
您所在的位置:网站首页 华为p40pro摄像头传感器分布图怎么看 CARLA传感器详细文档介绍+python实例(持续更新ing)


2024-05-26 11:56| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


第一类: 深度相机 —— Depth camera 导航卫星传感器 —— Gnss sensor惯性传感器 —— IMU sensor 激光雷达 —— Lidar raycast. 语义激光雷达 —— SemanticLidar raycast. 雷达 —— Radar RGB相机 —— RGB camera (普通摄像头) 责任敏感安全传感器 —— RSS sensor (responsibility sensitive safety,我对传感器不太了解,不知道什么样的翻译比较好) 语义分割相机 —— Semantic Segmentation camera

第二类: 碰撞检测 —— Collision detector压线检测 —— Lane invasion detector (老司机的痛)  障碍物检测 —— Obstacle detector

第一类传感器反馈的数据都是一个类的实例,其中,深度相机、普通相机和语义分割相机的数据输出都是carla.Image类,每帧都包含完整的图像信息,可以通过openCV对图像进行处理。剩余传感器输出carla.xxxMesurement类。实例中不仅包含了传感器反馈的数据(Instance Variables),还封装了一些函数(Methods)可以对数据进行基础处理。


第一类传感器 一、RGB相机(RGB camera)


如果启用 enable_postprocess_effects ,有一系列滤镜可以应用于图像:

Vignette: 晕影,使边框变暗Grain jitter: 颗粒抖动,为渲染添加一些噪点Bloom: intense lights burn the area around them(翻译实在不通顺,有没有摄影大佬来解释一下)Auto exposure: 自动曝光,修改图像伽马以模拟眼睛对较暗或较亮区域的适应Lens flares: 镜头光晕,模拟明亮物体在镜头上的反射Depth of field: 调整景深 1、RGB相机实例(类)

Basic camera attributes

Blueprint attributeTypeDefault描述bloom_intensityfloat0.675


fovfloat90.0水平视野角度fstopfloat1.4Opening of the camera lens. Aperture is 1/fstop with typical lens going down to f/1.2 (larger opening). Larger numbers will reduce the Depth of Field effect.image_size_xint800图像宽度像素数image_size_yint600图像高度像素数isofloat100.0相机传感器灵敏度gammafloat2.2相机的目标gamma值lens_flare_intensityfloat0.1镜头光晕特效强度,0.0表示关闭特效sensor_tickfloat0.0图像捕捉周期,0.0表示尽可能短shutter_speedfloat200.0快门速度,单位 (次数/秒)

Camera lens distortion attributes

Blueprint attributeTypeDefaultDescriptionlens_circle_fallofffloat5.0Range: [0.0, 10.0]lens_circle_multiplierfloat0.0Range: [0.0, 10.0]lens_kfloat-1.0Range: [-inf, inf]lens_kcubefloat0.0Range: [-inf, inf]lens_x_sizefloat0.08Range: [0.0, 1.0]lens_y_sizefloat0.08Range: [0.0, 1.0]

Advanced camera attributes(高级相机参数,我对摄影也不是特别懂=_=)

