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中国春节英文介绍 推荐度: 建党百年变化作文 推荐度: 中国梦我的梦作文 推荐度: 独自旅行的好处作文英文版 推荐度: 读《红星照耀中国》的感想作文 推荐度: 相关推荐




  中国的变化英文作文 篇1

  The changes in China for 60 years should be known to everyone.

  In 1840,Britain launched an opium war against China and was defeated in China,and was forced to sign the Nanjing treaty known to everyone. Since then,France,Germany,Italy,Japan and Russia have been fighting against China's land,successively robbing Hongkong,Macao and other places. They also signed a more than 1000 degree of unfair treaties,so that no one can return home to Chinese people.

  In 1949,China was established. In 2009,the soldiers had a high quality of military parade. In May 2,2008,the great earthquake showed a love for everyone.

  These things have made every Chinese understand unity.

  中国的变化英文作文 篇2

  I was born in China,my motherland is China,so I love China affectionately.

  My country was once ravaged by the war of Japan. Finally,we Chinese people were united and fought with the Japanese aggressors for eight years,and finally the Japanese aggressors were driven out of China. In this way,China is becoming stronger and stronger,and technology is slowly improving. Although China's technology is not as good as that of developed countries,it is also good. Now,no one dare to invade my homeland any more. My country's technology is also ranked in the top. It's all depend on the efforts of the revolutionary martyrs and the Chinese people. If it was not for the revolutionary martyrs to stick to the struggle,the Chinese people could not live a good life like this,so our good lives depend on the revolutionary martyrs. How many difficulties and hardships have I experienced in my country,but we Chinese will never bow down and never give in to difficulties. Difficulties are not to stop,but difficulties can be controlled,as long as you stick to the end,the difficulties will not stick to the end.

  This is my motherland - China,China,China will not yield to the enemy and bow to the difficulties. China is always iron,and it is always steel. Chinese is a small substance in steel,so every Chinese has the responsibility to protect China. Every Chinese must drive the invaders away from China. This is the responsibility of every Chinese.

  中国的变化英文作文 篇3

  The twenty-ninth Olympic Games were opened on the evening of August 8,2008. It makes many foreigners open their eyes. It is the pride of our Chinese people.

  The preparation of the Olympic Games,Beijing spent a lot of effort,from the gymnasium to any Olympic Games place,it is true to perfect them,and will not lose to any Olympic Games. People are also active in activities. Volunteers are numerous. The elderly also learn English and guide foreigners. Every host city is also trying to make the best and not lose face to the motherland.

  Through this Olympic Games,China has fully demonstrated its strength to the world and told the world that China is not like it before. In China before 1949,there was war all day,against Japan,the Kuomintang,the anti American aggression and aid Dynasty,and the people were killed and injured. But today,our economy is soaring,our science and technology developed,not like before. The China people is fun,adhere to the "Eight Honors and Eight Disgraces" and "seven" be a civilized citizen.

  2009 has come,and a year has passed. In 2010,we will hold World Expo in Shanghai,and it will be a busy day. We will let foreigners thumbs up again! How many years experience of reading,Chinese have many foreign students,foreigners also streamed in various places to Chinese learning.

  The motherland will usher in the 60 year old birthday,which shows that since the founding of the party,the motherland has experienced 60 years of wind and rain,let us wish it,the great motherland!

  中国的变化英文作文 篇4

  Since the founding of new China,people's living standards have been improved,and many aspects,such as food and clothing,accommodation and other aspects,have been greatly improved.

  In the past people only wear blue tunic and grey,known as' blue ocean 'grey. But now people wear colorful and most of them are pure cotton products. Walking in a big city,you can realize that the colorful clothes are countless.

  With the development of economy,people's demand for food is improving. People used to eat enough,but now people's demand is not only to eat enough,but also to eat well,eat nutritious food and eat healthily. Allocate three meals a day in a scientific way.

  The past people lived a poor tile,can only live in thatched cottage,as long as the cloudy point under the light rain,will not be able to live,and now even the rural villagers are popular in the building,there is little cottage. A walk to the big city,the popularity of the high building,the rise of the building,can not help but exclamation.

