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2024-07-10 11:52| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

关于”保护校园环境重要“英语作文范文5篇,作文题目:The importance of ptecting campus envinment。以下是关于保护校园环境重要初二英语范文,每篇作文均为万能范文带翻译。

高分英语作文1:The importance of ptecting campus envinment

The wind blew the bag higher and higher. One day, the earth will become a huge garbage. If the garbage is not handled pperly, o life will become a nightmare.

In a city with a large population, envinmental pblems are deteorating almost ry day, which is a common thing. Urban dlopment speed exceeds envinmental ptection. People consume a lot of natal resoces and pduce a lot of waste.

In order to effectively solve these pblems, cities need to invest a lot of money. They need to attract people's attention and make them responsible for the envinment The easily affected by bad behavior, why should I care while others don't care? The idea makes some people only care about where they live and work. Sometimes people n deliberately thw garbage to rnge others.

Although the media publicize envinmental ptection awareness, good people are often iored as pretenders in real life, trying to establish good ones in real life Howr, among the young people and the people with low income and low education ll, o society is carrying out a campai against envinmental pollution. People are aware of the dangers of non classifiable lunch boxes and other polluting wastes. The laws of many countes phibit or restct the excessive use of pollution bags.

Companies are constantly replacing old mateals with old mateals. With the passage of time, and envinmentally-fendly and recyclable scientists have dloped effective waste treatment technologies. More and people have put envinmental ptection in a healthier life.

Due to the lack of financial resoces, sense of responsibility and efforts, people have dloped effective waste treatment technologies A lot of garbage is pduced and the envinment is seously polluted. But if people make enough efforts to ptect o envinment, the world will not become a society to thw away.





Now ryone needs to pay attention to the envinment. Many trees have been cut down, and and sand has been bught into o lives. The worst thing is that it has csed sandstorms, o living envinment worse and worse to some extent, which will make us suffer heavy losses.

We must build a green Great Wall as soon as possible, hoping that this can prnt envinmental deteoration and ptect o living envinment Envinment is very important to us.




As far as I'm concerned, the pblem of campus envinment that we are facing today is still very seous. To ptect the campus, the student union should first take specific meases. Secondly, we should enhance students' awareness of envinmental ptection.

In densely populated areas, the pollution pblem is the most seous. Legislative meases must be taken. Those who deliberately damage the campus envinment should be srely punished and let them know how to damage the envinment Is to desty the students themselves.



标签: 星座 




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