Blueprint attributeTypeDefaultDescriptionmin_fstopfloat1.2Maximum aperture.blade_countint5Number of blades that make up the diaphragm mechanism.exposure_modestrhistogramCan be manual or histogram. More in UE4 docs.exposure_compensationfloatLinux: -1.5Windows: 0.0Logarithmic adjustment for the exposure. 0: no adjustment, -1:2x darker, -2:4 darker, 1:2x brighter, 2:4x brighter.exposure_min_brightfloat7.0In exposure_mode: "histogram". Minimum brightness for auto exposure. The lowest the eye can adapt within. Must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to exposure_max_bright.exposure_max_brightfloat9.0In `exposure_mode: "histogram"`. Maximum brightness for auto exposure. The highestthe eye can adapt within. Must be greater than 0 and greater than or equal to `exposure_min_bright`.exposure_speed_upfloat3.0In exposure_mode: "histogram". Speed at which the adaptation occurs from dark to bright environment.exposure_speed_downfloat1.0In exposure_mode: "histogram". Speed at which the adaptation occurs from bright to dark environment.calibration_constantfloat16.0Calibration constant for 18% albedo.focal_distancefloat1000.0Distance at which the depth of field effect should be sharp. Measured in cm (UE units).blur_amountfloat1.0Strength/intensity of motion blur.blur_radiusfloat0.0Radius in pixels at 1080p resolution to emulate atmospheric scattering according to distance from camera.motion_blur_intensityfloat0.45Strength of motion blur [0,1].motion_blur_max_distortionfloat0.35Max distortion caused by motion blur. Percentage of screen width.motion_blur_min_object_screen_sizefloat0.1Percentage of screen width objects must have for motion blur, lower value means less draw calls.slopefloat0.88Steepness of the S-curve for the tonemapper. Larger values make the slope steeper (darker) [0.0, 1.0].toefloat0.55Adjusts dark color in the tonemapper [0.0, 1.0].shoulderfloat0.26Adjusts bright color in the tonemapper [0.0, 1.0].black_clipfloat0.0This should NOT be adjusted. Sets where the crossover happens and black tones start to cut off their value [0.0, 1.0].white_clipfloat0.04Set where the crossover happens and white tones start to cut off their value. Subtle change in most cases [0.0, 1.0].tempfloat6500.0White balance in relation to the temperature of the light in the scene. White light: when this matches light temperature. Warm light: When higher than the light in the scene, it is a yellowish color. Cool light: When lower than the light. Blueish color.tintfloat0.0White balance temperature tint. Adjusts cyan and magenta color ranges. This should be used along with the white balance Temp property to get accurate colors. Under some light temperatures, the colors may appear to be more yellow or blue. This can be used to balance the resulting color to look more natural.chromatic_aberration_intensityfloat0.0Scaling factor to control color shifting, more noticeable on the screen borders.chromatic_aberration_offsetfloat0.0Normalized distance to the center of the image where the effect takes place.enable_postprocess_effectsboolTruePost-process effects activation.

Output attributes

Sensor data attributeType描述frameint图像帧数号码timestampdoubleSimulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.transformcarla.TransformLocation and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.widthint图像宽度像heightint图像高度像素fovfloat水平视野角度raw_databytes32位RGB图像原数据序列 2、输出实例(carla.Image类)

Instance Variables

fov (float – degrees) 图像视野的水平角度height (int) 图像高度像素数width (int) 图像宽度像素数raw_data (bytes) 图像原始数据


convert(self, color_converter) 按照color_converter 中的特定模式对图像进行变换 Parameters: color_converter (carla.ColorConverter) save_to_disk(self, path, color_converter=Raw) 按照color_converter中的特定模式对图像进行变换后保存在指定路径。默认的变换模式是原数据,保存时原始图像不会变化。 Parameters: path (str) – 存图路径color_converter (carla.ColorConverter) – 默认的原数据不会使图像变化 例1.在cv窗口中显示rgb相机画面


import abc import glob import os import sys from types import LambdaType from collections import deque from collections import namedtuple try: #输入存放carla环境的路径 sys.path.append(glob.glob('.../WindowsNoEditor/PythonAPI/carla/dist/carla-*%d.%d-%s.egg' % ( sys.version_info.major, sys.version_info.minor, 'win-amd64' if == 'nt' else 'linux-x86_64'))[0]) except IndexError: pass import carla import random import time import numpy as np import cv2 import math IM_WIDTH = 800 IM_HEIGHT = 600 SHOW_PREVIEW = True SHOW_CAM = SHOW_PREVIEW im_width = IM_WIDTH im_height = IM_HEIGHT #与服务器建立连接 client = carla.Client('localhost',2000) client.set_timeout(10.0) world = client.get_world() blueprint_library = world.get_blueprint_library() model_3 = blueprint_library.filter('model3')[0] actor_list = [] transform = world.get_map().get_spawn_points()[100] #spwan_points共265个点,选第一个点作为初始化小车的位置 vehicle = world.spawn_actor(model_3 , transform) actor_list.append(vehicle)


