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2023-04-10 23:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,大学里的讲师用英语怎么说 2,用5句简短的英文介绍你的老师 3,介绍一下你最喜爱的一位老师,五句话左右,用于五年级会的单词(英语作文) 4,英语作文把某人介绍给某人十五句话 5,怎样用英文介绍自己的一位老师? 6,用英语介绍你的一位老师的作文 7,用5句简短的英文介绍你的老师 8,用英语介绍一位英语老师,5句话,要中文 9,求一篇80字的英语作文!!急!!内容是介绍自己从小到大的英语学习经历!明天老师就要问了啊! 10,英语作文简单介绍我的老师60字 1,大学里的讲师用英语怎么说

讲师 lecturer 以下是常用的职称翻译:教授 professor副教授 associate professor讲师 lecturer助教 teaching assistant高级讲师 senior lecturer助理讲师 assistant lecturer教员 teacher研究员 professor副研究员 associate professor助理研究员 assistant professor研究实习员 assistant engineer高级实验师 senior engineer实验师 engineer助理实验师 assistant engineer实验员 technician高级工程师 senior engineer工程师 engineer助理工程师 assistant engineer技术员 technician高级农艺师 senior agronomist农艺师 agronomist助理农艺师 assistant agronomist农业技术员 agrotechnician高级兽医师 senior veterinarian兽医师 veterinarian助理兽医师 assistant veterinarian兽医技术员 technician高级畜牧师 senior engineer畜牧师 engineer助理畜牧师 assistant engineer畜牧技术员 technician高级经济师 senior economist经济师 economist助理经济师 assistant economist经济员 technician高级会计师 senior certified public accountant会计师 certified public accountant助理会计师 assistant certified public accountant会计员 accountant高级统计师 senior statistician统计师 statistician助理统计师 assistant statistician统计员 statistical worker编审 professor副编审 associate professor编辑 editor助理编辑 assistant editor技术编辑 technical editor助理技术编辑 assistant technical editor技术设计员 technician研究馆员 professor副研究馆员 associate professor馆员 librarian助理馆员 assistant librarian管理员 library staff主任医师 professor副主任医师 associate professor主治医师 attending doctor医师 doctor医士 medical assistant主任药师 chief pharmacist副主任药师 associate chief pharmacist主管药师 pharmacist药师 pharmacist药士 assistant pharmacist主任护师 chief nurse副主任护师 associate chief nurse主管护师 nurse护师 nurse护士 nurse主任技师 chief technician副主任技师 associate chief technician主管技师 technician技师 technician技士 assistant technician博士后 post doctor博士生 doctor student硕士生 master student



My English teacher is Mr.Brown.(我的英语老师是布朗) He is tall and strong.(他又高又壮。) He likes playing basketball.(他喜欢打篮球。) His class is so fun.(他的课很有趣。) We all like him very much.(我们都非常喜欢他) 英语常用的介绍用语: 1、“I'd like to introduce you to my dear friend, Mr. Walker”. (我想把你介绍给我亲爱的朋友,Walker先生。) 2、“Allow me to introduce my colleague, Ms. Smith”. (请容许我介绍一下我的同事,Smith小姐。) 3、“Let me introduce you to my colleague, Paul Walter”. (让我把你介绍给我的同事,Paul Walter。) 4、“Mr. Beck, this is Richard Winters from E-company Inc”. (Beck先生,这是Richard Winters,来自于E-company有限公司。)




