功夫熊猫3Kung Fu Panda 3、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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功夫熊猫3Kung Fu Panda 3、英文台词翻译、剧本翻译、中英文对照、剧本下载

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等凉了再吃吧Get them while they're cold.你们在干什么What are you doing there?这是给阿宝做的That food is for Po!扔进去Throw it in!来抱抱 就这样There, there. That's it.-感觉放松了吗 -是啊- Feeling relaxed? - Totally.只要顺其自然Just let yourself fall into it.知道了Got it.我没事 我只是...I'm fine. I just...好了 吐出来就好了There we go. Just let it all out.就这样That's my boy.从上面下来Get out of there!我的面条My noodles!别碰我的面条Leave my noodles alone.真淘气啊 阿宝 真够淘气的Subtle, Po. Very subtle.我也要抱抱Let me get some of that.别咬我的帽子Hey, leave my hat alone!我们爱吃面条We love noodles!还要面条More noodles!就和阿宝一样Just like my Po.你们在看什么What are you guys looking at?我们就是这么滚的 开炮That's how we roll! Cannonball!好棒Yeah!来 再高点Here, bring it up here.妈妈你看Mom, look it! Whoa!我做得怎么样How was that?你再试一次 不过别太用力Now, you try again. But don't try so hard.好的 好的Okay. Okay.好多了Much better.谢谢了 老爸Thanks, Dad.谢我什么For what?你知道 就是为了You know, just for, you know,教我怎么去过...showing me what it feels like...熊猫的生活To be a panda.所以呢 你觉得我什么时候能准备好了So, when do you think I'll be ready?准备什么Ready?学怎么掌握气功You know, to learn how to master chi.很快就好了 很快Soon. Real soon.跟我来 我想给你看样东西 来吧Come on, I wanna show you something else. Come on.这里有点乱 我这里不大有人来Sorry about the mess. I don't usually get visitors.这是我妈妈吗Is this my Mom?在你百日的时候画的I had this done on your 100th day.你妈妈抱着你的时候 你一直在乱动Your Momma couldn't hold you still.你差点就把画纸吃了You nearly ate the paper.是真的It's true.她什么样What was she like?她很完美She was the total package.聪明 美丽...Smart, beautiful...食量惊人Tremendous appetite.她是我一生的挚爱She was the love of my life.就在我以为我已经最幸运的时候...And then, just when I thought I couldn't get any luckier...你出生了 我的小莲花along you came, my little lotus.那时我真的拥有了一切I really had it all.直到我...Until that one moment...又失去了一切when I lost everything.老爸Dad.你再也不用担心失去我了You don't have to worry about losing me ever again.好吗Okay?我也要抱抱Let me get some of that.从东部来的消息It's from the Eastern province!蜥蜴大♥师♥ 公牛大♥师♥ 雄鹰大♥师♥Master Lizard, Master Ox, Master Eagle.所有人All of them.自海边直至这里的所有村庄...In every village from the sea to here...全中国的所有大♥师♥...every master in China...都消失了has vanished.他们可能都去参加聚会了Maybe they are all at a party.金猴Monkey.我也没接到邀请I didn't get invited either.是天煞夺走了他们的气Kai has taken their chi.只有我们能阻止他毁掉We are all that stand between him...乌龟留给我们保管的书卷了and the knowledge Oogway left in our care.村民都疏散了吗The villagers, evacuated?疏散完毕了 师♥父♥Done, Master.-仙鹤和螳螂呢 -还是没有消息- Crane, Mantis? - Still nothing.等等 他们来了Wait. It's them!不No!天煞Kai.好极了Nice.都没多大本事Very tacky.你怎敢涉足这片土地How dare you set foot on these grounds!看看你们这些可悲的傻瓜Look at you pathetic fools.在伟大的乌龟脚下卑躬屈膝Groveling at the feet of Oogway the magnificent.你没有资格说他的名字You are not fit to speak his name.我没有资格吗 小猫咪I am not fit, little kitten?我曾同他并肩战斗I fought by his side.曾待他亲如手足I loved him like a brother.而他却背叛了我And he betrayed me.如今我要毁灭他所建成的一切Now I will destroy everything he has created!上Go!小猫咪这招滋味如何How's that for a little kitten?我不会让你毁掉乌龟的回忆I will not let you destroy Oogway's memory.为什么不行 他也毁了我的Why not? He destroyed mine.螳螂Mantis.是我 你的好兄弟It is me, your bestie!抱歉 悍娇虎Sorry, Tigress!对不起 对不起Sorry! Sorry! Sorry!对不起Sorry!师♥父♥Shifu.把他们带过来Bring them to me.不No.你必须去警告阿宝You must warn Po.求你了 师♥父♥Master, please.让你见识一下气功真正的力量 兄弟I will show you the true power of chi, brother.不No.乌龟 原谅我Oogway, forgive me.你说什么 乌龟Hmm. What do you say, Oogway?你原谅他吗Do you forgive him?你可以毁掉翡翠宫...You may have destroyed the Jade palace...但你永远不会得逞But you will never succeed.总会有人出来阻止你的There will always be someone to stop you.谁 那只熊猫吗Who? The panda?他体内的气很强His chi is strong...但还是不足与我为敌But it won't be enough.-他会和你一个下场 -不- He will meet the same fate as you. - No.那个村庄里的所有熊猫也一样And so will every panda in that village.好极了Yes.阿宝 我希望你已经准备好了Po, I hope you're ready.跳舞 小莲花 跳起来Dance, lotus. Dance.小伙子长得真帅He's so handsome.这才算是熊猫的抱抱That's a panda hug!阿宝Po.悍娇虎Tigress?她是谁Who's she?那是谁Who is that?大花娃娃Big stripy baby!你怎么来了What are you doing here?天煞袭击了山谷Kai attacked the valley.他已经得到了天下所有大♥师♥的气He's taken every master in China,包括师♥父♥和其他人including Shifu and the others.都完了 阿宝 所有东西 所有人It's all gone, Po. Everything. Everyone.




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