指不必要地用力击打白球。American一词与english相对。english指塞,用American一词只是在玩文字游戏。

amateur:  a non professional who does not make a living playing pool.


ambidextrous:  able to play with both the right and left hand.


ammunition(弹药):  money for gambling.指赌球的钱。

amphibian(两栖动物):  slang term for a player who is ambidextrous.俚语,指两手都能打球的人。

angle: same as “cut angle;” or, a gambling approach or advantage (e.g., “He’s got an angle on you.”).


angled: British term for “corner hooked.”


angle in:  the angle at which a kicked or banked ball approaches a rail.


angle of incidence:  same as “approach angle.”


angle of reflection:  same as “rebound angle.”


angle out:  the angle at which a kicked or banked ball leaves a rail.


angle shot:  same as “cut shot.”


angle to the pocket:  the angle of approach of a ball to a pocket measured relative to the pocket centerline. A straight-in shot has a 0° angle to the pocket.




answer:  successful reply to good play from the opponent.


APA:  American Pool Players Association pool league and tournament organization.美国台球选手协会apex:  the lead ball of OBs racked in a triangle or diamond shape, usually placed on the foot spot.


appearance money:  payment to a high profile player to simply show up and play in a tournament (for promotion), regardless of the player’s performance in the tournament.


applause:  clapping of hands to acknowledge and show appreciation for good play.


approach angle:  the angle at which a ball approaches a rail (i.e., “angle of incidence”), measured from the rail perpendicular. A ball driven directly into (perpendicular to) a rail has an approach angle of zero. Sometimes the angle is instead measured relative to the rail, where a shallow angle to the rail is a small angle and a steep angle into the rail is a large angle.


apron:  decorative panel hanging from a rail used to conceal the table frame.


Rail Apron 出处:https://www.homestratosphere.com/pool-table-parts-diagrams/

area position play:  playing position for the next shot into an a large “shape zone” instead of attempting or needing to target a specific point.


area shape:  CB position play into a large “shape zone” with a guaranteed shot or several options.


army(军队):  same as “ammunition.”同“ammunition”。

around the table:  describing a shot traveling off multiple cushions circling the table.


around the world:  to win so many games against an opponent that a coin or other marker being used to track the number of wins moves all of the way around the table, where the center diamond on the head rail is the zero position, and every diamond away from that indicates the number of games won.


artificial bridge:  same as “mechanical bridge.”


artistic billiards:  specialized cue sport discipline featuring creative, fancy, or “trick” shots.


artistic shot:  same as “trick shot.”花式球。

ASS:  Angle-Spin-Speed or Angle-Spot-Speed … the only things we can and control with the cue.角度、旋转、速度,或者指角度、打点、速度。用球杆唯一可以控制的三个变量。

assistance:  help or coaching received before a shot.击球前别人的指点。

ATM:  a “fish” that dispenses money very willingly (like a bank’s Automated Teller Machine).提款机:愿意输钱的人(像ATM)。

automatic ball return:  system of gutters returning pocketed balls to a collection area.


average: rating assigned to a player (e.g., for handicapping purposes), sometimes based on the number of points scored (or balls pocketed) in an inning.给选手的一个评分,基于得分或一回合里打进的球数。一般在让局或让球制中使用。

avoidance shot:  a shot where the CB path is controlled to avoid hitting surrounding balls.


AZBilliards:  popular pool and billiards website and online discussion forum.AZBilliards知名台球论坛AZB:  short for AZBilliards.上个词条的缩写。




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