  People used to walk everywhere in the past,and few families had a bicycle. And now people have each family. The production of motorcycles,the manufacture of cars,and the elimination of laborious bicycles. And most people have private cars. With the rapid development of food and clothing '' '' '' '' lives,high-tech achievements are not resigned to playing second fiddle. People used to take trains,and now you will often see airplanes crossing in the upper air. The 'two bombs' achievement,' 'the completion of Three Gorges project. It provides a great convenience for our life.

  Looking back at the past,and looking at the present,there have been great changes in our lives,which we can't imagine.

  I love you China,my dear mother,I am proud of you and proud of you.

  中国的变化英文作文 篇5

  When we are still fledgling birds,our motherland has embraced us with his broad mind. From the opening ceremony of 1949 to the 2009,the motherland has spent 60 spring and autumn in the wind and rain. When we look back at the history of China,we can not help but wonder: China is a miracle!

  I spent a week reading "up and down five thousand years" this book,it shows a vast historical picture for me from the creation of the world: Pangu Nu Wa made man,Butian,emperor of Qin unified Chinese,Zheng Chenggong to recover Taiwan,Lin Zexu Humen beach,to the end of the kingdom for the May 4th Movement. These historical figures of the national spirit and patriotic enthusiasm I am shocked.

  I read this book,tired of thinking,come to mind: all the screen for a while he wronged tears,while proud of Zheng Chenggong...... Looking back at history,if there are no heroes who have contributed to the Chinese nation,will our life be so happy now? If there are no heroes who are not willing to shed blood for the motherland,how can the motherland have today's brilliance? If there are no warriors who defend the frontier of the motherland,how can the motherland be respected by the world? Many historical figures in this book,in order to achieve their aspirations,their hardships,make efforts,eventually leaving a thick and heavy in colours in the history pen. We eat a ready-cooked meal today,clothing to hand,the fullness of life,there is little study desire and interest,it is a shame. In ancient times,officials such as Bao Zheng and Fan Zhongyan were honest and honest. They uphold justice for people. They defy dignitaries and sacrifice their interests for safeguarding national justice. Now the society,there are many officials,driven by individual interests and the contrast,enough to let us reflect on their own behavior.

  "Next 5000 years",it is like a bright moon in the vast sky,standing in the smoke like the sea of children from the book,more like a boundless sea of pharos,leads us to the boundless ocean of knowledge,let me ponder: I want to be what kind of person? How do I write my life?

  中国的变化英文作文 篇6

  1949 - 2009,we had a "great leap forward" Chaoying impatient,also have "reflection and enrich,consolidate and improve"; the "Cultural Revolution" had smashed all the more tragic,emancipating the mind,turning over bring order out of chaos; socialism and capitalism,the more conservative reform debate to eliminate the interference of innovation and keeping pace with the times. We must adhere to the basic principles of Marx and firmly adhere to the basic socialist system. We have achieved the organic integration of world civilization and socialism.

  1949 - 2009,we had a burning passion,also have confused the age; there have been closed to the world also fight a lone battle,confident and calm. Not only did not take private ownership,radical westernization,and the courage to get rid of obstacles of socialist development concept and system; adhere to the basic principles of scientific socialism,and according to the reality of our country Chinese distinctive characteristics and the characteristics of the times,we find a path to the modern revival of the road.

  The world of twentieth Century,especially in the post - developing countries,is a common theme of "search" and "explore" the path of modernization. With the modern mode represented by the western developed countries,the post catching chasing countries have been continuously imported,but they have been less successful and even led to a wider range of Latin American traps. The new China 60 years to "find",although a detour has been wrong,but we end in frustration lessons,summarize the experience in the exploration,resolutely sounded the clarion call of the times of reform and opening up.

  If the establishment of the socialist new Chinese,established a strong support system of modernization,provided the fundamental political prerequisite and institutional foundation for all development and progress in contemporary Chinese,then the reform and opening up the decision the fate of contemporary Chinese choice,comprehensively promote the self-improvement and development of China's socialist system,greatly emancipated with the development of the productive forces,opened up the road of socialism Chinese,ushered in the bright prospects of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. Only socialism can save China; only reform and opening up can develop China,develop socialism and develop Marx doctrine. This is the historical conclusion of the two great revolution in contemporary China.

