
您所在的位置:网站首页 助学金主要用途是什么呢英语作文 Coursera


2024-07-11 16:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Coursera一直是一个很好的线上学习视频,从中获益良多。Coursera可以免费旁听,也可以付费学习获得学位,但是旁听是无法参加作业批改的,包括编程Autograder和peer review。这里介绍下如何免费上Coursera,作为学生,如何白嫖是门学问$_$

Coursera 旁听

先介绍下怎么免费旁听,这个在漫长的助学金申请季可以先学习或者不在意证书以及批改作业功能的孩子可以用 :)P.S.这里教程就方便大部分人,换成中文网页,英文网页一样

选择想学习的课程,选择免费注册然后Coursera提供7天免费试用,但是我们在下角可以看到旁听按钮,就可以开始免费上课了但是作业,包括Quiz、Assignment这些可以做,但是无法批改Coursera 助学金申请


申请流程在刚才看到的课程网站,免费注册旁边有着有助学金的就是可以申请助学金的,如果没有就是不可以申请,很多Coursera自己搞的课貌似就不行,只能乖乖交钱,毕竟平台还是要恰饭的嘛审阅申请需要15天,申请成功会邮件通知,点击继续申请然后两个√上,以及复制粘贴一下,英文页面也是,只是换了英文,点击继续然后界面是这样,教育背景、年收入、工作情况这些不需要纠结,填填就好。我就填0了,当然别填那些分分钟几百万的 :)背景我就这样了,一般没影响然后是重头戏,主要是两个,为什么申请,申请有什么用。分别要150w+,英文!!!!这里放下我自己的模板,然后也会放上网上找到的模板,如有侵权,非常抱歉,请联系我删掉~然后建议就是仅供参考哦,毕竟Coursera提供助学金是非常感激的,如果大家用同一个模板,整个助学金申请因此受到负面影响就不好了 :)小作文1:为何申请助学金思路




Dear reviewers, I am a college student at Wuhan University which located in China. As a student, I am dependent on my family and have no income. My income is barely enough to cover my living expense, which means that I don’t have extra money to register for the class. However, this course (Applied Machine Learning in Python) really attracts me because I want to learn more about data science and how to become a data scientist while my department does not offer such courses. Furthermore, I want to apply for a program related to data science. Such courses will make sense during application. Without a job, I don’t want to put more financial burden on my family. I really appreciate Coursera offering such an opportunity for financial aid and I promise to finish my course if admitted.Thank you for your consideration. I hope you can consider my application. Looking forward to your reply.





Dear reviewers, though I major in remote sensing information science and learn something related to data science and something about python during my research, I have not learned data science systematically. After realizing self-learning may cost a lot of unnecessary time and energy, I turn to online courses for help, where such a course is one of them. Moreover, I want to apply to a program related to data science and maybe become a data scientist for my career. Such a course may help me have a better understanding of data science and how to use it properly with Python.What is equally worth mentioning is that data science, as a new field, is becoming a new trend for the whole world. After my preliminary learning with data science, it really attracts me by its amazing abilities to deal with big data, which can be used in all aspects of life. Furthermore, it helps in my recent research, which focuses on the big data of geoscience.As I have learned the related courses at the University of Michigan and I really learn a lot from these courses, I want to obtain more knowledge.

最后一步就是是否考虑使用低息贷款支付课程费用?其实直接选是就就好了,如果选否还需要继续写原因 :) 文章最后面也给几个选否的网上模板~然后点击提交申请就好啦,过一段时间会收到邮件,等待15天即可,一般都会批准的~其他模板

放下网上大佬们的模板~ 如有侵权,非常抱歉,请联系我删掉~再次建议有自己的模板更利于可持续性发展哦








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