重缝城市·深圳湾文化广场 / The Oval Partnership – mooool木藕设计网

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重缝城市·深圳湾文化广场 / The Oval Partnership – mooool木藕设计网

2024-07-04 02:21| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文由 The Oval Partnership 授权mooool发表,欢迎转发,禁止以mooool编辑版本转载。 Thanks The Oval Partnership for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description provided by The Oval Partnership.


The Oval Partnership:欧华尔近日发布中国深圳湾文化广场国际设计竞赛的获奖规划概念,结合文化生态平台、场所营造及数据创新,构思崭新时代城市地标。项目将成为世界级文化主导城市开发,也是深圳锐意创建文化枢纽的重要平台。

The Oval Partnership: has unveiled its competition-winning masterplan proposal for the Shenzhen Bay Cultural Plaza in China. Shenzhen Bay Cultural Plaza is poised to become a world-class culture-led mixed-use development in the Bay Area.


▼项目视频  Project video


本案地处深圳南山后海中心区核心文化设施带,主要干道穿插于项目的十组地块之间及周边。欧华尔提出 ” 重缝城市 ” 的规划概念,将地块与周边城市肌理重新缝合:贯穿旧湾区新水岸、联通交通枢纽与文化平台;建筑概念则化整为零:倡导城市留白、社交友好的亲绿步行脉络、梳理地标建筑与公共空间的关系,营造人文场所。

就本案作为 TOD及多层多点的城市介面的挑战及机遇,欧华尔应用新开发的数字场所营造方法(Digital Placemaking),对片区行人流动及连接度等数据进行整理和分折,通过数据模拟,指导公共空间及动线体系设计策略,编织高渗透性、宜步行的有机城市网络,并量化建议方案对地块各部人流及通达性的优化。

The project is located at the Houhai district of Nanshan, Shenzhen,comprising a dozen of land parcels dissected by major thoroughfares.The Oval Partnership’s winning concept is to stitch these pockets of land and surrounding urban fabric back together, bridging the hinterland with a new coastline the Bay, connecting transit and culture, landmarks and open spaces, places and people.

Digital Placemaking was employed from the inception of the Shenzhen Bay Masterplanning process. Connectivity,pedestrian flow, and hybrid visual field metrics were leveraged to optimise footfall along with point-of-interest clustering analysis providing predictive analytics to fine-tune the proposal and enhance the value of the project.




深圳湾文化广场需要一个鲜明的文化定位、有韧性的文化策略。就此我们与多德创意( Made in China)的文化与创意产业专家菲利浦・多德 ( Philip Dodd)合作,响应深圳作为新生代舞台的背景,提出文化定位 “ 慢慢来 ”。文化策略强调人本体验,倡导文化和商业相辅成 “ 界 ”:边界模糊的有机领域。同时,我们与在地的学术界合作,深度研究深圳的文化地景,提出具指导性的内容矩阵及布局策略,将当地及引进的多元文化业态,策略性地布置在项目中各具个性的街区村落——匠林、梯田、客厅、灯塔及海湾,交织成一个拥有多元光谱的文化生态。

Central to the success of the Shenzhen Bay Cultural Plaza was the need for astute cultural positioning and robust cultural strategies. From the outset, The Oval Partnership collaborated with cultural entrepreneur cum creative consultant Philip Dodd of Made in China. In this youngest city of China and perhaps the youngest urbanisation, the young do have time. Manmanlai, or ‘take it slow’ underpins the masterplan concept. Collaborating with local educators, the cultural landscape of Shenzhen was surveyed, from which a multi-layered strategy of mixed primary uses are woven along a contiguous public realm, to form ‘Villages’ of diverse characters and offerings: Field, Terrace, Townhall, Lighthouse and the Bay.


▼项目视频  Project video



深圳湾文化广场是一个三维城市体系:不同的高度是不一样的风景。首层大街(Mainstreet)串连文化村落,并伸延与二层树顶步道(Treewalk)贯通区内区外。绿植绵延地上地下,以绿谷(Green Valley)链接地铁并形成不同主题丛林、花园。大街、广场、平台、小巷贯穿文化村落,承载文化内容、社交邂逅,连结地图上的各个兴趣节点,构筑成独一无二的城市生态。

The Villages are connected via an elevated Mainstreet, branching out to connect with neighbouring sites to form a system of Treewalks. At the lower level, a radical Green Valley of lush subterranean park connects stations with the project and surrounding amenities. Streets, squares, terraces and alleys are threaded through all Villages supporting an ecosystem of points-of-interest.


▼项目视频  Project video


城市自然化 亲生物的生活方式|URBAN GREENING


Architecture is not centre-stage here, it makes way for landscaping that is much more than a picturesque setting but forms a contiguous—and verdant—realm between flesh and stone. Productive landscapes, botanical gardens,structural landscapes and cultural forests serve as climatic control devices,horticultural experiences, alfresco romance, and background of serendipity.


▼深圳湾绿谷  Oval_Shenzhen Bay_Green Valley

▼平面图  plan



深圳湾文化广场是欧华尔首个从项目伊始便运用数字场所营造(Digital Placemaking)技术的项目。数字场所营造是由欧华尔所开发的一套空间分析工具,通过结合场所和行人流动数据,有助设计师进行以实证数据为基础的城市规划设计。我们的设计团队反复对城市空间的连通性、集群效应、视野测量、行人流量及兴趣节点(Point of Interests)等进行数据分析、关联性分析及实时比较,研究各设计选项的优劣,以勾勒出最合适的总体规划方案。以本案为例,我们深度分析深圳湾片区的优劣所在,尝试在巨型复杂的城市系统中梳理出规划逻辑,善用三条地铁线的承载力,打通腹地和水岸,连接后发项目及核心商圈,优化步道系统和地上下交通转乘的链接,优化商业价值,并重缝新旧城市肌理。

Shenzhen Bay Cultural Plaza is one of the first applications to benefit from The Oval Partnership’s Digital Placemaking methods from the project’s first moments. This toolkit was developed by The Oval Partnership as an invaluable resource for evidence-based urban planning evaluation, enabling designers to integrate place and people data analytics. Design iterations could be tested in real-time by the team, generating comparative analyses of connectivity, point-of-interest clustering effects, sightlines, pedestrian flows toward devising the optimal masterplan.


▼项目视频  Project video

▼数字化场所  Digital place

▼夜景  Night scene


“ 我们想创造一个盛载丰腴文化内容、充满生机与活力的公共领域(Public Realm)。我们把本案解读为一项宏观的城市设计,以场所主导 ;在建筑表达上我们倾向消隐留白,作为赋能平台,联乘各持分者与时共创,一起在深圳湾营造真正属于彼此、让人自豪的世界级目的地。” 项目负责董事林天祥Sada Lam 解释道。

“We aspire to create a vibrant public realm that is diverse, walkable, and rich in cultural offerings,” The Oval Partnership Director Sada Lam said. “It is a creative urban endeavour—our architectural expression is ‘absent’—such that the architecture forms a framework to empower stakeholders in the neighbourhood to co-create what will become Shenzhen’s next world-class hub, one that her people are a part of and proud of.”


▼剖面图  profile





项目名称:深圳湾文化广场 客户:华润置地有限公司 项目位置:中国深圳 项目面积:166,250 平方米 年份:2021年

Name: Shenzhen Bay Culturel Plaza Client:China Resources Land Location:Shenzhen, China Size: 166,250 sqm Completion: 2021


更多 Read more about: The Oval Partnership





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