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2024-07-10 19:53| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


SurfaceControl.screenshot(SurfaceControl.getBuiltInDisplay( SurfaceControl.BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_MAIN), sur);

进行截屏导致的。 截屏函数最终是由SurfaceFlinger完成的。在surfaceflinger中加入日志调试。

nsecs_t st = systemTime(); result = flinger->captureScreenImplLocked(hw, producer, reqWidth, reqHeight, minLayerZ, maxLayerZ); nsecs_t et = systemTime(); ALOGI("surfaceflinger captureScreenImplLocked use time:%dms", (int)ns2ms(et - st));


03-11 14:12:44.550 2259-2797/? W/ScreenRotationAnimation: SurfaceControl.screenshot use 3142ms 03-11 14:13:01.950 2259-2669/? W/ScreenRotationAnimation: SurfaceControl.screenshot use 3282ms 03-11 14:23:26.250 2259-2669/? W/ScreenRotationAnimation: SurfaceControl.screenshot use 3176ms 03-11 14:23:36.790 2259-2668/? W/ScreenRotationAnimation: SurfaceControl.screenshot use 3239ms

为什么需要这么长时间? 最后研究发现这个时间跟SurfaceView的数量还有关系,每多一个SurfaceView截屏时间就多个500到600毫秒,我的界面总共添加了3个SurfaceView,所以截屏时间花了3秒。 如果一个SurfaceView都不添加,截屏只需要花费大概600毫秒的时间。 看了一眼captureScreenImplLocked这个函数的实现,发现这个函数很神奇,只调用了几个GL函数,截屏就完成了。

status_t SurfaceFlinger::captureScreenImplLocked( const sp& hw, const sp& producer, uint32_t reqWidth, uint32_t reqHeight, uint32_t minLayerZ, uint32_t maxLayerZ) { ATRACE_CALL(); // get screen geometry const uint32_t hw_w = hw->getWidth(); const uint32_t hw_h = hw->getHeight(); // if we have secure windows on this display, never allow the screen capture if (hw->getSecureLayerVisible()) { ALOGW("FB is protected: PERMISSION_DENIED"); return PERMISSION_DENIED; } if ((reqWidth > hw_w) || (reqHeight > hw_h)) { ALOGE("size mismatch (%d, %d) > (%d, %d)", reqWidth, reqHeight, hw_w, hw_h); return BAD_VALUE; } reqWidth = (!reqWidth) ? hw_w : reqWidth; reqHeight = (!reqHeight) ? hw_h : reqHeight; // Create a surface to render into sp surface = new Surface(producer); ANativeWindow* const window = surface.get(); // set the buffer size to what the user requested native_window_set_buffers_user_dimensions(window, reqWidth, reqHeight); // and create the corresponding EGLSurface EGLSurface eglSurface = eglCreateWindowSurface( mEGLDisplay, mEGLConfig, window, NULL); if (eglSurface == EGL_NO_SURFACE) { ALOGE("captureScreenImplLocked: eglCreateWindowSurface() failed 0x%4x", eglGetError()); return BAD_VALUE; } if (!eglMakeCurrent(mEGLDisplay, eglSurface, eglSurface, mEGLContext)) { ALOGE("captureScreenImplLocked: eglMakeCurrent() failed 0x%4x", eglGetError()); eglDestroySurface(mEGLDisplay, eglSurface); return BAD_VALUE; } renderScreenImplLocked(hw, reqWidth, reqHeight, minLayerZ, maxLayerZ, false); // and finishing things up... if (eglSwapBuffers(mEGLDisplay, eglSurface) != EGL_TRUE) { ALOGE("captureScreenImplLocked: eglSwapBuffers() failed 0x%4x", eglGetError()); eglDestroySurface(mEGLDisplay, eglSurface); getDefaultDisplayDevice()->makeCurrent(mEGLDisplay, mEGLContext); return BAD_VALUE; } eglDestroySurface(mEGLDisplay, eglSurface); getDefaultDisplayDevice()->makeCurrent(mEGLDisplay, mEGLContext); return NO_ERROR; }

