功夫熊猫4(2024)Kung Fu Panda 4、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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功夫熊猫4(2024)Kung Fu Panda 4、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

2024-07-12 02:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

That's right. It is I, Tai Lung. - It can't be.没想到我大龙又回来了 - 怎么会I have returned to take what is mine.我要把属于我的全都拿回来Which is everything that is yours.你们的通通都是我的Let it be known from the highest mountain让四山五岳to the lowest valley that Tai Lung lives,九江八河的人都知道 我大龙还活着and no one will stand in his way.谁敢挡我 我就要谁的命Not even the great就是神龙大侠Dragon Warrior.也叫他有来无回功 夫 熊 猫 4Where is Po?阿宝 怎么还不来呀?He was supposed to be here hours ago.按说这孩子早就应该到了才对Ping, will you please平哥 先别急just relax?悠着点 别慌I am relaxed! - Okay.我哪里慌了 - 好了I'm sure Po is fine.阿宝肯定不会出事But what if he's sick?他会不会生病?What if he's hurt?会不会受伤了?What if he's hungry?会不会饿死了?Don't get your noodles in a twist.你就把心放宽吧If I know our son, he's probably just kicking back咱那小子这会肯定在哪打个小盹and catching some rays.捕个大鱼的Kung fu!看招That's bad.真没素质Whoa! Getting worse.好啊 还来劲了Okay,行了big guy. We're really gonna have to wrap this up.大笨鱼 本大侠没功夫再陪你玩了That was fun. - Let's do that again.好好玩 - 再来一次And next time, keep your surf off their turf.你这个海鲜 以后别上陆地上瞎转悠了I'm late. I'm late.迟到了 迟到了Ooh, I'm late.迟到了啊It's the Dragon Warrior!是神龙大侠Was,行不更名is and坐不改姓always will be. - Dragon Warrior!正是在下 - 神龙大侠We love you, Dragon Warrior!俺们爱你And I love you too, adoring fan. - Dragon Warrior!我也爱你们 - 神龙大侠Sign my scroll.请给我签个名Okay, okay.别急 别急I'll sign whatever you want.想签哪都行Po!阿宝Master Shifu!对不起 师♥傅♥Here, let me just--那什么 我帮您擦擦There, that's much... worse.您看 这么一擦好像 更丑了We have to talk.我有事找你Absolutely. Let's talk.你有啥事尽管说Right after the ceremony.剪完彩我就来听Ceremony?什么剪彩?What ceremony?你去剪什么彩?The Staff of Wisdom.这个天慧法杖Given to me by Master Oogway himself.是乌龟大♥师♥亲手送给我的It is said that whoever possesses this staff has the power传说得此法杖者便可得通天法力to travel between the realms.自♥由♥穿行于三界间The power to unlock the door to the Spirit Realm.能开启那扇通往灵界的封印之门And now, the power to open...甚至还能在这凤水宝地the all-new Dragon Warrior Noodles给咱们新开张的神龙大侠面条豆腐店and Tofu.送福Where the broth has kick面条香浓好劲道and the bean curd's a knockout.豆腐美味震山倒Will the Furious Five be here too?盖世五侠他们也会来这里吗Unfortunately, no.很可惜他们来不了了They're off on super cool kung fu missions.盖世五侠去环游四海行侠仗义了Tigress is taking on the free-range chicken gang.悍娇虎去教训那群野鸡帮Monkey's hot on the trail of the missing macaque.猴王去寻找下落不明的猕猴Crane was crowned king of the Crocodilians.灵鹤在鳄鱼国当大王Long story.说来话长Viper's wrapping up peace talks between the cobras and the mongooses.跳跳龙在劝眼镜蛇跟猫鼬握手言和Or is it mongeese?话说蛇有手吗And Mantis? Well...还有快螳螂呢He's just trying to keep his blushing bride from biting his head off.快螳螂在忙着讨老婆欢心 不然很有可能会脑袋不保Just 'cause they're not here in person盖世五侠没来没关系doesn't mean they're not here as life-sized cut-outs.咱们这有和盖世五侠一样大的画板子Now, who wants a picture?有谁想要合影吗Okay, okay.有请 有请One at a time. You.一个一个来 看你And then you.下一个是你He really captured your disapproving scowl.他把您生气的样子画的太形象了We need to talk.我有话跟你说Hey, can I get one of those能画成小的吗in a wallet size?放口袋里Po! - Coming.阿宝 - 来了Do you remember the first time you climbed these steps to the Jade Palace?还记得你第一次爬长阶上天静宫吗How could I forget?那怎么忘得了I thought I'd never make it to the top.我以为这辈子都爬不上去了Yes, but you persevered.可你还是爬上来了And once again, destiny calls for you如今你将迎来新的使命to take the next step on your journey.爬上一段新的台阶The next step?新的台阶?What are you talking about? I've already taken all the steps.啥意思啊 我不都已经爬到顶了吗Haven't I?我失忆了?It is time for you to choose your successor.你要收个徒弟继承你的衣钵Successor for what?继承啥衣钵?A successor你的衣钵to be the next Dragon Warrior.成为新的神龙大侠Yeah, I get it.哈哈哈 师♥傅♥你可真逗Funny, 'cause I'm the Dragon Warrior.我就是神龙大侠Whoa, whoa, whoa.啊 不是不是Wait, wait.等会You mean, I'm not gonna be the Dragon Warrior anymore?所以我以后就不再是神龙大侠了?Exactly.就这意思Then what am I gonna be?那我以后是什么?Once a successor is chosen,你选好传人以后you will advance to the highest level in all of kung fu.等在你面前的将是天下武学的巅峰Spiritual Leader of the Valley of Peace. - Whoa.成为和平谷的灵魂宗师 - 哇I don't know what that means.灵魂宗师是干啥的It's just like Master Oogway before you.就像以前乌龟大♥师♥那样You will oversee the Valley,守护和平谷passing along wisdom为大家传道授业and inspiring hope.传递薪火Look, I appreciate the promotion.谢谢师♥傅♥这么看得起我I think I'm just gonna stick with the whole "Dragon Warrior" thing.不过神龙大侠的活就已经够我们的了Dragon Warrior "thing"?神龙大侠的活?What is it you're holding?你手里拿的什么?A cookie. - Other hand.饼干呢 - 另一只手The Staff of Wisdom.您说天慧法杖It was given to you by Master Oogway.乌龟大♥师♥把天慧法杖给你Do you really think it was so you could open a restaurant?是让你拿他去给饭馆剪彩Or pose for pictures?到处和人合影的吗He wasn't super specific.给我的时候没说不行啊Oogway entrusted you with that staff乌龟大♥师♥把它托付给你so you could follow in his footsteps是希望你能追随他的脚步and become something超越自我better than you already are.更上一层楼You take it.你拿走吧No. Oogway did not give it to me.胡闹 乌龟大♥师♥没有选择我Being the next Oogway is not my destiny,成为灵魂宗师不是我的使命which I have accepted and am at peace with.我已经坦然接受了这一事实Really. It's fine.真的 不受伤You don't sound fine.听着挺受伤You don't sound fine! I'm very fine!我说没受伤就没受伤Okay, you're fine. - This is an honor.好好好 没受伤 - 你应该觉得光荣Oogway chose you as his successor,




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