双11的英文是Double 11吗?原来老外这样说……

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双11的英文是Double 11吗?原来老外这样说……

2024-07-01 02:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The holiday was named “Singles’ Day” because its date, 11/11 (November 11), consists of four “ones”, representing four singles.




Alibaba smashed its record for the online retail blitz known as Singles Day.“打破纪录”我们最熟悉break a record,而此处用的是smash a record,请各位客官自行脑补break和smash哪个力度更大,震撼力更强哈。


Alibaba smashed its record for the online retail blitz known as Singles Day.“打破纪录”我们最熟悉break a record,而此处用的是smash a record,请各位客官自行脑补break和smash哪个力度更大,震撼力更强哈。

上面是美国财富杂志网上的说法。先给大家补充一个背景:感恩节后美国各商家的折扣优惠力度是超级大的,所以“黑色星期五”和“网络星期一”算是美国一年之中销售最旺的时候,但是他们两三天旺季的销售额跟中国双11仅一天的相比,简直弱爆了。While Black Friday and Cyber Monday get all the attention in the U.S., China’s Singles Day puts them both to shame.各位客官看到put them to shame了吗?小编又为身为中国人自豪了一把!同时也学会了“弱爆”或“使某人 / 某物相形见绌 / 黯然失色”怎么表达了,哈哈。


全球最大的IT互联网媒体集团cnet说:Black Friday is nothing compared to China’s Singles Day. 甚至在报道中用了两个much来强调差距: Alibaba's Singles Day sales is much much bigger than Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined.

全球最大的IT互联网媒体集团cnet说:Black Friday is nothing compared to China’s Singles Day. 甚至在报道中用了两个much来强调差距: Alibaba's Singles Day sales is much much bigger than Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined.

路透社的报道称:Singles' Day, also called "Double 11", is the world's biggest online sales event, outstripping the sales of U.S. shopping holidays Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined. 其中outstrip意为:be better or more successful than someone else。

路透社的报道称:Singles' Day, also called "Double 11", is the world's biggest online sales event, outstripping the sales of U.S. shopping holidays Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined. 其中outstrip意为:be better or more successful than someone else。

纽约时报里把阿里巴巴一天的销售额换算成了24小时,更显示出时间之短: Alibaba’s sales on Singles Day, which gets its name from the date, Nov. 11, broke the 200 billion yuan, or $28.8 billion, mark near the end of the 24-hour shopping event on Sunday.

纽约时报里把阿里巴巴一天的销售额换算成了24小时,更显示出时间之短: Alibaba’s sales on Singles Day, which gets its name from the date, Nov. 11, broke the 200 billion yuan, or $28.8 billion, mark near the end of the 24-hour shopping event on Sunday.


1. Singles’ Day is a holiday popular among young Chinese people that celebrate their pride in being single. The date, November 11th (11/11), was chosen because the number “1” resembles an individual who is alone.

2. The holiday was named “Singles’ Day” because its date, 11/11 (November 11), consists of four “ones”, representing four singles.

3. Alibaba smashed its record for the online retail blitz known as Singles Day.

4. While Black Friday and Cyber Monday get all the attention in the U.S., China’s Singles Day puts them both to shame.

5. Black Friday is nothing compared to China’s Singles Day.

6. Singles’ Day, also called “Double 11”, is the world’s biggest online sales event, outstripping the sales of U.S. Shopping holidays Black Friday and Cyber Monday combined.返回搜狐,查看更多




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