
您所在的位置:网站首页 发文稿纸会签意见怎么写啊 【审稿意见】科研菜鸟如何攥写审稿意见?万能模板!!!


2024-07-17 17:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

推荐首先看几个审稿意见的教程,扩展一下思路: How to conduct a review 科研菜鸟如何撰写审稿意见?附超好用的模版 有想过你的论文会如何被评审吗?这份审稿指南接好 一个比较完整的教程:Becoming a peer reviewer


建议一篇文章起码读三遍,每次只关注一个点。第一遍:详细记录,查找是否有致命缺陷(缺失、无法阅读)。第二遍:研究细节,方法论,结论,按照下面的基本流程来。第三遍:具体的建议。在自己了解的部分多做记录,不了解的部分也要记录,但最好不要轻易给出什么处理的建议。确保你的批评具有建设性,而不是攻击性;有帮助,而不是有害处。“用你希望别人审你稿的方式为他人审稿。” 基本流程

1. 了解领域 首先是通过略读,了解文章涉及的是哪个领域的哪个问题,只有领域相关了才能再进一步进行审稿!!!


2. 引言部分 考虑作者是否将该问题的研究背景介绍清楚: 引用足够多的工作否? 对目前存在的问题是否概括性的介绍? 是否说明了本文的研究目的和大致框架?

模板的例子: 引言介绍的问题:Introduction should provide background/research gap/research objectives, but the author took a lot of part to explain background.

文献综述的问题:Literature review is not the inventory of the studies you reviewed. This part needs more extensive works to synthesize current research and find any research gap to contribute 研究领域.(引用工作不够多)

3. 技术性问题 这部分是最难看懂的,也就是论文提出的方法论部分。所以主要是看: 阐述方法/算法/公式是否可以看懂? 比较难的技术性问题是否又明显的错误?

4. 实验部分 实验的条件设置是否写清楚? 实验对照是否合理? 实验的结果图表是否清晰、规范? 实验结果的分析是否充分?合理?

5. 总结部分 应该对整篇文章进行反思总结: 文章做了什么? 效果如何? 验证了什么? 未来可以深入做哪部分的工作?

总结的审稿例子:Since methods and results look appropriate and promising, I believe the manuscript has good perspectives but it is in the draft form currently. Serious work is required. It make not a lot of sense to provide a longer list of massive problems before the revision. So far, it’s a complete mess.

其他例子: 语言问题(最多):(Extensive editing of English language and style required(Moderate English changes required(English language and style are fine/minor spell check required(I don’t feel qualified to judge about the English language and style

格式问题:You might want to follow the manuscript format of this journal. Including references, the format does not show any consistency.




先夸!!!肯定一下作者做的工作!!! 首先概括一下文章内容,这部分参照Abstract和Conclusion,稍微修改一下就可以变成赞美!!!

1. 文章针对哪个方面的问题? This paper studied the … problem in … 2. 做了几项主要的工作? This paper proposes a new method of … 3. 取得了什么效果? And the proposed scheme outperforms the state of the arts and can…

The paper is very well written, and contributes …(某种技术方案) scheme for …(应用的对象), which enables …(这个方案带来的好处) . And the proposed scheme outperforms the state of the arts (新方法的指标比以前的好)and can …(未来可以应用于什么,前景广阔)


指出缺点前要客套!!! There are some problems, which must be solved before it is considered for publication. If the following problems are well-addressed, this reviewer believes that the essential contribution of this paper are important for (某某理论/领域).

大致的问题可以分成以下几种 我们可以提出的具体缺点可以分为以下几种:


Some sentences contain grammatical mistakes or are not complete sentences, such as, in page 1, ABSTRACT, “错误的地方” would be “正确的写法”.

There is at least one Spelling error in the manuscript, such as, in page 7, TABLE I, “Stabalization” would be “Stabilization”. Please check the manuscript carefully.

Your manuscript needs careful editing and particular attention to English grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.


③引言部分对背景的介绍不够充分 Relevant research background needs to be supplemented in INTRODUCTION. And you should cite all papers you use properly.

④公式推导出现明显漏洞 In page 2, SYSTEM MODEL AND PROBLEM STATEMENT, balabala faults…



⑦文章的总结不够丰满 CONCLUSIONS needs more in it, as it’s more of an afterthought. The authors are suggested to highlight important findings and include afterthought of this work.

⑧文章的贡献不够明显 The significance of this paper is not expound sufficiently. The author need to highlight this paper’s innovative contributions.

⑨文章的配图模糊 The figures in your paper are a bit blurry. Please consider replacing them with clearer ones.



如果一定要拒稿!应该要有充分的理由! 如何审稿结论的主要方向就是拒稿或者大修,要注意,拒稿一定要有理有据,比如提出该研究的数据存在问题、分析方法存在巨大缺陷、论文创新点不足等等。




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