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2024-07-16 18:22| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  胃肠 Stomach & Bowels


  He has a certain disagreeable felling in the stomach when it is empty.


  胃不调 upset stomach

  消化不良 have bad (impaired: defective) digestion; suffer from indigestion (dyspepsia)

  胃有毛病 have a disordered stomach (stomach disorder); something is wrong with one's stomach.

  因过食而伤胃 injure one's stomach by overeating oneself

  觉食物积滞胃中 feel heavy on the stomach

  食物不易消化lie (sit) heavy on one's stomach


  Thereafter, the digestion was not really good.


  Transient nausea and vomiting was present, but no anorexia or weight loss occurred.


  欲呕 feel nauseated

  有晨吐 have morning sickness

  夜吐(饭后恶心) nocturnal (postprandial) nausea

  晕船(车) be sea (car) sick

  有点恶心 have (experience) some nausea

  严重的作呕 have considerable retching

  里急后重时发生恶心和呕吐 have a spell of N & V while straining at stool

  患食欲不振和恶心 be anorexic and nauseated

  偶而恶心和呕吐 develop occasional nausea and vomiting

  老是溢酸,感觉腹胀 burp all the time, feel bloated

  吐出清净透明的胃容物 with vomiting of clear gastric contents

  呕吐停了,消失了vomiting stopped (ceased), cleared

  止吐 settle the stomach

  打噎 belch (eruct; eructate)


  The patient developed nausea and vomited bilestained fluid on several occasions.


  With the advent of vomiting, he noted severe epigastric pain as well as severe



  At noon on the following day she stared vomiting food, which was followed by bilestained material.

  在病发时呕吐2次 vomit twice at the onset

  极度反胃 regurgitate food violently


  One hour later, he vomited watery material containing no blood.


  Sometimes the patient vomited once or twice at the height of the attack.



  The vomitus of yesterday morning was described as containing indigested food and

  greenish water with no evidence of blood.


  The vomitus was initially clear but just before hospitalization was said to brownish.


  He began to have frequent, frothy, foulsmelling stools.


  解大便 open (relax; evacuate) the bowel; have a passage

  有便意 have a call of nature

  有1次(2次)大便 have a motion (two motions)

  没有大便 be constipated

  平均每天大便12次 averaged 12 stools daily

  发觉粪便中有很多血 noticed gross blood in one's stools

  开始一天解8次松的多脂粪便 began to pass 8 loose greasy stools per day

  大便增加到一天4—5次 stools increased in number to 4 or 5 daily

  更换尿布时有些粪便 have some stool in each diaper change


  The stools became fewer in number but he still continued to have 2—3 large loose

  stools daily.


  Two months before admission she had noticed black stools but she disregarded them.


  种类 ordinary, dry, hard, loose(soft), large, watery(liquid), formed, formless, frothy, mucous, bloody, ricewater, peasoup, tarry

  臭味 odorless, extremely foul, sour, putrid, less offensive in odor, offensive but no excessively foul

  颜色 black, tarry, brownishblack, brown, red, green, yellow, lightbrown, greywhite (claycolored)


  The stools were of normal caliber and consistency and have never been black.


  Stools were very light in color and of mushy consistence.


  He complained of intermittent diarrhea alternating with constipation.


  便秘 suffer from constipation

  惯性便秘 habitual constipation

  时常便秘 be always constipated

  有便秘倾向 have a tendency to be constipated

  只有灌肠才能缓和严重的便秘 one's severe constipation was relieved only by



  The constipation was very obstinate (stubborn) and he resorted to the frequent use of cathartics.


  She became progressively more constipated and noted a narrowing in the caliber of

  the stools.腹泻

  晨泻,水泻,粘液性腹泻,慢性腹泻 diarrhea (morning, watery, mucous, dysenteric, chronic)

  腹泻 diarrhea (轻症 mild,拖延的 protracted, 无法控制的 uncontrolled, 难医的intractable)

  患腹泻 suffer from diarrhea; have (an attack of ) diarrhea; have loose bowels

  短期的腹泻发生了 a brief episode of diarrhea occurred

  开始泻腹(自然消失,于两天后消失) diarrhea commenced (spontaneously disappeared, cleared after 2 days)

  偶而泻肚子 have occasional diarrhea

  腹泻厉害,在3—7次之间 diarrhea varied in severity from 3 to 7 B.M.

  不得不服药 be obliged to take physics

  腹泻未因吃脱脂牛奶而转佳 received skim milk without any improvement in the diarrhea

  用泻药 use a purgative


  He developed diarrhea with the daily passage of 8—10 stools containing mucous, pus, and bright red blood.


  He previously had similar attacks of diarrhea but they were never so severe.



  He complained of a drawing pain in both groins and testicles, nocturia, burning on urination and the intermittent voiding of red-colored urine.