  The long river of history is always calm and calm. Only when you look back suddenly can we realize its great waves. From class struggle to economic construction as the center,from a highly centralized planned economy to a vibrant socialist market economy and from a closed or semi closed to open,from the material civilization and spiritual civilization,political civilization,ecological civilization,from the magnificent blueprint of the "four modernizations" to people-oriented,comprehensive the coordinated and sustainable development...... The change of these seemingly simple words,there are many great teaching concept breakthrough,contains many thrilling historical turning point,embodies the great innovation of many with no predecessors. With the great political courage and theoretical courage of a political party,it has changed the development path of socialist China and changed the fate of more than a billion Chinese people.

  中国的变化英文作文 篇7

  My mother always mentions her when I was young,then wear clothing and take money to buy,only money can't buy the food; monthly supply,to the end of the month is not enough to eat or eat less food can only borrow. This situation continued the mother's whole childhood. It staped our generation of children. China was such a poor country.

  Gradually with the passage of time,Chinese has carried out reform and opening up,China is no longer behind closed doors. The convening of the historic the third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee in 1978 opened a new chapter in the reform and opening up. Since then,the Chinese people's tenacious and unyielding spirit has erupted unstoppable. From the coast of China to the river,from the east to the west,from the countryside to the city,it has come out of the planned economy. Come out of a closed and semi closed life. The dynamic market economy system makes China fast and step by step with the world.

  The reform has brought great changes to China,which has made China develop rapidly with the speed of the world,and no country can compare it.

  Throughout the thirty years of reform and opening up,the Chinese people are proud that China has moved from a planned economy to a market economy,from backward to rich and strong. "One country two systems",manned space flight,west east gas pipeline,"heaven" is established,the appearance has changed greatly; the world no longer underestimate China; the world economic crisis makes Chinese become the biggest "creditor",the power to dominate the world of national development in the China sit up and take notice. It all depends on China's thirty years of reform and opening up,or it will not be today.

  After thirty years of standing and watching China,science,technology,culture and economy were all squeezed into the world power. In 2008,a remarkable year in China,the southern snow disaster,the Western earthquake,the 29 Olympic Games,the economic crisis that swept the world is coming to China. However,the Chinese people are not frightened by difficulties because of their unyielding body and stubborn character,but they become the most brilliant corner in the world.

  As the children of the new age,we can not only lie in the present national strength to look to the future. We have our goal: to build a well-off society. This is the desire of Deng Xiaoping,the general designer,and the demand of the times. This makes us feel heavy on the shoulder. We have realized our mission and responsibility. Now we are making a hundred times efforts to forge ahead for a well-off society in an all-round way. Please believe us.

  中国的变化英文作文 篇8


  In the past few years,China has developed rapidly. We have all of them. There are no children as bitter as their elders and the economy is backward.


  We live in a high-rise building on the day,heat up the air conditioning,hungry food. At night,lights are not afraid of the dark,there are mosquitoes with electric mosquito coils,even are wearing brand-name clothes,want to see the TV,is the color of the tired of learning to play computer,and students chat,play games,listen to music and so on....... There is nothing to do in the study. Please call the learning machine and the point reader. Do not worry about eating,do not worry about,and eat not finished snacks,without carefree,at all,can not understand what is hunger,what cold.


  Listen to my grandma said their childhood is very bitter,even when she was young,not only can write pen,pen,pencil,pen of a hero card is a luxury thing.


  There is no single surface glue and correction belt at all. The writing pen,can draw a few cross. In the evening,the kerosene lamp was lighted,reading and writing under the kerosene lamp. No air conditioning,no fan,only with a fan,and then there is no refrigerator,not to mention the computer,can only sell popsicle stick to people to eat,the ice cream from the first popsicle factory wholesale merchants can then add some ice,cotton thick wooden boxes. Go down the street lane to peddle. When cooking is no stove,gas stove,cooking stove in the grandma after school squatting next to eat vegetables every day,only in the special day,and occasionally eat fish and meat. What about me now? My mom always says "eat more earnestly,now is a long body,eat the body to grow up." What about me? He pouted,go,I'm always having to eat.