I made a plan for the next month. First I will review the English words since there will be an exam next month. Then I'll do some houswork. My parents work hard. So I’ll try to help them. Then, I'll go for a trip. I'll enjoy fresh air, do some sightseeing. It's good for my health. At last, I'll spend one hour a day to do some sports. I want to keep healthy and strong. I'm sure I can finish my plan. 译文: 我为下个月制定了一个计划,首先我要复习英语因为下月有考试.我还会做些家务,爸妈都很忙,我要力所能及地帮他们.接着我要去出游一次.享受下新鲜空气和景色,这对我健康有好处.最后,我会每天抽一个小时做些运动.我想保持身体健康强壮.我肯定会完成计划的.  自我介绍 我的眼睛小小的,脑袋圆圆的,耳朵大大的,嘴唇薄薄的,这就是我,虽然不是很漂亮,但很可爱。   我特别爱吃肉,我奶奶常说我是老虎,喜欢吃肉。我也是这么认为,因为我属虎。以前,肉吃的太多,青菜吃少了,所以我有些营养不良。现在,医生给我开了维生素,还让我多吃青菜,因此,我体内的营养在一天天增加,以前的眼部疾病也好得差不多了。   体育课可以尽情地活动,锻炼身体,还能能学习一些动作技巧。比起音乐、英语课,我更喜欢它。知道我最喜欢哪一个项目吗?我最喜欢下棋了,下棋不仅可以锻炼大脑,增长好多课外知识,还不费力气,是一个比其他项目要好的活动,我建议大家可以学学下棋!   我还是个“小书迷”!爸爸经常教导我说 “读书破万卷,下笔如有神。要多看书,多学知识!”我也认为读书对学习有帮助,于是我几乎天天都看课外书。每天睡觉前至少要看十五分钟,早上起来后也会拿起书看一下。从这些课外书里,我收获到了很多道理,比如,“不能光靠别人帮助,要自己想办法解决困难。”慢慢地,我就有了课余看书的习惯了。为此,爸爸妈妈经常表扬我。


1、My favourite teacher is Miss Huang. She is a beautiful lady. She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. There is always a smile on her face. 译:我最喜欢的老师是黄老师。她是一位美丽的女士。她有两只大眼睛,一个高高的鼻子和一个红色的小嘴巴。她脸上总是挂着微笑。 2、Miss Huang likes singing and collecting posters. She is good at playing the piano. In the evening, she always sits in front of the piano and plays nice music. She is good at dancing, too. Sometimes she teaches us dancing. 译:黄老师喜欢唱歌和收集海报。她钢琴弹得很好。晚上,她总是坐在钢琴前弹奏优美的音乐。她也擅长跳舞。有时她教我们跳舞。 3、Miss Huang likes dogs very much because the dog is very friendly and cute. Her favourite color is blue. Because blue is the color of the sky and the sea. 译:黄老师很喜欢狗,因为狗很友好很可爱。她最喜欢的颜色是蓝色。因为蓝色是天空和海洋的颜色。 my favorite teaher my favorite teacher is my english teaher ,beacuse she is very kind, for example ;one day,i left my homework in my home,after she heard ,she didn't angry with me,and ,she said me don't worry and let me thriught about,at last ,she helped me do my homework,so,i love her 我最喜欢老师 我最喜欢的老师是我的英语老师,因为她很和蔼, 例如,有一天,我把作业留在家里,她听到后,她没有生我的气,她说我不用担心,让我兴奋起来,最后,她帮我做作业,所以,我爱她


My English Teacher I began to like English when I entered the senior high school. I owe it to my English teacher who has stimulated① my great interest in learning English and then influenced my future, and whose name is Zhang Yanshu----a name I will keep in my mind forever. She showed great love to us which is deeply appealing to②our heart. Different from other teachers, she has never been impolite to us. Oppositely, she treated us equally. She made efforts to attract us to the world of English, to understand the beauty of the language and enjoy the cultures of the foreign countries. With her skillful help, the students in our class took great interest in this course and improved rapidly. She was kind and patient. She did not mind the students' slowness in learning new knowledge, but it did not mean that she was not strict with us. To make what we had learned strong, she often asked us to recall③ the knowledge in class. This was also a method to examine the homework she had assigned④. In that case, we had to work hard so as to live up to⑤her hope. She is such an excellent teacher that we got so much from her, not only the knowledge but also kindness, diligence⑥ and appreciation for beauty. All these will be useful to all my life. 【词语解释】 ①stimulate ['stimjuleit]v.激发 ②appeal to[+'pi:lt+]vi.有感染力;有吸引力 ③recall [ri'k&:l]v.回顾;回忆 ④assign[+'sain]v.布置;分配;指定 ⑤live up to 不辜负;实践 ⑥diligence['dilidN+ns] n.勤勉;勤奋;努力 【写法指要】 1)本文从“对学生的爱”和“和蔼耐心”两方面,写出了张老师感人至深的优秀品质。文章写得圆满、充实。 2)文章引言段第二句是一个掉尾句或圆周句(periodic sentence),也叫左枝句(left-branching sentence)。掉尾句是将句子中的主要内容放在末尾的句子。这种句子可以造成悬念(suspense)这一修辞效果,即把读者的胃口吊起来,催促其看下文,类似说评书时到要紧三关处的“且听下回分解”。掉尾句与松散句(loose sentence)相对。后者把主要内容安排在句子的前半部分。 松散句是人们习惯上常用的普通的句子。掉尾句是一种修辞句法,是人们在演讲和写作时为了某种修辞效果而特意安排的句式。