  种类 colorless, clear, transparent, translucent(semitransparent), opaque, milky(opalescent) cloudy(turbid), orange, greenish, dirty blue, green, yellow(amber; straw), red, bright red, brown yellow, dark-brown, brown-dark, light brown, pale yellow, faint pale, clay-colored, patty-colored


  micturate; make(pass) water; void; piss

  一夜有2次小便 have nocturia twice nightly (a night)

  这次住院时解出一个结石 pass a stone on this admission

  小便浑浊 one's urine is thick(colored)

  解出极浑浊,乳白色的尿 the passage of highly turbid, milky urine

  频尿 frequent urination(micturition)

  无法忍受的频尿 intolerable frequency of urination

  终末性血尿 terminal hematuria

  终末尿带有几滴血 urine terminates with a few drops of blood

  排尿痛 micturition pain

  解尿时左腰疼痛 have pain in the left loin on micturition

  小便流势良好 void with a good stream

  尿流细小 small u


  呼吸Resp., 咳嗽Cough, 痰Sputum


  He complains of difficulty of breathing, which annoyed him for several days.


  呼吸困难 breathe hard (with difficulty) ; have difficulty in breathing ( respiration)

  呼吸困难 dyspnea (夜间性 nocturnal, 发作性paroxysmal)

  安静时(运动性)呼吸困难 dyspnea at rest (on exertion)

  常发生发作性夜间呼吸困难 frequent episodes of paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea

  呼吸困难突然厉害起来 have sudden increase in dyspnea

  患轻微的运动性呼吸困难 have some mild exertional dyspnea

  患急性呼吸困难 have an acute attack of dyspnea

  无呼吸困难 have no respiratory embarrassment

  偶有心悸 have occasional palpitations

  心悸反复发生 have recurrent episodes of palpations


  The next morning the patient became extremely dyspneic and weak.


  He always becomes shortwinded when walking hastily or going up stairs.


  The patient coughs very often and expectorates foulsmelling grayish sputum.


  种类 short, sharp, small, dry(hasty), moist, constant, painful, irritable, spasmodic, wheezing, distressed, rasping

  咳个不停 have a fit of coughing; cough oneself into a fit (fits)

  苦咳个不停 have a hard (racking; convulsive) cough

  患4天干燥发作性咳嗽 experience a 4day episode of dry paroxysmal cough.

  2岁时开始有间歇性烦咳 intermittent hacking cough started at 2 years old

  咳嗽减少了 one's cough diminished

  发生轻度无痰的干咳 develop slight nonproductive cough

  有点(很多)咯血 have minimal (massive) hemoptysis.

  咯出一点血 cough (expectorate; spit) up (out) a little blood

  开始咯出黑血斑点 began coughing op flecks of dark blood

  呕血 vomit blood


  He coughed occasionally, but he has never experienced pain in the thorax, fever, or loss of weight.


  For the last 6 months, he has been coughing with slight hemoptysis.


  种类 thin, thick, fetid, serous, frothy, tenacious, viscous, mucous( mucoid), mucopurulent, transparent, seropurulent, rusty

  中等量(多量、大量)带有灰白色痰的咳嗽 moderate amounts (a great deal, large quantities) of grayishwhite sputum

  痰涌上咽喉,有酸味 phlegm wells up in the throat and tastes sour

  痰堵住嗓子了 phlegm blocked the windpipe

  半杯黄色痰 one half cup of yellowish sputum

  吐脓性,偶而带血的痰 produce purulent, occasionally bloodtinged sputum

  开始有点咳嗽,并且有约3公撮的血痰 began to have some cough and produced about 3 ml. of bloody sputum.

  一点也咳不出痰 do not raise any phlegm at all

  咳痰停止了 expectoration ceased


  He began to expectorate small amounts of bloodstreaked sputum.


  His cough was not so severe as it had been and sputum was no longer flecked with blood.

  神经精神系统 Neuropsychiatric


  He had several sudden alterations in consciousness preceded by dizziness for several weeks.


  一般用语 vertigo, dizziness, dizzy spell, syncope, fainting, sleepy, drowsy, lethargic, insomnia, hiccough, convulsion, seizure, trembling, involuntary movement, numbness, weakness, incoordination, clumsiness of motion, tingling, unsteadiness in walking, difficulty in walking, paresthesia, anesthesia, paralysis, myalgia, thick speech, aphonia


  He noted a progressive speech impediment.


  He was unable to stand on tiptoe on the affected limb.


  He is liable to sudden changes of mood and would sulk and cry for no apparent reason.


  一般用语 despondent, gloomy, worried, disgusted, discouraged, scared, fearful, low, afraid, angry, blue ; cheerful, optimistic, pessimistic, satisfied, stable, fluctuating, hilarious

  喜欢小题大做的 fussy

  好管闲事的 noisy

  吹毛求疵的 fault  finding

  自负的 conceited

  很势利的 snobbish

  自私的 selfish

  吝啬的 stingy

  气量大的 broad  minded

  慷慨的 generous

  好心的 kind  hearted

  心情变幻不定而抑郁的 be moody and depressed

  患有极痛苦的忧虑 have an attack of excruciating anxiety

  ex1:His mood was appropriate.

  ex2:His mood was mainly euphoric and expansive.


