英语唯美句子摘抄古风 10个

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英语唯美句子摘抄古风 10个

2023-08-15 17:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

导读: 一世荣华,英语唯美句子摘抄古风 10个,唯余风华One of glory, only .)

1. 一世荣华,唯余风华。(One lifetime of glory, only remaining elegance.)

2. 终是虚度了多少光阴,换得一袭风华。(In the end, wasted so much time, in exchange for a dress of elegance.)

3. 人生若只如初见,何事秋风悲画扇。(If life were just like the first time we met, why be sad when autumn wind blows against the fan?)

4. 风雪中,我守候的那个人,究竟在哪里?(In the wind and snow, where is the person I have been waiting for?)

5. 未曾相逢已似相识,如此美好,何必再惊艳。(Even before we meet, it feels like we have known each other for a long time. If it's so beautiful, why bother being surprised again?)

6. 我去寻一杯酒,忘却所有忧愁;我去寻一处静,看那茫茫世界。(I go to find a cup of wine, forget all my worries; I go to find a quiet place, and look at the vast world.)

7. 雨落花前,你在远方微笑,如此熟悉,如此遥远。(Rain falls in front of the flowers, and you smile in the distance, so familiar, so far away.)

8. 一念之差,一世相思。(A moment's hesitation, a lifetime of yearning.)

9. 不诉离殇,只借余生相伴。(Don't talk about the pain of separation, just accompany each other for the rest of our lives.)

10. 山水有相逢,人间可有知音。(Mountains and waters meet, but can the human world have kindred spirits?)

11. 天涯共此时,翻覆梦里人。(At the end of the world, at this moment, overturn the people in the dream.)

12. 心若向阳,无畏春夏秋冬。(If the heart faces the sun, it is fearless in spring, summer, autumn, and winter.)

13. 因为爱,所以懂得拥抱离别;因为懂得拥抱离别,所以更深爱着。(Because of love, we understand how to embrace partings; because we understand how to embrace partings, we love even more deeply.)

14. 相遇是天意,相知是缘份。(Meeting is fate, knowing each other is destiny.)

15. 世间琐事如过眼,唯有你,是我心之所系。(Worldly matters pass like a flash, only you are the one my heart is attached to.)

16. 天空如画,我曾记得,那是我们的童话。(The sky is like a painting, I remember, that is our fairy tale.)

17. 既然相逢遇到,就不惜一切勇敢走下去。(Since we have met, we are not afraid to brave everything and move on.)

18. 时光荏苒,唯爱不变。(Time flies, only love remains unchanged.)

19. 青丝成雪,唯有深情永在。(Green hair turns into snow, only deep love remains forever.)

20. 相遇在那个季节,仍然牵动我的心。(Meeting in that season, still touching my heart.)





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