  Now how the technology developed,compared with the previous is really different,country road into the asphalt road,hut into buildings,vehicles,ships,aircraft has everything,where you want to go,go where. The age of the network is even more wonderful. Therefore,since we live in such a good time,we should study well,accumulate their own wisdom,and make contributions to the motherland.

  中国的变化英文作文 篇9


  "Greatness begins with little."


  "Come on,husband!" Do you help me do the housework? " "Do you do it yourself?" "You don't come." "..." Look at the father and mother succumb to "despotic power" under the. You remember that. "You plow the field,and I weave." Is the patriarchal society? Men and women now than the pros and cons?


  Does it not benefit from the good policy of our country? Otherwise,how could mom be so bad. How can the furniture be in the house. What is the full range of electrical appliances? How will the house into a brick house? How do people have their own farming land,and how can there be surplus labor to the city to start a business,increase the income of the family,and improve the material life? The society is developing,the science and technology are improving,the family is changing...


  "Husband,come to..." Listen,mom's in the direction of...


  From Yima delivery to mobile phone short message,after the reform and opening up to the middle development today,people's communication range increasing,communication has become increasingly diversified.


  SMS. E-mail. Fax。 QQ. MSN and so on have become the favorite object of chat communication among friends. "Happy Birthday to you. Ha ha! " "The weather is cold,more clothes." These very ordinary words,no matter how far away,can also tell your friends. Relatives,show your concern. Are you still writing to contact your friends? Change the way! Otherwise you will be out,communication is flying over,your mood,thoughts are also flying.


  Come on! Hold up your hand and pick up your mobile phone to give your friends the most sincere wishes. "Is it all right recently?" I miss you. " If you see a flickering font,do you make a little sweet in your heart.


  Have you ever seen a spider web? So have you ever imagined a China covered by the net?


  Look at China from the sky,do you feel dazzled? When night falls,do you wonder the beauty and grandeur of it? We shuttle every day in this big online,enjoy the surrounding scenery,experience the wind cool hair. The wind is blowing,the love is flying,we roam together,the stars are brilliant,we share the peace.


  Look at it! The net is spreading,extending all over the world,covering every corner. Do you want to fly in the world? Come on! Act together.


  Youth dancer,personality. In today's twenty-first Century,dressing up and dressing up has become the costumes of every post-90s. From simple and generous to fashion,China's clothing industry is also facing great reform at the same time of economic development.


  "Mom,I'm going to wash my clothes. Do you order one,too?" This is my online Taobao,I really appreciate the progress of science and technology,not home,clothes to home,all the choice,obsessed online shopping. Do you see the development of the motherland,students? We cheered for the country together!


  "Greatness begins with little." From these little things,do you see the changes around us? Wish our dear motherland to create a brilliant future.

  中国的变化英文作文 篇10


  Change of the seasons,time flies,the new Chinese set up to now almost 60th anniversary,the 60th anniversary in our great motherland is to turn the world upside down changes,people's living standard is greatly improved. From the humble building to the beautiful edifice; from a lack of material to the scene now have ample food and clothing change much ah!


  Listen to grandma and grandpa said: "the implementation of the planned economy of their era,what are carried out according to plan,to eat meal ticket,meat to 2004,dressing to supply,even to buy a pack of instant noodle to food stamps. Now the implementation of market economy,want to buy what,rich,when you walk into the market,a superb collection of beautiful things seafood let you pick enough; when you walk into the mall,and every kind of new styles of clothes as you choose; when you walk in the streets,everywhere can see "Anderson","country" and "xiangyangfang" the bakery."


  Twenty or thirty years ago,grandma and grandpa had just entered the city,the house was rented,only a few square meters,both as the kitchen and the living room and the bedroom. It is not convenient for a family of four people to be squeezed together. Now,my grandparents live in a house that is spacious and bright. My grandmother often says to me: "decades passed,and now everything is satisfied with what we eat and live in. The change of the motherland is so great. Your generation should cherish this hard - earned life! "


  Looking forward to the new change of the motherland,looking forward to the rapid development of the motherland! I know: the country will be more and more prosperous,as the successor,we should cherish the ability to learn the time,and grow up better for the motherland.

