专访: 看Crocs卡骆驰如何玩转App互动营销

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专访: 看Crocs卡骆驰如何玩转App互动营销

2024-07-13 18:42| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


采访、文字: Sandy [email protected](原创内容, 转载请务必注明来自 数英网 | DIGITALING) 《卡米菲的奇妙旅程》宣传视频

《卡米菲的奇妙旅程》是由Deep Focus/FlipScript为Crocs卡骆驰打造的针对2至5岁儿童推出的首个亲子互动类App。APP中,主角卡米菲携一众萌物,带领孩子走进他们的奇妙村庄,用智慧和爱心与他们并肩前行。小朋友可以尽情地在APP中遨游Crocs的故事王国,听卡米菲讲故事,玩游戏,拍照片,还能了解Crocs童鞋的最新信息。(外一篇: Deep Focus/FlipScript: Crocs跨界亲子互动APP—卡米菲的奇妙旅程 萌动登场) 以下内容引用自卡骆驰中国区市场总监Shine Wei对于该款App的评述:

“We’re very glad to see the great success of Crocs Little app launch. It doesn’t only attract the Chinese kids aged 2-5, but also successfully engage the whole families via bringing closer kids & parents with joyful experience creation. Therefore, as a leading global lifestyle footwear brand, crocs would bring more innovative and engaging experience with consumers to enrich the brand equity and maintain the sustainable healthy growth in China. “

—- Shine Wei Marketing Director, Crocs China.


——Shine Wei 卡骆驰中国区市场总监

纵观世界品牌的App营销案例,从MINI的Getaway Stockholom到大众Fishlabs(魔鱼)工作室打造的《超级竞速》,从优衣库的跨界厨房Uniqlo Recipe到杜蕾斯的Durex Baby,App游戏之所以受到企业的青睐,不仅在于过亿的移动平台用户量和强大的推广市场,还在于相对其他营销方式的“短平快”。APP游戏与生俱来的互动性和趣味性,让用户在主动享受互动体验的同时,更进一步加深了品牌忠诚度。在这背后,能否抓住营销理念的精髓——对产品价值的理解、精准的市场定位和为用户创造真正有用的价值就成为了决定App成败的关键。

然而,坐而论道容易,实际操作却又是另外一回事,不如让我们通过Crocs App《卡米菲的奇妙旅程》这个案例,看看卡骆驰是如何将App营销玩转到极致的。为此我们专门采访了Crocs亚太地区数字营销经理Angela Li,以下为采访实录。


Q: 我们知道,Crocs卡骆驰凭借独特的设计理念享誉世界,其别致的“洞洞鞋”系列更是赢得了中国消费者的广泛青睐。2014年,Crocs更是定位以“Find Your Fun”作为品牌口号,这背后又暗含着怎样的品牌营销策略呢?

A: 自2002年起,Crocs卡骆驰一直以色彩斑斓的趣味设计和超高的舒适度深受人们的喜爱,我们所有的产品都秉承着这样的设计理念,这也就是为什么Crocs品牌会长期风靡全球的原因。我们之所以会选择”Find Your Fun”作为品牌口号,是希望我们的消费者无论何时何地,都能体验到Crocs带给他们的欢乐。

Q: 最近,我们听说Crocs推出了一款亲子互动类App,名为《卡米菲的奇妙旅程》,颇吸引大家眼球,请简单向我们介绍下这款App的主要特点。

A: 我想最主要的特点应该就是故事的主角“卡米菲”本身了。该卡通形象几乎完全以Crocs经典的洞洞鞋为设计模板,其俏皮可爱的造型也深深烙印在了孩子们的心里。在App游戏中,乐于助人的卡米菲在旅途中帮助小伙伴们克服重重困难完成任务,结合丰富的故事情节和有趣的互动游戏,也将欢乐传递给了大家。