  一般用语 think less clearly, decreased speed of thinking, decreased clarity of

  thought, flight of ideas, loss of mental vigor , mental apathy

  再也不能集中心力 can no longer concentrate

  发觉集中力减退 noted waning powers of concentration


  She noted only slight difficulty in concentrating while reading and writing.


  He was deluded, vividly hallucinated, and unable to give any coherent history.


  一般用语 hallucination, delusion of persecution(被害妄想), mental confusion, disorientation, mental aberration, negativism, loss of memory, amnesia, mutism, etc.

  老是发出痴呆、不适当的笑声 frequently exhibit silly inappropriate laughter

  对其他小孩残酷无情 behave brutally toward other children

  变为难于驾御 become unmanageable

  发觉个性显著变化 a definite personality change is noted

  精神失常逐渐厉害起来 have gradually progressive mental deterioration.

  发觉记性障碍有2个月 noted memory impairment for 2 months.


  She manifested a marked tendency toward destructiveness and disturbance of mood and affect.


  一般用语 emotional instability, tendency to worry, hot temper, temper outbursts, irritable, shy, fussy, quarrelsome

  情绪非常窘迫 be in severe increasing emotional lability

  心神不安宁,坐立不安 be restless and fidgety

  动辄生气 be easily moved to anger

  脾气暴躁 have temper tantrums

  深怀自卑感 harborn deep feelings of inferiority


  The patient is in good condition and seems to be emotionally undisturbed.


  He was always a 'nervous' person but more so since the onset of palpitation.


  食欲 Appetite  体重 Weight


  He stated that he had always had a good stomach and could eat anything.


  过食 eat too much  (to excess ; heavily); overeat; be intemperate in eating

  吃得多 (胃口大开地吃)eat profusely (with a good appetite)

  保持良好食欲 retained an excellent appetite

  食欲增进 one's appetite improved

  食欲有节制(食欲旺盛,贪食不饱) have a moderate (good, enormous) appetite

  无食欲障碍 one's appetite is undisturbed

  食不过饱的人 a moderate (spare; light) eater

  过饱的人 a heavy (great; hard) eater

  食量 capacity for eating


  His appetite was good, but the sore place in his mouth interrupted his usual eating habit.


  He had an uncontrollable mania for food, drinking water freely with the meals.


  无食欲 have no (little) appetite (for food); lose (have no) relish for one's food; loss (lack) of appetite; loss of interest in food

  发觉(有点)食欲不振 noted (minimal) anorexia

  食欲不定(无食欲障碍) one's appetite is variable (undisturbed)

  食欲反复无常 have a capricious appetite

  食欲不佳 have a poor (feeble; weak; delicate) appetite

  胃口变得更加不好 became more anorexic

  失去平常的食欲 lose one's usual appetite

  食欲减退 appetite decreases (reduces; declines; falls off)

  吃得少 eat poorly (sparingly) ;take little food; poor food intake

  不想吃 be disinclined to eat

  取食不规则 eat irregularly

  停吃 cease eating

  促进食欲 improve (stimulate; sharpen; whet) the appetite


  He had no appetite and only picked at the food.


  Meals and drinks taste no more as before, and he is indifferent even to his favorite food.


  He eats nothing for a whole day, but he takes some mouthfuls of rice gruel.


  He has tasted no food since noon the day before yesterday.


  He complains of his thirst hard to release, while he has absolutely no appetite.


  口渴 be (feel) thirsty

  口一直很渴 continue to have excessive thirst

  喝大量的水 drink water generously

  对碳酸饮料发生不寻常的爱好 develop an unusual craving for carbonated beverages

  要~少喝茶水 be advised to decrease one's tea drinking


  In spite of the normal appetite, he lost 4 kg. in weight over a period of one year.


  住院时体重 admission weight

  最高(最低)体重 maximal (minimal) weight

  体重减少,但未知多少 weight loss of undetermined amount

  通常在夏季体重减轻 usually lose weight in the summer months

  体重以惊人的速度减少 lose weight with alarming speed

  体重始终一样 weight remained stationary (steady)

  体重不变 weight is stable (unchanged)

  体重维持不变 weight is well maintained

  体重老是50公斤 one's weight is constant (maintained) at 50 kg.

  虽然食量增加,体重却减轻了6公斤 lost 6 kg. in spite of increased intake of food

  ex1: 他在上2个月内,体重减轻了8公斤。

  He developed weight loss totalling 8 kg. in the previous 2 months.

  ex2: 他的胃口变得很大,食物热量增加2倍,但体重却减轻了10公斤。

  His appetite became ravenous and his caloric intake doubled, yet he lost 10 kg.




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