My English teacher is Mr.Brown.(我的英语老师是布朗) He is tall and strong.(他又高又壮。) He likes playing basketball.(他喜欢打篮球。) His class is so fun.(他的课很有趣。) We all like him very much.(我们都非常喜欢他) 英语常用的介绍用语: 1、“I'd like to introduce you to my dear friend, Mr. Walker”. (我想把你介绍给我亲爱的朋友,Walker先生。) 2、“Allow me to introduce my colleague, Ms. Smith”. (请容许我介绍一下我的同事,Smith小姐。) 3、“Let me introduce you to my colleague, Paul Walter”. (让我把你介绍给我的同事,Paul Walter。) 4、“Mr. Beck, this is Richard Winters from E-company Inc”. (Beck先生,这是Richard Winters,来自于E-company有限公司。)


写作思路:英语作文介绍英语老师,可以从老师的外貌,性格,上课等内容描写。 正文如下: My favorite teacher is my English teacher who is a kind-hearted woman. 我最喜欢的老师是我的英语老师,她是一个善良的人。 She has two big eyes, a high nose and a little red mouth. 她有两只大大的眼睛,一个高高的鼻子和一张小小的红唇. There is always a smile on her face. 她的脸上总带着笑容. She can make her calsses lively and interesting and helps us to overcome the difficulties. 她上的课也很生动有趣,她经常帮助我们克服困难。 She is a easygoing teacher and we get along well with her. 她是一个随和的老师,而且和我们与她相处得很好。 All of the students love her,and she is our good friend. 所有的学生都喜欢她,她是我们的好朋友。


My experience of learn English When I was at primary school, I was not interested in English at all. At that time, my English was very poor.My problem in learning English are writing and speaking. I don't like remember the new words, they are so many. I don't have a good language environment to practice speaking English. To overcome the barrier, I listened a lot of English songs, watched movie in English without translation. By this way, I made English learning fun and attractive. 貂雪 2008年09月 1 第一次回答可获2分,答案被采纳可获得悬赏分和Myproblem in learning English are writing and speaking. I don't like remember the new words, they are so many. I don't have a good language environment to practice speaking English. To overcome the barrier, I listened a lot of English songs, watched movie in English without translation. By this way, I made English learning fun and attractive. 额外20分奖励。 背靠背、... 2008年09月 0 Learning english can be a very difficult task for most people, this is because we dont live in a environment where we are forced to speak or write english. so i think the best way to learn english is by communicating with others using the lagnguage itself and not just learn from the book. Im sure if you live in an environment such as a foreign country and were forced to speak and write english everyday then your english will imprve dramatically. Although we must agree that we need to read and write english from the book in order to get the foundations that we need for basic communication, this is essential but as i said, this is only a foundation, what you develop afterwards all depends on your ability to adapt to an environment and your courage.


范文: My English teather is Mr Xu, his English name is Martin. His English is very good. And he always wears a pair of glasses. He likes wearing blue trousers. My teacher is handsome. 我的英语老师叫许老师,他的英文名字是马丁。他的英文非常好。而且他经常戴眼镜。他喜欢穿蓝裤子。我的老师很英俊。 He often plays with us after class. He often reads books and English. His hobby is reading books. Mr Xu likes drinking Coke and eating chips. Sometimes he is angry, because we are naughty. Sometimes he is happy, because we are good. 他经常在课后和我们一起做游戏。他常常看书,读英文。他的爱好就是看书。许老师喜欢喝可乐,吃薯条。有时他会生气,因为我们太淘气。有时他很快乐,因为我们很听话。




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