
您所在的位置:网站首页 午餐计划英语 你曾与总裁共进午餐吗?


2024-07-08 12:14| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

One of a CEO’s main jobs is to maintain good relations with all of the company's various stakeholders. Most CEOs do a good job from the investor side and some do a good job from the supplier side. Few CEOs do enough to maintain good relations on the employee side. Lunch with the CEO is one way to correct that. 总裁的工作之一就是和各利益群体保持良好的关系。大部分总裁都能和投资者保持良好的关系,一些和供应商保持良好的关系,而很少有总裁能够和员工保持良好的关系。而和总裁共进午餐便是解决这一问题的有效途径。

Lunch with the CEO与总裁共进午餐

A "Lunch with the CEO" program is designed to improve communication between a company CEO and an important group of stakeholders, the company's employees. The program has a side effect of improving employee morale. Once a month, an employee who would not normally have an opportunity to talk to the CEO directly is invited to lunch with the CEO. “与总裁共进午餐”是为了提高公司总裁和公司的另一个重要利益群体——公司职员之间良好关系而举办的活动。此活动的另一个作用是提高公司职员的士气。每个月,都会有一位平时没机会和总裁说话的职员被邀请和CEO共进午餐。

The lunch can be at a near-by restaurant, in the company cafeteria, or in the CEO's office. It can be one-on-one, or it can be a small group. The employee gets to ask the CEO about anything work related. The CEO answers questions and asks his or her own questions. This dialog lets the CEO know what is important to the employees, gives the CEO an opportunity to discuss ideas with someone whose perspective is very different from the CEO’s direct reports, and gives the employee an opportunity to ask about company issues beyond the usual "sound-bite" level. 午餐地址可选在附近的餐馆,公司食堂或在CEO的办公室。可是一对一的午餐,也可以是一个小团队一起共进午餐。该名职员可以向CEO询问任何与工作相关的事情。CEO回答这些问题,并向他询问一些其他问题。这样的对话可以让CEO了解对员工来说什么是重要的,也给了CEO听取与平日所看到的报告中不同意见的机会,同样,这也让员工有了比平常更多的途径来了解公司的事物。

The CEO leaves the meeting having done his or her job a little better by including another important group of stakeholders. The employee goes away feeling much better about the company and its leadership and in a mood to share that positive feeling with those around him or her. 通过这样的共进午餐,CEO 因与公司另一重要的利益群体进行了沟通而使自己的工作能做得更好,而员工也会对公司和领导感觉更好,并且,他还会和周围的同事分享这一愉快的心情。

How to set up Lunch with the CEO怎样和总裁共进午餐

The logistics of a Lunch with the CEO program depend on the size, location, and culture of the company. Sample programs are described below. Elements from these examples can be rearranged to create a "Lunch with the CEO" program that is appropriate for your company. 与总裁共进午餐的准备工作视地点,位置,以及公司文化而定。以下给出了一些特例。从以下示例中总结的各点因素可以用来建立你自己公司的“与总裁共进午餐”计划。

Small company or small program小公司或小计划

Once a month, the CEO selects an individual to invite to lunch. If the company is very small, and the CEO knows all the employees, the CEO invites the employee directly. If the company is a little larger, the CEO may ask for recommendations from his or her direct reports. They go to a near-by restaurant, find a quiet table, and talk things over over lunch. 每个月,总裁都会邀请一位员工共进午餐。如果公司很小的话,CEO肯定就会认识所有的员工,那么他就可以直接邀请每位员工了。如果公司比较大,CEO可以从他的直接下属那里询问意见。他们可以去附近的餐馆,找一个安静的餐桌,在午餐的时候探讨工作上的事情。

Medium-sized company or program中等规模的公司或中等计划

Each department nominates someone to have lunch with the CEO. The department manager can select a representative or ask for volunteers. Some departments may let the employees within the group pick the person to attend. Some may vote on who to nominate. 每个部门都提交一份参与该计划的职员名单。可以是经理选定代表或找到志愿参加的职员。有些部门或许会让员工在内部选出参加的人选。有些可以投票决定谁去与总裁共进午餐。

The CEO selects someone from the list provided. A table or booth in the company cafeteria or lunch room is set aside for their lunch and conversation. The location should be private enough that their lunch is not interrupted, but public enough that others in the lunch room can see what is happening. CEO从名单上选一个职员共进午餐。地点可选在在公司自助餐厅或食堂的餐桌或货摊旁。该进餐地点要隐秘又要公开,即要保证他们的谈话不会被人打断,而公司的其他人又可以在餐厅看到他们在共进午餐。

If the company wants to do a larger program, the lunch can be expanded to include several employees representing different departments. The meeting can be moved to a conference room. Several other senior executives can be included. The important thing for the executives to remember is that they are there to talk with the employees, not among themselves. 如果公司想进行一个大一点的“与总裁共进午餐”的计划的话,可以考虑同时邀请几个不同部门的代表一起共进午餐。那样地点就可以选在会议室。还可以邀请几个高级主管一同参加。高级主管必须要记住的重要事情是,他们要和职员交流,而不是只顾着彼此之间交流。




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