不明觉厉,这个函数我是改不了了,不过还好我们这个设备是墨水屏,刷新特别慢,在旋转时不需要动画,可以想办法去掉动画,这样就不用调用截屏函数了。 首先打印一下调用堆栈,看看谁调用的截屏函数。

try { throw new Exception(); } catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } long st = System.currentTimeMillis(); SurfaceControl.screenshot(SurfaceControl.getBuiltInDisplay( SurfaceControl.BUILT_IN_DISPLAY_ID_MAIN), sur); long et = System.currentTimeMillis(); Slog.w(TAG, "SurfaceControl.screenshot use " + (et - st) + "ms");


03-11 14:27:39.840 2259-2439/? W/System.err: java.lang.Exception 03-11 14:27:39.840 2259-2439/? W/System.err: at 03-11 14:27:39.840 2259-2439/? W/System.err: at 03-11 14:27:39.840 2259-2439/? W/System.err: at 03-11 14:27:39.840 2259-2439/? W/System.err: at 03-11 14:27:39.840 2259-2439/? W/System.err: at 03-11 14:27:39.840 2259-2439/? W/System.err: at 03-11 14:27:39.840 2259-2439/? W/System.err: at 03-11 14:27:39.840 2259-2439/? W/System.err: at 03-11 14:27:39.840 2259-2439/? W/System.err: at 03-11 14:27:39.840 2259-2439/? W/System.err: at android.os.Binder.execTransact( 03-11 14:27:39.850 2259-2439/? W/System.err: at Method)

根据日志查看 9945行附近,有如下代码:

if (CUSTOM_SCREEN_ROTATION) { mExitAnimId = exitAnim; mEnterAnimId = enterAnim; final DisplayContent displayContent = getDefaultDisplayContentLocked(); final int displayId = displayContent.getDisplayId(); ScreenRotationAnimation screenRotationAnimation = mAnimator.getScreenRotationAnimationLocked(displayId); if (screenRotationAnimation != null) { screenRotationAnimation.kill(); } // TODO(multidisplay): rotation on main screen only. screenRotationAnimation = new ScreenRotationAnimation(mContext, displayContent, mFxSession, inTransaction, mPolicy.isDefaultOrientationForced()); mAnimator.setScreenRotationAnimationLocked(displayId, screenRotationAnimation); }

重点是if (CUSTOM_SCREEN_ROTATION) {判断条件,再搜索一下CUSTOM_SCREEN_ROTATION变量,发现只有一个初始值,中间没有任何赋值的地方。

/** * If true, the window manager will do its own custom freezing and general * management of the screen during rotation. */ static final boolean CUSTOM_SCREEN_ROTATION = true;

既然是这样,把CUSTOM_SCREEN_ROTATION 修改为false试试效果看。 哇!果然很快,就是效果有点儿差,能看得见黑屏。 又研究了一会儿,没什么进展,看来这种方式只能这样了。 截屏函数到底能不能快点儿呢? 又去看了一眼,发现原来captureScreenImplLocked函数在surfaceflinger中还有另一种实现。

#ifdef NO_FBO_SCREENSHOT /* mx6sl_evk don't have GPU 3D core, it will use software OpenGL ES1.1 (libagl) * which can't support FBO feature, so mx6sl_evk screenshot can only use below * implementation although it may not fast as FBO path. */ #include #include status_t SurfaceFlinger::captureScreenImplLocked( const sp& hw, const sp& producer, uint32_t reqWidth, uint32_t reqHeight, uint32_t minLayerZ, uint32_t maxLayerZ) { ... #else status_t SurfaceFlinger::captureScreenImplLocked( const sp& hw, const sp& producer, uint32_t reqWidth, uint32_t reqHeight, uint32_t minLayerZ, uint32_t maxLayerZ) { ... #endif

代码的注释明确的说明了我这个设备没有GPU 3D core,所以截屏函数是通过软件来完成的。所以就慢了。




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