def process_img(image): i = np.array(image.raw_data) i2 = i.reshape((im_height, im_width , 4)) i3 = i2[: , : , : 3] if SHOW_CAM: cv2.imshow("",i3) cv2.waitKey(1) cam = blueprint_library.find('') cam.set_attribute('image_size_x',f'{im_width}') cam.set_attribute('image_size_y',f'{im_height}') cam.set_attribute('fov',f'110') #设定传感器的相对位置(x方向偏移2.5,z方向偏移0.7,y方向偏移) #需要调整传感器的角度可以在carla.Transform里添加carla.Rotation(roll,pitch,yew),分别代表x,y,z轴 #不设置角度当前传感器与车头前向保持一直 transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=2.5 ,z=0.7 )) #将传感器附在小车上 sensor = world.spawn_actor(cam,transform, attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(sensor) #传感器开始监听 sensor.listen(lambda data: process_img(data))


二、深度相机(Depth camera)


normalized = (R + G * 256 + B * 256 * 256) / (256 * 256 * 256 - 1) in_meters = 1000 * normalized


Basic camera attributes

Blueprint attributeTypeDefaultDescriptionimage_size_xint800图像宽度像素数image_size_yint600图像高度度像素数fovfloat90.0水平视野角度sensor_tickfloat0.0Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).

Camera lens distortion attributes(一些相机专业参数,我也不是很懂=_=)

Blueprint attributeTypeDefaultDescriptionlens_circle_fallofffloat5.0Range: [0.0, 10.0]lens_circle_multiplierfloat0.0Range: [0.0, 10.0]lens_kfloat-1.0Range: [-inf, inf]lens_kcubefloat0.0Range: [-inf, inf]lens_x_sizefloat0.08Range: [0.0, 1.0]lens_y_sizefloat0.08Range: [0.0, 1.0]

Output attributes

Sensor data attributeTypeDescriptionframeint检测发生时帧数号timestampdoubleSimulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.transformcarla.TransformLocation and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.widthint图像宽度像素数heightint图像高度像素数fovfloat水平视野角度raw_databytes32位图像原始数据序列 2、输出实例(carla.Image类)

Instance Variables

fov (float – degrees) 图像视野的水平角度height (int) 图像高度像素数width (int) 图像宽度像素数raw_data (bytes) 图像原始数据


convert(self, color_converter) 按照color_converter 中的特定模式对图像进行变换 Parameters: color_converter (carla.ColorConverter) - 深度相机中有两种转化方式(carla.ColorConverter.Depth和carla.ColorConverter.LogarithmicDepth,可以将图像转为灰度图,后一种对近处物体的处理效果更好)save_to_disk(self, path, color_converter=Raw) 按照color_converter中的特定模式对图像进行变换后保存在指定路径。默认的变换模式是原数据,保存时原始图像不会变化。 Parameters: path (str) – 存图路径color_converter (carla.ColorConverter) – 默认的原数据不会使图像变化 例2.在cv窗口中显示深度相机画面


def process_img(image): #显示图像前加一步转换可以显示灰度图像 #image.convert(carla.ColorConverter.Depth)#灰度图像 #image.convert(carla.ColorConverter.LogarithmicDepth)#对数灰度图像 i = np.array(image.raw_data) i2 = i.reshape((im_height, im_width , 4)) i3 = i2[: , : , : 3] if SHOW_CAM: cv2.imshow("",i3) cv2.waitKey(1) cam = blueprint_library.find('') cam.set_attribute('image_size_x',f'{im_width}') cam.set_attribute('image_size_y',f'{im_height}') cam.set_attribute('fov',f'110') #设定传感器的相对位置(x方向偏移2.5,z方向偏移0.7,y方向偏移) transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=2.5 ,z=0.7 )) #将传感器附在小车上 sensor = world.spawn_actor(cam,transform, attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(sensor) #传感器开始监听 sensor.listen(lambda data: process_img(data))





三、语义分割相机(Semantic Segmentation camera)