A: 我们希望Crocs能在消费者心中树立趣味性强以及关注家庭(family-orientated )的品牌形象,而这款App的推出帮助我们以一种温馨而巧妙的方式实现了这一目的。童鞋是我们品牌产品中的重要组成部分,所以我们当时就渴望以一种别出心裁的方式使我们“最年轻”的消费者能够持续保持对Crocs的热情,并建立起家长对于品牌的信任。而《卡米菲的奇妙旅程》App所呈现出的创造性,丰富性以及趣味性正好与我们童鞋的属性不谋而合。奇幻的冒险旅程被赋予了愉悦感和教育意义,使每一个学龄前儿童和其父母享乐其中的同时,也使整个家庭变得更加紧密。另外,我们还通过发放折扣券的方式鼓励使用者访问Crocs商店。

Q: 为了宣传推广这款App,你们都采取了那些营销手段?

A: 我们在一系列不同的网络平台上进行了推广,包括微博,app应用论坛以及有广泛影响力的博客等等。为了将触角延伸至潜在用户,我们除了在其他热门儿童App上宣传之外,还借助微信公众平台以及Crocs睡前故事加以推广。此外,Crocs天猫官方旗舰店为支持App的推出,更增添了整幅的广告活动页面来鼓励现有客户的下载。

在社会化媒体方面,一项旨在保持消费者持久兴趣度的微博app推广计划也在紧锣密鼓的进行之中。我们在微博上着重强调Crocs“以家庭为核心”的坚定立场,贴出有趣的Gif图以博得大家的欢心,同时与粉丝就“育儿关键性阶段(key parenting milestones)”的话题展开深入讨论,并鼓励更多的人参与其中。


Q: Crocs App的目标受众是父母与孩子,而在中国,亲子话题也正在变得愈发的火热,那么您是如何看待这一群体的?他们在Crocs的品牌推广中又扮演着怎样的角色?

A: 我们见证了亲子真人秀节目在中国的成功,也深知这一主题的重要性。所以在这个时间节点上,Crocs的app营销策略就是要明确父母作为目标受众之一在品牌交流中的重要性。我们通过展现同理心(充分理解父母们在日常生活中所面对的琐事和挑战)来赢得他们认同。我们希望将自己定位为与儿童友善的品牌(kids-friendly brand),而“卡米菲”则是伴随孩子们共同成长的小伙伴。

Q: 到目前为止,App的推出收获了怎样的积极成果?

A: 《卡米菲的奇妙旅程》在中国市场投放的第一个月,下载次数就达到了近7万次,并在评论和评级中收到了400个左右的5星评价。与此同时,在微博中我们也得到了大量有关App的积极反馈,人们亲切将其描述为亲子关系中的得力助手。

Q: 在这一次App推广项目中,你们有什么宝贵经验想和其他品牌分享吗?

A: 总而言之,深入了解你的消费者,充分挖掘品牌潜能来创造对消费者和企业自身更有价值的东西,这至关重要。

Q: 数字/社会化媒体领域在Crocs的营销策略中占据怎样的比重,或者说您是如何看待这部分在市场营销中所扮演的角色的?

A: 在我们的全球化整合营销传播以及广告活动计划中,数字/社会化媒体无疑扮演着主导者的角色。无论是在市场营销策略还是创意发展与激发过程中(creative development and activation),数字/社会化媒体都处在整个生态系统的核心位置。在中国,我们一直都在极力推动数字创新项目。另外,值得一提的是,在中国本土的互动机构和电子商务团队的专业支持下,我们更加坚信将中国作为Crocs App推广的试点市场是明智的选择。接下来,Crocs App将会陆续在香港,韩国和其他东南亚地区推出,我们也将会持续增加对于亚太地区数字创新项目的投入力度。当然,中国市场仍旧是重中之重。


English Original:

Interview with Angela Li from Crocs——The story behind Crocs App “The Adventures of Crocs Little”

Q: As we know, with unique design and high comfort degree, Crocs shoes are very popular among Chinese people especially the slipper with plenty of holes. Would you like to talk about your current brand proposition “Find Your Fun” and the marketing strategy behind?

A: Since 2002, Crocs has been loved for their colorful, comfortable and outright fun design. This is still true of all our shoes today and helps explain why they are so popular all over the world, including in China. ‘Find Your Fun’ is our invitation to consumers to have a good time wearing Crocs shoes, whatever the occasion.

