
您所在的位置:网站首页 单词前缀后缀初中 介绍56个最常见的英语前缀及其相关派生词(fore)


2024-04-21 03:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

fore-[OE]=front; before; beforehand

fore-也是个本族语前缀,它来自英语介副词fore,原意是before,可表示时间或位置的“前”。fore-是派生前缀,只与单词相缀合,意为front, before, beforehand等。它在构词中起修饰作用,所以,一般不影响词基单词的词性。以下是几个常用的含fore-的派生词。

forefoot [fore-=front前;foot n. 脚⇒“front foot前脚”→]n. one of the front feet of an animal(兽的)前脚 / The horse hurt its forefoot in the race. 马在比赛中前蹄受了伤。

foreground [fore-=front前;ground n. 场地⇒“front ground前场”→]n. part of a picture toward the front(图画的)前景 / The foreground of the picture shows a cottage, while mountains loom in the background. 这幅画的前景是座农舍,其背景是隐约可见的山峦。

foreword [fore-=front前;word n. 言语⇒“the word at the front写在前面的话”→]n. introduction or preface to a book前言,序言 / The foreword was no more than a statement thanking those who had helped the author with the book. 那前言只是个声明,对曾帮助该书作者的人表示谢意。

forenoon [fore-=before在…前;noon n. 中午⇒“(the time)before noon午前的(时间)”→]n. &a. (the time) between early morning and noon午前(的),上午(的) / The morning watch passed into a forenoon watch. 早班转成中班。

forementioned [fore-=before前;mentioned a. 提到的→]a. mentioned before上述的 / Take the forementioned ingredients and mix with water. 取出上述配料用水调和。

forecast [fore-=beforehand预先;cast v. 估计,安排⇒“to cast or arrange beforehand预先估计安排”→]v. tell what is coming预测,预报 / Cooler weather is forecast for tomorrow. 天气预报说明天会凉快一些。

foreclose [fore-=beforehand事先;close v. 关⇒“to close beforehand事先将门关住”→]v. shut out; prevent排斥;阻止 / The club voted to foreclose further discussion of the subject. 俱乐部投票决定不再讨论该议题。

foresee [fore-=beforehand预先;see v. 见→]v. see or know beforehand预见,预知 / Things turned out to be exactly as he had foreseen. 事情的结局正如他所预见的那样。

▷foreseeable a. 可预见到的

foreseer n. 有先见之明的人

练习 22



① forebody n. 船体前半部  (  )a. for-=away

② foretime n. 过去  (  )b. fore-=front

③ forest n. 森林  (  )c. fore-=before

④ foreknow v. 预知  (  )d. ×

⑤ forsake v. 遗弃  (  )e. fore-=beforehand




① forgo  (  )a. 摒绝

② forego  (  )b. 发生在…之前

③ forbear  (  )c. 克制

④ forebear  (  )d. 祖先


A fore-(=front)+名词→名词派生词

① forearm  (  )a. 前臂

② foredeck  (  )b. 最前方

③ forefinger  (  )c. 前甲板

④ forefront  (  )d. 前桅

⑤ foremast  (  )e. 食指

B fore-(=before)+单词→派生词

① forefather  (  )a. 已经,过去

② forerun  (  )b. 比填写的日期早的日期

③ foretime  (  )c. 为…的先驱

④ foredate  (  )d. 祖先

⑤ forename  (  )e. 名(放在姓之前)

C fore-(=beforehand)+单词→派生词

① forearm  (  )a. 预言,预示

② foredoom  (  )b. 未了解事实就断定

③ forejudge  (  )c. 注定

④ foretell  (  )d. 预先武装

⑤ forethought  (  )e. 预谋


① forehead n. 前额

② foreknowledge n. 预告,先见

③ foreleg n. (兽的)前腿

④ foremother n. 祖先

⑤ forepart n. 前部

⑥ foresight n. 先见,预见

⑦ foresail n. 前桅帆

⑧ forewarn n. 预先警告



① forfend=forefend v. 挡开,避开

② forgather=foregather v. 聚会;交往




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