ValueTagConverted colorDescription0Unlabeled(0, 0, 0)Elements that have not been categorized are considered Unlabeled. This category is meant to be empty or at least contain elements with no collisions.1Building(70, 70, 70)Buildings like houses, skyscrapers,... and the elements attached to them. E.g. air conditioners, scaffolding, awning or ladders and much more.2Fence(100, 40, 40)Barriers, railing, or other upright structures. Basically wood or wire assemblies that enclose an area of ground.3Other(55, 90, 80)Everything that does not belong to any other category.4Pedestrian(220, 20, 60)Humans that walk or ride/drive any kind of vehicle or mobility system. E.g. bicycles or scooters, skateboards, horses, roller-blades, wheel-chairs, etc.5Pole(153, 153, 153)Small mainly vertically oriented pole. If the pole has a horizontal part (often for traffic light poles) this is also considered pole. E.g. sign pole, traffic light poles.6RoadLine(157, 234, 50)The markings on the road.7Road(128, 64, 128)Part of ground on which cars usually drive. E.g. lanes in any directions, and streets.8SideWalk(244, 35, 232)Part of ground designated for pedestrians or cyclists. Delimited from the road by some obstacle (such as curbs or poles), not only by markings. This label includes a possibly delimiting curb, traffic islands (the walkable part), and pedestrian zones.9Vegetation(107, 142, 35)Trees, hedges, all kinds of vertical vegetation. Ground-level vegetation is considered Terrain.10Vehicles(0, 0, 142)Cars, vans, trucks, motorcycles, bikes, buses, trains.11Wall(102, 102, 156)Individual standing walls. Not part of a building.12TrafficSign(220, 220, 0)Signs installed by the state/city authority, usually for traffic regulation. This category does not include the poles where signs are attached to. E.g. traffic- signs, parking signs, direction signs...13Sky(70, 130, 180)Open sky. Includes clouds and the sun.14Ground(81, 0, 81)Any horizontal ground-level structures that does not match any other category. For example areas shared by vehicles and pedestrians, or flat roundabouts delimited from the road by a curb.15Bridge(150, 100, 100)Only the structure of the bridge. Fences, people, vehicles, an other elements on top of it are labeled separately.16RailTrack(230, 150, 140)All kind of rail tracks that are non-drivable by cars. E.g. subway and train rail tracks.17GuardRail(180, 165, 180)All types of guard rails/crash barriers.18TrafficLight(250, 170, 30)Traffic light boxes without their poles.19Static(110, 190, 160)Elements in the scene and props that are immovable. E.g. fire hydrants, fixed benches, fountains, bus stops, etc.20Dynamic(170, 120, 50)Elements whose position is susceptible to change over time. E.g. Movable trash bins, buggies, bags, wheelchairs, animals, etc.21Water(45, 60, 150)Horizontal water surfaces. E.g. Lakes, sea, rivers.22Terrain(145, 170, 100)Grass, ground-level vegetation, soil or sand. These areas are not meant to be driven on. This label includes a possibly delimiting curb. 1、语义分割相机实例(类)

Basic camera attributes

Blueprint attributeTypeDefaultDescriptionfovfloat90.0Horizontal field of view in degrees.image_size_xint800Image width in pixels.image_size_yint600Image height in pixels.sensor_tickfloat0.0Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).

Camera lens distortion attributes

Blueprint attributeTypeDefaultDescriptionlens_circle_fallofffloat5.0Range: [0.0, 10.0]lens_circle_multiplierfloat0.0Range: [0.0, 10.0]lens_kfloat-1.0Range: [-inf, inf]lens_kcubefloat0.0Range: [-inf, inf]lens_x_sizefloat0.08Range: [0.0, 1.0]lens_y_sizefloat0.08Range: [0.0, 1.0]

Output attributes

Sensor data attributeTypeDescriptionfovfloatHorizontal field of view in degrees.frameintFrame number when the measurement took place.heightintImage height in pixels.raw_databytesArray of BGRA 32-bit pixels.timestampdoubleSimulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.transformcarla.TransformLocation and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.widthintImage width in pixels. 2、输出实例(carla.Image类)