Q: Recently, Crocs has released a parent-child interaction App featured in the shoe’s cartoon character. Could you introduce the main character of the App?

A: The main character is Crocs Little. He was designed to resemble the shape of our classic Crocs clog and his bright, colorful, happy look attracts children to the Crocs brand. Now it mainly appears in kids related marketing initiatives and is hence portrayed as the leading actor in this app “The Adventures of Crocs Little” where he goes on fun journey and helps animal friends along the way to bring happiness to the world.

Q: We are very curious about that as a footwear manufacturer, why did Crocs chose to create such an App?What is the objectives and expectations for this App in marketing point of view?

A: We want our customers to see Crocs as a fun, family-orientated brand and this app allows us to do that in a nice and subtle way. Kids’ shoes make up a significant portion of our business and we, therefore, want to create something that would keep our youngest customers coming back to the brand again and again for many years to come as well as build more trust among parents. Our new iPad app for kids, ‘The Adventures of Crocs Little’ is creative, colorful and lots of fun – just like our shoes! Designed to be entertaining with a series of adventures, as well as educational, the app can be enjoyed by pre-school kids and their parents, bringing the family even closer together. It even encourages app users to visit our stores by giving out discount coupons to spend in-store.

Q: What marketing methods have you adapted to advertise and promote the App?

A: We have promoted the app on several different platforms, including on Weibo, through app forums, via influential bloggers and more. We have also reached out to potential customers by advertising on other popular kids’ apps and sought out WeChat users through weekly teasers and Crocs Little bed time stories. Crocs Tmall store also supports the app launch with full campaign page, encouraging existing customers to download the app for their little ones.

On social marketing, we have an ongoing plan to promote the app on Weibo which we hope will keep interest levels high. We have begun conversations with fans about key parenting milestones and encouraged fans to join in, emphasizing our strong standing with families. We have also created entertaining GIF animations promoting the app that both parents and kids can laugh along to. Our fans in China are a discerning audience and like to get the opinion of bloggers and celebrities that they trust. For that reason, we shared the app with influential mommy bloggers and celebrities with young kids who, in turn, posted photos of their little ones using the app. We really want to show people how enjoyable the app is for the whole family.

Q: Since the app is targeting at parents and children. the parents and kids are very popular topics in China recently. what is your point of view of this marketing group? How will this group of targets helps the crocs branding?

A: We’ve witnessed the success of the parent-kid reality show in China and thus understand the importance of the topic in China recently. Therefore, our strategy to market this app in China at this point of time is to make sure, knowing parents are the target audience for our communication, we win their hearts by showing we understand their challenges and what they have to deal with on a day-to-day basis. We want to position ourselves as a kids-friendly brand and Crocs Little is the buddy that kids can grow up together with.

Q: Until now, what positive effect has the App brought to Crocs or have you achieve your goals through releasing the App, like improving sales or something else?

A: In just one month since its launch in China, the app has been downloaded almost 70,000 times and we have been given a 5 Star rating from the 400 or so reviews and ratings we have received. There has also been a lot of positive feedback about the app on Weibo, describing it as helpful to their parent-child relationship.

Q: In this case, what valuable experience do you have to share with other brands?

A: It is vital that you know your consumer well and explore the potential of your own business to produce that will deliver great values to contribute to the business and consumers at the end of the day.

Q: What is the percentage of crocs marketing plan is digital / Social? In your point of view, what a role does digital marketing play in brand propaganda?

A: Digital/social has been playing a leading role in our overall integrated marketing communication and campaign plan. Starting from marketing strategy to creative development and activation, digital/social sits at the core of the entire ecosystem. In China, we have been particularly proactive in driving digital innovation project. Besides, the dedicated support from local digital & e-commerce team has given us the solid ground to identify China as the pilot market to roll this app out first. Now the countries coming up in the pipeline for launch are Hong Kong, South Korea, Australia and other South East Asia countries. We will keep investing more digital innovation projects for APAC region and for sure China is on the top list of market rollout.




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