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2023-03-02 02:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

正好我也对这个问题挺感兴趣的,就各种 google、bing 了一下。


更详细的关于世界各国的插座(插头)标准以及相关的Single-Phase Voltage、Frequency等参数可以在下面这个网页里查到。

混合色代表这几种 type 都能用

Electricity around the world:Electricity around the world: everything about plugs, sockets, voltages, converters, etc.

仔细研究这些参数,你会发现它们基本上分成两大类。一类是以北美国家为首的110-120V/60Hz的标准,还有一类就是遍布世界各地的220-240V/50Hz的标准,尽管插座(插头)的形状不一样,参数还是基本上一致的,虽然还有个别奇葩的参数存在,比如有个国家叫Barbados,使用的是115V/50Hz,这个或许和国家特定的情况有关,我们暂时不讨论这些例外。 在上面那个 Electricity around the world 的网页里,对于为什么有这么多种标准,提到了这样一句话: The reason why we are now stuck with no less than 13 different styles of plugs and wall outlets, is because many countries preferred to develop a plug of their own, instead of adopting the US standard. 那么,为何US standard和世界上其他各国的标准不一样呢,继续google,终于让我找到了~ 摘录如下: Edison's early experiments with direct current (DC) power in the late 1800s netted the first useful mainstream applications for electricity, but suffered from a tendency to lose voltage over long distances. Nonetheless, when Nikola Tesla invented a means of long-distance transmission with alternating current (AC) power, he was doing so in direct competition with Edison's technology, which happened to be 110v. He stuck with that. By the time people started to realize that 240v power might not be such a bad idea for the US, it was the 1950s, and switching was out of the question. ......the debate was settled: AC power was the only option, and national standardization started in earnest. Westinghouse Electric, the first company to buy Tesla's patents for power transmission, settled on an easy standard: 60Hz, and 110v. In Europe—Germany, specifically—a company called BEW exercised their monopoly to push things a little further. They settled somewhat arbitrarily on a 50Hz frequency, but more importantly jacked voltages up to 240, because, you know, MORE POWER. And so, the 240 standard slowly spread to the rest of the continent.

简而言之,就是 Edison 用的直流电标准在长距离传输的时候会受到损耗较大的困扰,而 Nikola Tesla 发明了使用交流电的长距离传输技术,这个技术与爱迪生的技术形成了竞争,Westinghouse Electric 买下了这个专利,并把它规定为了 110V/60Hz,之后就逐渐变成了国家标准。与此同时,在德国,有一个叫做 BEW 的公司为了实现垄断(!),一意孤行地把他们的标准指定为 240V/50Hz,之后这个标准也逐渐传播开了,所以会形成今天的两大标准的局面。

感谢 @kun yu 的补充:110v是爱迪生订的,不是特斯拉,爱迪生为了配合他的电灯才用的110v。Edison's DC distribution system consisted of generating plants feeding heavy distribution conductors, with customer loads (lighting and motors)tapped off them. The system operated at the same voltage level throughout; for example, 100 volt lamps at the customer's location wouldbe connected to a generator supplying 110 volts, to allow for some voltage drop in the wires between the generator and load. The voltage level was chosen for convenience in lamp manufacture; high-resistance carbon filament lamps could be constructed to withstand 100 volts, and to provide lighting performance economically competitive with gas lighting. At the time it was felt that 100 volts was not likely to present a severe hazard of fatal electric shock.

后来欧洲的用 240v 也不仅仅是为了垄断,后来的金属灯丝能够承担 240v,而且电压高的话损耗比较小。

理解了为何有两种标准之后,再看插座(插头)的形状为何会有如此多种。继续摘抄资料如下: Harvey Hubbell's "Separable Attachment Plug"—which essentially allowed for non-bulb devices to be plugged into a light socket for power.......He later adapted the original design to include a two-pronged flat-blade plug, which itself was refined into a three-pronged plug—the third prong is for grounding—by a guy named Philip Labre in 1928. This design saw a few changes over the years too, but it's pretty much the type Americans use now. ......Here's the thing: Stories like that of Harvey Hubbell's plug were unfolding all over the world, each with their own twist on the concept. This was before electronics were globalized, and before country-to-country plug compatibility really mattered.

简而言之,就是一个叫做 Harvey Hubbell 的人发明了两个脚的插头,后来 Philip Labre 在他的基础之上改进成三个脚的(多了接地脚),这就基本上是今天北美插头的构造。并且在电气的全球化,以及跨国电器使用的兼容性问题还没有出现之前,世界上各国的科学家都已经发明出了自己的插座(插头),所以就会有如此多的种类了。

参考资料:Electricity around the world: everything about plugs, sockets, voltages, converters, etc.AC power plugs and socketsGiz Explains: Why Every Country Has a Different F#$%ing Plug




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