Instance Variables

fov (float – degrees) 图像视野的水平角度height (int) 图像高度像素数width (int) 图像宽度像素数raw_data (bytes) 图像原始数据


convert(self, color_converter) 按照color_converter 中的特定模式对图像进行变换 Parameters: color_converter (carla.ColorConverter) - 语义分割相机画面转换需要将该参数填成carla.ColorConverter.CityScapesPalettesave_to_disk(self, path, color_converter=Raw) 按照color_converter中的特定模式对图像进行变换后保存在指定路径。默认的变换模式是原数据,保存时原始图像不会变化。 Parameters: path (str) – 存图路径color_converter (carla.ColorConverter) – 参数的设置方式同convert函数相同 例3.在cv窗口中显示语义分割相机画面


def process_img(image): image.convert(carla.ColorConverter.CityScapesPalette) i = np.array(image.raw_data) i2 = i.reshape((im_height, im_width , 4)) i3 = i2[: , : , : 3] if SHOW_CAM: cv2.imshow("",i3) cv2.waitKey(1) cam = blueprint_library.find('') cam.set_attribute('image_size_x',f'{im_width}') cam.set_attribute('image_size_y',f'{im_height}') cam.set_attribute('fov',f'110') #设定传感器的相对位置(x方向偏移2.5,z方向偏移0.7,y方向偏移) transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=2.5 ,z=0.7 )) #将传感器附在小车上 sensor = world.spawn_actor(cam,transform, attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(sensor) #传感器开始监听 sensor.listen(lambda data: process_img(data))


四、导航卫星传感器(Gnss sensor)



GNSS attributes

Blueprint attributeTypeDefaultDescriptionnoise_alt_biasfloat0.0Mean parameter in the noise model for altitude.noise_alt_stddevfloat0.0Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for altitude.noise_lat_biasfloat0.0Mean parameter in the noise model for latitude.noise_lat_stddevfloat0.0Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for latitude.noise_lon_biasfloat0.0Mean parameter in the noise model for longitude.noise_lon_stddevfloat0.0Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for longitude.noise_seedint0Initializer for a pseudorandom number generator.sensor_tickfloat0.0Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).

Output attributes

Sensor data attributeTypeDescriptionframeintFrame number when the measurement took place.timestampdoubleSimulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.transformcarla.TransformLocation and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.latitudedoubleLatitude of the actor.longitudedoubleLongitude of the actor.altitudedoubleAltitude of the actor. 2、输出实例(carla.GnssMeasurement类)

Instance Variables

altitude (float – meters) 海拔——水平位置相对高度latitude (float – degrees) 纬度——地图上的北/南坐标值longitude (float – degrees) 经度——地图上的西/东坐标值 五、惯性传感器(IMU sensor)



IMU attributes

Blueprint attributeTypeDefaultDescriptionnoise_accel_stddev_xfloat0.0Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for acceleration (X axis).noise_accel_stddev_yfloat0.0Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for acceleration (Y axis).noise_accel_stddev_zfloat0.0Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for acceleration (Z axis).noise_gyro_bias_xfloat0.0Mean parameter in the noise model for the gyroscope (X axis).noise_gyro_bias_yfloat0.0Mean parameter in the noise model for the gyroscope (Y axis).noise_gyro_bias_zfloat0.0Mean parameter in the noise model for the gyroscope (Z axis).noise_gyro_stddev_xfloat0.0Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for the gyroscope (X axis).noise_gyro_stddev_yfloat0.0Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for the gyroscope (Y axis).noise_gyro_stddev_zfloat0.0Standard deviation parameter in the noise model for the gyroscope (Z axis).noise_seedint0Initializer for a pseudorandom number generator.sensor_tickfloat0.0Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).