  中国的变化英文作文 篇11


  On the table is a small box,box of black and white image transformation curves,people crowded in front of the tides,the small box of relish,crowded,spectacular scenes. It is difficult for our generation to imagine that a black and white TV set was an unreachable dream 20 years ago,and a black and white television could stir several villages. At that time,television was the pronoun of wealth and the embodiment of identity.


  In 1950s,the rapid development of the international television industry led the TV industry in China. At the beginning of April 1958,the Shanghai broadcasting equipment factory developed all day and night,and finally received the signal from the launch center. The results showed that the quality and stability of the first TV made in China even surpassed the Japanese "universal brand" in the Chinese market and the ruby brand TV in the former Soviet Union.


  The success of the start has enhanced the confidence of the Chinese people,and we accelerated the pace of research and development. CCTV formally broadcast the color TV program in May 1972.


  However,"color TV" after all rare,few people live frugally,three or four years,spent more than two years of wages,to hold back a small tv. The father said,when the village people buy color TV,has not yet moved into the house,already crammed,one evening,a few near the village children is early dinner,came to have a good place in front of the TV,experience new things hitherto unknown,feel the light and sound of the outside world.


  Until 80s,the price of TV to civilians,thus gradually popularized,at leisure,one family together,enjoy TV programs,the taste of life,an endless enjoyment,very warm,it is common.


  I was born a few years after,in time,high-definition television into flat screen. Stepping into the home appliance store,all kinds of televisions emerge in an endless stream. They are beautiful in appearance,high in definition,rich in my amateur life,and impact my visual experience,and convey the information at the first time,keeping me in keeping with the world.


  The change of TV set is just as small as a historical drama of everyone's participation and taste,but the change is profound and intense. Nowadays,more and more TV nameplates are printed on "made in China",which shows the soaring and development of China's TV industry,which also confirms the rapid and fierce changes of the motherland.


  Through the development of TV sets,I think that the motherland will be more brilliant in the days to come,more brilliant!

  中国的变化英文作文 篇12


  China,my motherland,in this sacred land,she is interpreting the earth shaking change,the rapid development and the increasingly powerful step,and the change of the motherland is written in 500 words.


  Listen to Grandpa said before,people are living in caves. People without bed had to lie on the ground,and the cold wind blew in in the middle of the night,and they were freezing to death. Even eating a white steamed bread is a luxury. Later,people live in a cottage,but there is only a few old stoves and rickety plank bed,eat the noodles boiled in water. Now,with the emergence of the new countryside,people live in new houses,and the furnishings of the home are particularly many: sofa,color TV,electromagnetic furnace,air conditioning,etc. The wall outside the house was whiter than snow,a window with a glittering edge,one looked like a luxury villa,and like a dream palace. The environment is quite different from that in the past.

  前几天是奶奶的生日,我们全家到酒楼吃了一顿异常丰盛的 晚饭。在宴会上,听奶奶转语重心长地对我说:“孙女,现在的生活是多么好啊!想当年,物资是多么贫乏啊,人们吃不饱、穿不暖,更别说这么丰盛的生日宴了。你要好好珍惜现在幸福的生活,好好学习。”我听了奶奶的话,深深地体会到了:我们国家从贫穷到富有,科技从落后到超前,人们从步行到出入小轿车,这些的变化是多么大呀!

  It was grandma's birthday a few days ago,and our family had a wonderful dinner at the restaurant. At the banquet,listening to grandma to sincere words and earnest wishes to me said: "now the granddaughter,life is so good ah! I think the material is so poor,people are not full,don't wear warm,let alone such a rich birthday party. You should cherish the happy life now,study well. " After listening to my grandmother's words,I deeply realized that our country has changed from poverty to wealth,technology from backward to advanced,and how great the change has been from people to cars.


  Now the development of our country is getting faster and faster,the change is very big,the future of the motherland is on us to develop,let us study well. Make our country more beautiful!

  中国的变化英文作文 篇13


  Students,do you know? We have experienced many vicissitudes and twists and turns in our beautiful and rich China.


