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2024-07-17 18:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Some Coke cans in the U.K. will soon get marked with a red dot because of the drink's high sugar content.在英国,一部分可口可乐的包装将在不久之后加上红点,以作为“高含糖量”的标记。

The labels are part of a voluntary program launched in the U.K. in July of last year. Food and drink get tagged red, yellow and green according to its nutritional value. Healthier fare gets a green label.这一个小的举措来自去年6月英国一项自发倡议活动:食物饮料会根据其营养价值被打上红色,黄色以及绿色的标签。健康的食物会被打上绿色的标签。

What three Coke products look like with the new health labels. Notice the big red mark on the left.打了标签了三种可乐包装。注意最左边的红色标签。

Along with Cadbury and other large food companies, Coca-Cola first fought against the labels. It's changed its tune after it "gauged British consumers' views on the scheme," according to a post on Coca-Cola Great Britain's website Friday.起初,可口可乐,以及像吉百利这样的大型食品公司都对这种标签持强烈的反对态度。但根据可口可乐公司英国官网本周五的一篇新闻稿,可口可乐公司在“权衡英国消费者”之后,改变了它的态度。

"The adoption of the voluntary, colour coded front-of-pack scheme in Great Britain is consistent with The Coca‑Cola Company’s global commitment to provide consumers with transparent nutrition information," Coca-Cola wrote in the same post.在新闻稿中,可口可乐公司如是阐述:“自愿在包装上打上颜色标签和可口可乐公司营养信息透明化的全球理念是一致的。”

Coke has made no mention of bringing the labels stateside. But it is making more of an effort on the behalf of its customers' health. A recent Coke ad prompted consumers to think about the nutritional value of Coke by revealing that it takes 23 minutes to bike off the calories in a single can.可口可乐未提及将这种标签推广至美国。但至少这是可口可乐对于其顾客健康的一种努力。在最近的一则广告当中,可口可乐告知消费者们只需要骑23分钟单车就能消耗掉一听可乐的热量,以此来引导消费者对于可乐营养价值的认识。

While the red label could hurt Coke sales, the company has a lot of green label products to fall back on. Its green-rated Diet Coke and Coke Zero brands account for more than 40 percent of its UK sales, the BBC reports.虽然红色标签会影响到可乐的销量,但是可口可乐公司也会有许多带有绿色标签的食品来弥补。据BBC报道,可口可乐公司40%的销售额来自健怡可乐和零度可乐。

Coke says the new labels will begin appearing on products in the first half of next year.可口可乐公司称这套标签将从明年上半年开始出现在包装上。




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