Output attributes

Sensor data attributeTypeDescriptionframeintFrame number when the measurement took place.timestampdoubleSimulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.transformcarla.TransformLocation and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.accelerometercarla.Vector3DMeasures linear acceleration in m/s^2.gyroscopecarla.Vector3DMeasures angular velocity in rad/sec.compassfloatOrientation in radians. North is (0.0, -1.0, 0.0) in UE. 2、输出实例(carla.IMUMeasurement类)

Instance Variables

accelerometer (carla.Vector3D – m/s2) 线性加速度,单位m/s^2compass (float – radians) 指南针,相对于正北(在Unreal引擎中用[0.0, -1.0, 0.0]表示)的方向度量gyroscope (carla.Vector3D – rad/s) 角速度,单位rad/s 六、责任敏感安全传感器 (RSS sensor)

RSS 传感器实现了一个用于安全保障的数学模型。它接收传感器的信息,并为车辆的控制器提供限制。总之,RSS模型利用传感器数据定义了一个描述车辆与环境中某物体之间状态的局面。在每个局面中,要进行安全检查,再做出适当的反应。



传感器制造一个圆锥形视图,可以被转换为可见元素的 2D 点图及其相对于传感器的速度。这可以用于构建物体外形和估算其运动方向。由于使用了极坐标系,点分布在视图的正中心。

测量的点在输出中以carla.RadarDetection类的数组保存,该数组指定了它们的极坐标、距离和速度。 雷达传感器提供的原始数据可以用以下方式转换为numpy格式:

# To get a numpy [[vel, altitude, azimuth, depth],...[,,,]]: points = np.frombuffer(radar_data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype('f4')) points = np.reshape(points, (len(radar_data), 4)) 1、雷达实例(sensor.other.radar类)

Radar attributes

Blueprint attributeTypeDefaultDescriptionhorizontal_fovfloat30.0Horizontal field of view in degrees.points_per_secondint1500Points generated by all lasers per second.rangefloat100Maximum distance to measure/raycast in meters.sensor_tickfloat0.0Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).vertical_fovfloat30.0Vertical field of view in degrees.

Output attributes

Sensor data attributeTypeDescriptionraw_datacarla.RadarDetectionThe list of points detected.

Converted output attributes

RadarDetection attributesTypeDescriptionaltitudefloat高度角(弧度)azimuthfloat方位角(弧度)depthfloat到传感器的距离(米)velocityfloat朝向传感器的速度 2、输出实例(carla.RadarMeasurement类)


Instance Variables

raw_data (bytes)carla.RadarDetection 中包含的完整信息



get_detection_count(self) Retrieves the number of entries generated, same as __str__(). 例4.对雷达数据进行分析


def process_radar(mesure): global radar_data radar_data = mesure radar = blueprint_library.find('sensor.other.radar') radar.set_attribute('points_per_second','1500') transform = carla.Transform(carla.Location(x=2.5 ,z=0.7 )) radar_sensor = world.spawn_actor(radar,transform,attach_to=vehicle) actor_list.append(radar_sensor) radar_sensor.listen(lambda mesure:process_rader(mesure))


points = np.frombuffer(radar_data.raw_data, dtype=np.dtype('f4')) points = np.reshape(points, (len(radar_data), 4))




l=np.cos(points[:,1])*points[:,3] z=np.sin(points[:,1])*points[:,3] y=np.cos(points[:,2])*l x=np.sin(points[:,2])*l import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import axes3d import matplotlib %matplotlib qt5 plt.figure("3D Scatter", facecolor="lightgray",figsize=(20,20),dpi=80) ax3d = plt.gca(projection="3d") ax3d.scatter(x, y, z, s=10, cmap="jet", marker="o") ax3d.view_init(elev=0, azim=-70) ax3d.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 100, 10))




传感器和地面上的点之间夹角与距离的关系是s=\frac{h}{\left | sin(\theta ) \right |}(s-距离,h-传感器高度(0.7m),θ-高度角),画出图像(只考虑θ∈[-15°,0°],转换成弧度单位)。


l=np.cos(points[:,2])*points[:,3] z=np.sin(points[:,2])*points[:,3] y=np.cos(points[:,1])*l x=np.sin(points[:,1])*l plt.figure("3D Scatter", facecolor="lightgray",figsize=(20,20),dpi=80) ax3d = plt.gca(projection="3d") ax3d.scatter(x, y, z, s=10, cmap="jet", marker="o") ax3d.view_init(elev=0, azim=-70) #ax3d.set_yticks(np.arange(0, 100, 10))