  The past China,is a law of the jungle country,many are foreign to seize the treasure,many goods can not produce,even small matches have to be imported from abroad,traffic developed,people's life and health care are not guaranteed,education is not started. It can be said that the Chinese is a poor and blank,in a disastrous state country.


  Later,after the new China Chinese was founded,the Communist Party led the people through,embarked on a broad road of socialist construction,the revival of the Chinese nation.


  You see China now,railways and highways are like spiders. Shenzhou 6,Shenzhou 7 round the Chinese flying dream.


  Sports are also a great leap forward,and the number of medals in all kinds of competitions is always the top.


  Listening to Grandpa said that when they read,because the tuition is very expensive,many children can not go to school. Now,the tuition fee is free,the accommodation fee is free,even the book fee is free. The poor children get at least 300 yuan of living allowance per year,so that every child can go to school.


  Medical undertakings have also made great progress. The cooperative medical service has been realized,and now the disease can be cured,and everyone has the medical security. In the last few years,there was no effective medical treatment,because the price of medicine was too expensive and the people could not afford to eat it. In order to save a little money,if you have a disease,you can decoct the herbal medicine at home,and even drag it down.


  In a word,I am convinced that our country will be more and more prosperous and the future of our country will be better.

  中国的变化英文作文 篇14


  This is a new historical period in the history of our country in 1978. In this year,China has implemented the reform and opening up,and by 2009,it has been 31st anniversary of the reform and opening up. In this long period of time,there have been great changes in our country.


  In July 1,1997,it was a day to stay in love,‘ the Oriental Pearl ’ Hongkong was back in the embrace of the mother of the motherland. People celebrate the rush about telling the news around spreading across the country.


  In December 20,1999,this was another exciting day,and Macao was back. As soon as the happy news spread,the whole country was boiling and people were happy.


  In August 8,2008,the Beijing Olympic Games opened successfully on the day of the exhilarating Chinese Chinese. This is a long time for the people of our motherland. This ‘ the bird's nest ’ a collection of staff's blood. Today,it is also a glorious history in China's long history.


  While great changes have taken place in our country,there are also changes in our side.


  Listen to my grandma said,before our door there is no road,is a large field,people are taking more than one meter wide path,if you encounter a rainy day,everywhere is puddles,road more difficult to walk. At that time,the farmers were not rich,and a bicycle was good. We did not want to drink water,tap water,the water to go all the way back,very convenient. Later,the reform and opening up,we also built the road in the village,wide and flat. Farmers have gradually become rich,and some also buy cars. Every household in the village also has tap water,a wring of the tap,the water will be ‘ clam ’ the ground flow down,life has begun to become better. Talking about the past,grandma was deeply impressed.


  Yes,the reform and opening up,the motherland has become stronger,the life of the farmers have become better,and hope that our motherland will be better tomorrow.

  中国的变化英文作文 篇15


  Home is our warm harbor; the school is the place where we grow up happily; the motherland is our strong backing. These are all closely related to our lives.


  New changes have also been made on our campus. Our school has been flat before it has become a beautiful and sacred campus. There is a fountain,cool,beautiful and elegant Library of small pavilion,there are evergreen trees,beautiful flowers. The whole campus is like a picture.


  In the past,we painted,sang,and science classes on the class. Now we have private classrooms,including art rooms,music rooms,science rooms,&hellip,&hellip,and advanced appliances and all kinds of equipment. To see this,let us dizzying,you have not found the fast changes,you have to feel the wonderful life.


  Our living environment has changed a lot,came to the foot around Fangshan,aquamarine green,natural and fresh. Only a few egrets walking on the grass,add a little smart for this scene. No dust,no The atmosphere was foul. The beauty of this kind brings people a refreshing and happy mood.


  Nanjing is a bustling city,a sea of people,happy and peaceful. The shop sells all sorts,beautiful and exquisite products. People walk,look at the lantern,take a cruise ship … … every face is smiling.


  From the expression of people,we can see the change of the motherland. We only dedicate for the motherland,the motherland will have a better tomorrow,people will have a happy smile. Let's work hard from now on,striving for a better future for our country!















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