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2023-06-08 13:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




  No.1  幽灵公主

  — Princess Mononoke (1997年)  —



  Princess Mononoke was Ghibli's(1)most expensive movie, and went on to become Japan's biggest-ever grossing(2) picture. Following a young warrior mortally cursed by a diseased boar(3)-demon, it takes us deep into Japan's primeval forest, as its gods of nature resist humanity's industrial progress. 


  Arguably(4) unsuitable for Ghibli's younger audience, it features brutal combat scenes and monstrous mutations (5), entwining (6) the theme of aborted (7) innocence with its overt(8) environmental concerns.


  (1) Ghibli: . Studio Ghibli: 吉卜力动画工作室,该名字来自二战时意大利的一架侦察机,意思是“撒哈拉沙漠的热风”。

  (2) gross [ɡrəʊs] v. 总共赚得(收入或毛利) 

  (3) boar [bɔː(r)] n. 野猪 

  (4) arguably [ˈɑːɡjuəbli] adv.可论证地;可能,大概 

  (5) mutation [mjuːˈteɪʃn] n.【生】突变;突变体 

  (6) entwine [ɪnˈtwaɪn] vt. 使紧密结合

  (7) aborted [əˈbɔːtɪd] adj. (计划等)中途失败的,夭折的 

  (8) overt [əʊˈvɜːt] adj. 公开的,明显的

  No.2 龙猫

  —  My Neighbor Totoro(1988)  —



  Considered Miyazaki's masterpiece, and certainly his best-loved work, its big-grinned forest-spirit star forms the basis of a huge merchandising(9) empire in Japan. An intimate family tale set during one summer in 1950s rural Japan, it boasts(10) astonishing attention to detail and delicate characterization of two young sisters, Mei and Satsuki, who have moved with their father to a new house while their mother is away in hospital (Miyazaki's own mother suffered from spinaltuberculosis(11)). Few films better capture(12) the joyful power of unfettered(13) childhood imagination.


  (9) merchandising [ˈmɜːtʃəndaɪzɪŋ] n. (由电影、人物或事件衍生的)产品,商品 

  (10) boast [bəʊst] vt. 以拥有……而自豪 

  (11) spinal tuberculosis: 脊柱结核 

  (12) capture [ˈkæptʃə(r)] vt. (图片、著作、电影等)准确地表达出(某种情感或气氛) 

  (13) unfettered [ʌnˈfetəd] adj.无拘无束的

  No.3  千与千寻

  —  Spirited Away —



  Sixteen years after the foundation of Ghibli, Miyazaki finally found success in the West. Heaped(14) with critical praise and also an Oscar, his colorful tale of a sulky(15) girl named Chihiro trapped in a world of spirits, demons and gods after her parents are turned into pigs proved pleasantly flummoxing(16) to its Western audience. It takes a sudden twist of direction midway through, shifting focus from Chihiro to hungry ghost No-Face, then sending the girl on a mission to save boy Aku rather than freeing her parents.


  (14) heap [hiːp] vt. 大量地(或慷慨地)给予 

  (15) sulky [ˈsʌlki] adj. 生气的,愠怒的,绷着脸的

  (16) flummox [ˈflʌməks] vt. 使困惑,使慌乱


  "There were girls I'd known since they'd been babies. They were daughters of my friend. And they grew to be 10 and 12 and I said, 'I can distance myself from them now, they're going to blossom into women and I don't have to play uncle anymore.' And I was wondering how they would live from now on, and I thought of Spirited Away as a gift to those girls."


  No.4  风之谷

  —  Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind —



  Based on Miyazaki's own complex manga (which he didn't finish until 1994), Nausicaa is a remark able work, set in a post-apocalyptic (17) world swathed (18) in poisonous gas, the quarrelling remnants (19) of humanity sharing the earth with giant insectoids (20). It's eerily (21) beautiful, with a powerful, young female lead character—now a Miyazaki mainstay (22)—and is not the last of his films to resound with a clear environmental message (the mercury-pollution of Minamata Bay(23) wash is main inspiration).


  (17)apocalyptic [əˌpɒkəˈlɪptɪk] adj. 预示大动乱的;预示世界末日恐怖景象的

  (18) swathe [sweɪð] vt. 包裹,包围

  (19) remnant [ˈremnənt] n. [常作~s]残存部分;残余分子 

  (20) insectoid [ˈɪnsektɔɪd] n. 虫类,指任何带有虫子或蜘蛛外形特征的生物。 

  (21) eerily [ˈɪərəli] adv. 怪异地 

  (22) mainstay [ˈmeɪnsteɪ] n. 主要依靠,支柱 

  (23) the mercury-pollution of MinamataBay : 日本水俣湾汞污染事件。1932~1968年,日本熊本县水俣镇的一家化工厂排出的废水中含有汞,导致海水中的鱼虾中毒,又经过食物链使人中毒。经确定,到2001年3月,有2265人因此受到伤害,其中1784人死亡。此次事件是世界上有名的公害事件之一。

  No.5  魔女宅急便

  —  Kiki's Delivery Service  —



  While being raised by loving parents who support her independence, Kiki is faced with problems common in adolescence such as finding a job, seeking acceptance, and taking care of herself.

  Kiki's loss of her ability to fly is also the subject of discussion. It is considered the worst crisis Kiki has to face during the film. The loss of flight reflects the harm dealt to Kiki by her own self-doubts. In essence, the experience demonstrates that such vulnerability can help one learn valuable lessons and better understand oneself.







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