 但是点数太少,场景不明显,改变参数使每秒发射点数增加到5000(radar.set_attribute ('points_per_second','5000')),重新画图观察(图像框动态拖拽看得更明显),对比真实场景。


当我把每秒发射点数的参数设为50000(radar.set_attribute ('points_per_second','50000')),返回的点数可以达到1000左右,对于来自地面的信号,可以设置一个阈值进行过滤,例如可以认为z值小于-0.5(雷达距离地面0.7m,地面坐标相对雷达是-0.7m)的点是一个地面反射点,不显示在图中。






a——衰减参数,可以根据传感器的波长改变 d——信号反射位置与传感器的距离


普通删除 — 随机删除一部分点,这个过程在还没有对点进行追踪时就完成了,因此这些点还没有经过计算就会被删除,这样可以提高性能。如果将参数设置为dropoff_general_rate = 0.5, 会删除一半的点。基于强度删除 — 对每个探测到的点,基于计算出的强度以某种概率进行删除,概率由两个参数决定,dropoff_zero_intensity是0强度的点被删除的概率,dropoff_intensity_limit是一个强度阈值,强度在此之上的点不会被删除。在删除范围之内的点,会以基于这两个参数的线性比例被删除。

此外,noise_stddev 属性使噪声模型能够模拟现实传感器中出现的意外偏差。对于正值,每个点都沿激光射线的矢量随机扰动。结果是具有完美的角度定位,但距离测量含有噪声的激光雷达传感器。



Lidar attributes

Blueprint attributeTypeDefaultDescriptionchannelsint32Number of lasers.rangefloat10.0Maximum distance to measure/raycast in meters (centimeters for CARLA 0.9.6 or previous).points_per_secondint56000Points generated by all lasers per second.rotation_frequencyfloat10.0LIDAR rotation frequency.upper_fovfloat10.0Angle in degrees of the highest laser.lower_fovfloat-30.0Angle in degrees of the lowest laser.atmosphere_attenuation_ratefloat0.004Coefficient that measures the LIDAR instensity loss per meter. Check the intensity computation above.dropoff_general_ratefloat0.45General proportion of points that are randomy dropped.dropoff_intensity_limitfloat0.8For the intensity based drop-off, the threshold intensity value above which no points are dropped.dropoff_zero_intensityfloat0.4For the intensity based drop-off, the probability of each point with zero intensity being dropped.sensor_tickfloat0.0Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).noise_stddevfloat0.0Standard deviation of the noise model to disturb each point along the vector of its raycast.

Output attributes

Sensor data attributeTypeDescriptionframeintFrame number when the measurement took place.timestampdoubleSimulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.transformcarla.TransformLocation and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.horizontal_anglefloatAngle (radians) in the XY plane of the LIDAR in the current frame.channelsintNumber of channels (lasers) of the LIDAR.get_point_count(channel)intNumber of points per channel captured this frame.raw_databytesArray of 32-bits floats (XYZI of each point). 2、输出实例(carla.LidarMeasurement类)

Instance Variables

channels (int) Number of lasers shot.horizontal_angle (float – radians) Horizontal angle the LIDAR is rotated at the time of the measurement.raw_data (bytes) Received list of 4D points. Each point consists of [x,y,z] coordiantes plus the intensity computed for that point.


save_to_disk(self, path) Saves the point cloud to disk as a .ply file describing data from 3D scanners. The files generated are ready to be used within MeshLab, an open source system for processing said files. Just take into account that axis may differ from Unreal Engine and so, need to be reallocated. Parameters: path (str)




激光语义雷达的返回值除了包含坐标点外,还包含入射角与表面法线之间的余弦值和CARLA对对象命名的语义标签。激光语义雷达不包含点强度、删除点和噪声属性。 1、语义激光雷达实例(sensor.lidar.ray_cast_semantic类)

