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#东门英语,请高手帮忙翻译成英文| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,请高手帮忙翻译成英文 2,帮忙翻译成英文,麻烦请高手帮忙,要准确无误,拜谢了 3,用英语介绍东门 4,写东门大街的英语作文 5,西安北高铁站到西北政法大学南校口 6,英语中的学习方法有哪些 1,请高手帮忙翻译成英文

In the modern society, young offenders, or young people being attacked, kidnapping, robbery, are growing exponentially, and most of them happen during the night. This means that during the night, young people have nowhere good to go, and can only make trouble for themselves and/or their families. If we want to reduce the crime rate effectively, the best way to make young people not go out during the night, and Curfew Law has this exact purpose. Young people do not know the world well enough, and when they are confronted with dangers, they cannot make the right decision like adults to get to safety. Sometimes their decisions are not mature enough, and that is why there are so many fights among the young people. Curfew Law outlaws young people to come out during the night, which disallow these harmful things to happen to young people, as well as protecting young people, avoid crimes. We cannot say Curfew Law has broken human rights laws, it is like saying people under 18 cannot smoke and people under 21 cannot drink alcohol, it is there to protect young people, and since those laws do not break human rights laws, why can we not say that Curfew Law is against freedom of people?

"Please translate what is above, no machine translation, the teacher will know~~~and, what do people think of curfew? Please help me out with this~~~thanks a lot" 意见跟你一致,没什么要说的,带引号的部分是个小玩笑



We are a raw tomato sauce focus on foreign trade companies, the company passed to the natural grace of the principles of society and business customers, to foreign customers with high quality raw materials in China set up tomato sauce is the purpose of our company is our business philosophy, we look at quality assurance and details of the recognition is more important than efficiency, food quality and safety is our primary concern, we will be quality service and good credit in exchange for your trust in us. 希望采纳,谢谢!


华强北商业区位于深圳,其前身是生产电子、通讯、电器产品为主的工业区拥有厂房40多栋。随经济发展,成本升高,工厂外迁,商场入驻,使华强北区域功能发生变化,市区政府及时把握住转变的契机,1998年开始对华强北商业街进行改造。变成深圳最传统、最具人气的商业旺地之一。共投资4500 万,首期12 个改造项目于1999年10全面竣工(人行步道、跨街灯饰、电子显示屏、高低压电缆、休闲设施等)。政府的投资带动了商家的积极性,各商家在整体改造方案基础上纷纷进行立面装修改造,投资总额1.2亿。华强北商业街的形成是政府与商家共同努力促进的结果。 2008年在第十届高交会华强北分会场开幕仪式上,中国电子商会常务副会长王宁代表中国电子商会向华强北商业街正式授牌“中国电子第一街”。标志着行内确认了华强北商业街在全国电子商业界的龙头地位。“中国电子第一街”是由中国电子商会发起评选的,评审内容涵盖经营规模、经营档次、管理模式、创新水平、品牌效应、商业环境、配套服务、政府服务等方面。工业和信息化部副部长娄勤俭在授牌仪式上祝愿“中国电子第一街”发展成为国际电子第一街。 Qiang north district is located in shenzhen, whose predecessor is the production of electronics, communication, electric products of the factory owns more than 40 industrial buildings. With the economic development, rising cost, factories, shopping, make out qiang north region function changes, the city government promptly seize the opportunity, the transformation from 1998, China north street strong. Become the most traditional, shenzhen's most popular business to flourish. The total investment 45 million, 12 reconstruction project in October 1999 and fully completed (trails, street lamp, electronic display screen, high-voltage cables and recreational facilities, etc.). The government's leading investment business activity, the businessman in overall reconstruction scheme based on the facade is decorated, in succession to total investment of 1.2 billion. Qiang north street is formed with joint efforts to promote the business results. The 10th 2008 carnival qiang north at the opening ceremony, standing vice President of Chinese electronic chamber on behalf of the Chinese electronics chamber XiangHuaJiang cacho north street formally approved "China electronic first street". Marks qiang north street intra-bank confirmed in the leading position of electronic business. "China is the first street" electronic electronic chamber of commerce in China launched by the selection, evaluation content covers business scale, business class and level of management mode, innovation and brand effect, business environment and supporting services and government services, etc. Mr Lou, vice minister of industry and information in the opening ceremony of the "China electronic first street wishes to international electronic first street.

东门步行街是深圳历史最为悠久的商业区。在13年前,东门商业街主要都是一些小摊、小贩在经营,经营的商品也是以低档为主。而今,经过改造的东门商业街已经成为集购物、休闲和旅游观光于一体的新型步行街,街区内不仅有茂业百货、天虹商场等大型百货商场,还有各种形式的专卖店等。新“东门”作为中国18条重要商街位列其中。据东门商业步行街区管理办公室提供的最新统计数字:目前新“东门”平均日客流量达30万人次,节假日日客流量达50万人次。新“东门”年营业额达45亿元。 Shenzhen east street is the oldest of business. In 13 years ago, east street stalls, mainly are in business, management of vendors with cheap goods. Now, after modification of integrating shopping mall has become eastward, leisure and tourism in one of the new mall, neighborhood has not only maoye emporium, store shopping malls, and large forms of stores, etc. The new "east" as China's 18 ShangJie important among them. According to the management office blocks east commercial walk to the latest statistics: at present, the new "east" average passenger 30 million passengers, holidays, 50 million. The new "east" annual turnover reaches 4.5 billion yuan.


青春是早晨的太阳,她容光焕发,灿烂耀眼,所有的阴郁和灰暗都遭到她的驱逐。青春是江河里奔涌的激浪,天地间回荡着她澎湃的激情,谁也无法阻挡她寻求大海的脚步。 青春是一只高飞在天的鸟,她美丽的翅膀像彩色的旗帜,召唤着理想,憧憬着未来。青春是一棵枝叶葳蕤的树,她用绿色光芒感染着所有生灵,使春天的景象常留在人间。青春是一支余韵不绝的歌,她把浪漫的情怀和严峻的现实交织在一起,拨动每一个人的心弦。青春是蓬蓬勃勃的生机,是不会泯灭的希望,是一往无前的勇敢,是生命中最辉煌


公交线路:地铁2号线 → 4-18路,全程约27.2公里 1、从西安北站步行约70米,到达北客站 2、乘坐地铁2号线,经过19站, 到达航天城站 3、步行约480米,到达新华街中段站 4、乘坐4-18路,经过5站, 到达政法大学南校区站 5、步行约150米,到达西北政法大学(南校区)-东门 公交线路:地铁2号线 → 4-16路,全程约27.3公里 1、从西安北站步行约70米,到达北客站 2、乘坐地铁2号线,经过19站, 到达航天城站 3、步行约400米,到达西长安街东口(航天城地铁站)站 4、乘坐4-16路,经过5站, 到达西北政法大学南校区站 5、步行约160米,到达西北政法大学(南校区)-东门






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