SemanticLidar attributes

Blueprint attributeTypeDescriptionchannelsint32rangefloat10.0points_per_secondint56000rotation_frequencyfloat10.0upper_fovfloat10.0lower_fovfloat-30.0sensor_tickfloat0.0

Output attributes

Sensor data attributeTypeDescriptionframeintFrame number when the measurement took place.timestampdoubleSimulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.transformcarla.TransformLocation and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.horizontal_anglefloatAngle (radians) in the XY plane of the LIDAR in the current frame.channelsintNumber of channels (lasers) of the LIDAR.get_point_count(channel)intNumber of points per channel captured in the current frame.raw_databytesArray containing the point cloud with instance and semantic information. For each point, four 32-bits floats are stored. XYZ coordinates. cosine of the incident angle. Unsigned int containing the index of the object hit. Unsigned int containing the semantic tag of the object it. 2、输出实例(carla.SemanticLidarMeasurement类) Instance Variables channels (int) Number of lasers shot.horizontal_angle (float – radians) Horizontal angle the LIDAR is rotated at the time of the measurement.raw_data (bytes) Received list of raw detection points. Each point consists of [x,y,z] coordinates plus the cosine of the incident angle, the index of the hit actor, and its semantic tag. Methods save_to_disk(self, path) Saves the point cloud to disk as a .ply file describing data from 3D scanners. The files generated are ready to be used within MeshLab, an open-source system for processing said files. Just take into account that axis may differ from Unreal Engine and so, need to be reallocated. Parameters: path (str)

第二类传感器 一、碰撞检测




Output attributes

Sensor data attributeTypeDescriptionframeintFrame number when the measurement took place.timestampdoubleSimulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.transformcarla.TransformLocation and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.actorcarla.ActorActor that measured the collision (sensor's parent).other_actorcarla.ActorActor against whom the parent collided.normal_impulsecarla.Vector3DNormal impulse result of the collision. 2、输出实例

Instance Variables

actor (carla.Actor) 传感器附着的对象,用来检测碰撞,返回一个carla.Actor类,包括了该对象的详细属性other_actor (carla.Actor) 被碰撞的对象,也是一个carla.Actor类normal_impulse (carla.Vector3D – N*s) 由碰撞造成的推动力,用包含x,y,z的三维向量来表示 二、压线检测




Output attributes

Sensor data attributeTypeDescriptionframeintFrame number when the measurement took place.timestampdoubleSimulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.transformcarla.TransformLocation and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.actorcarla.ActorVehicle that invaded another lane (parent actor).crossed_lane_markingslist(carla.LaneMarking)List of lane markings that have been crossed. 2.、输出实例(carla.LaneInvasionEvent 类)

Instance Variables

actor (carla.Actor) 实行压线并附有压线传感器的actorcrossed_lane_markings (list(carla.LaneMarking)) 被传感器检测到发生压线的行车线标号清单 三、障碍物检测



Obstacle detector attributes

Blueprint attributeTypeDefaultDescriptiondistancefloat5Distance to trace.hit_radiusfloat0.5Radius of the trace.only_dynamicsboolFalseIf true, the trace will only consider dynamic objects.debug_linetraceboolFalseIf true, the trace will be visible.sensor_tickfloat0.0Simulation seconds between sensor captures (ticks).

Output attributes

Sensor data attributeTypeDescriptionframeintFrame number when the measurement took place.timestampdoubleSimulation time of the measurement in seconds since the beginning of the episode.transformcarla.TransformLocation and rotation in world coordinates of the sensor at the time of the measurement.actorcarla.ActorActor that detected the obstacle (parent actor).other_actorcarla.ActorActor detected as an obstacle.distancefloatDistance from actor to other_actor. 2、 输出实例(carla.ObstacleDetectionEvent类)

Instance Variables

actor (carla.Actor) 传感器附着的母对象(汽车)other_actor (carla.Actor) 被认为时障碍物的对象distance (float – meters) 对象距离障碍物的距离





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